Teddy bear identification is key to any serious teddy bear collector, especially as there are some fake antique teddy bears out there.
Unfortunately many antique and old bears have lost their labels and tags and this means that other characteristics have to be observed to try and identify the bear's origins.
Of course it would be impossible to try and list all of the individual maker bears individual characteristics here (See my antique bears pages for individual characteristics). However I can give you some starting pointers to get you on the right track.
We will also talk about antique valuations for teddies as well as record keeping.
Although I am unable to Identify your bear individually (although I will always try and help where I can), I have provided this resource where you can submit your teddy bear details and allow visitors to the site to try and help identify your bear for you.
After all there is a wealth of teddy bear knowledge out there among all the collectors and teddy bear lovers. So why not pull our collective knowledge together and help each other with teddy bear identification.
Click Here To Submit Your Bears Details
There simply isn't anything that can replace research and experience when it comes to teddy bear identification. So it is important that you read as much as possible about teddy bears and their makers and also handle as many old bears as possible.
Visiting auctions, antique centres and teddy bear fairs will enable you to see and possible handle bears. It will also give you the opportunity of talking to experts in the field of arctophily.
Over Time you will develop a sixth sense about whether or not a bear is for real and also who there possible maker is.
Teddy bear Identification isn't always easy but when looking at bears the main things to keep in mind and learn about are:
The difference between Mohair and artificial plush. Over time you will get to know the difference in feel. There is a more drastic way of telling, by burning a small amount or pulled our fur, real Mohair leaves an ash whereas artificial plush leaves a sort of plastic residue, but I don't think many antique dealers would like this.
The difference between Kapok and wood wool. Kapok is very like and soft to the touch, whereas wood wool is heavier and will crackle as you squeeze the bear.
What makes one bear more valuable than another? Good question and one that is not always that easy to answer, but there are few things which definitely affect their price. These are:
Bear manufacturer - generally bears which have been made by companies which are world renowned for producing quality teddy bears, such as Steiff, Bing and Schuco will command a high price.
Condition of the bear - Naturally the better the condition, especially if it a very old bear, the higher the price.
Labels and tags still attached - Bears stiff attached to their original labels will always be more highly prized.
Age of the bear. - pre World War one bears are the most sort after but other bears from the 1920's and 30's are also commanding higher prices.
Rarity - The fewer there is of something the better when it comes to the antique market and the same is true in the world of collecting teddy bears.
History - Sometimes if a provenance is attached to a bear and can be proved as true can also give a bear a boost in its price.
The value of antique teddy bears is changing all the time but to get a general feel for the sort of prices which some bears can command you can either subscribe to auction houses who hold teddy bear auctions and see what the guide prices are for the bears. Or you can check online with a site such as Millers who report the sale price of recently sold bears.
This may sound rather boring but a collection can soon outgrow your memory and if you are a serious teddy bear collector you will need to know just how much you paid for the bear and other important factors which may affect its sale in the future.
Insurance companies also like to have comprehensive details when insuring a specialist collections so the more you have the easier and more comprehensive insurance you will be able to acquire.
Records can be kept on cards or on computer but as a general rule you should keep records of:
For the most serious of collector it is also advisable to note:
Make sure a number is given to each of your records and a corresponding number is attached to each bear.
Next - Where to buy teddy Bears
If you recognize any of these bears please click the picture and comment on that page.
Use This Form To Submit Your Teddy Bears Details
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Lost Bear from 2007-2009 era and got it from walmart but is very special**
This was my younger brothers bear. I got it for him in 2007 and picked it out for him as his one year old gift. (I was 2). He grew up with it but …
Dark brown 9" teddy bear w white paws, ears, snout, chest patch
Dark brown 9" teddy bear w white paws, ears, snout, chest patch. Given probably by my grandma circa 1982-89. I have lovingly called this bear higgins bear …
Grandfather's Old Bear
This bear belonged to my grandfather. I am curious about what make it is, where is might have been purchased, possible value beyond sentimental value, …
Vacuum cleaner bear
Hi my sister was given a bear when she was born in 1978, the bear came from the UK and was given free when you bought a vacuum cleaner. He is about 2 …
From original owner who was born around WW1.
Brown bear in near perfect condition with no tags, no dirt or damage of any sort nor any bad smells about 15 inches in length. Eyes look like glass and …
Looking for info on 90s Sparkly Teddy Bear
Hello all!! This brown glittery plush teddy bear was purchased for me in the early 90s from a Mott’s Five and Dime store by my mother and grandmother (located …
Steiff Teddy bear? Can you help me identify?
I recently found this Teddy bear amongst many other stuffed animals in a box. I immediately recognized the wool mohair from all the others. My mother in …
Old bear with music box in belly
Hi there, My name is Sarah and I was just writing in hope's that you could please help me identify my old bear that was passed down after my grandfather …
a Bear Factory Fluffy Fun Bear from 2001
hello, i've trying to find this Fluffy Fun Bear from 2001 No, I don't have this plush, rather I'm trying to find it. I've found other Bear Factory Plushes …
Brown bear with tartan details, mid-late 80s
This is my favourite bear. He was passed down to me from my older brother, the bear was given to him from a family member around the mid-late 80s or early …
1930s small mohair
"Palooka" was my Dad's bear. Dad was born in 1930. Probably purchased in circa 1934 or 35. I have a drawing Dad did of him with his larger bear and a rabbit. …
Polar Bear Plush (approx 2001)
Hello! this is a bear i got as a child (there are photos of me as an infant with him in perfect condition in 2001, leading me to believe he was bought …
My mom got him in 1998. He is very soft. Has bean bags at his bottom and feet anc hands. He is about 18 inches tall. He has very light brown fur that I’m …
1953 teddy bear
Hi I got him from neighbours as I’d lost my teddy I’d had from birth. So he was not purchased by us this was about 1953 so he could be a few years older. …
Old teddy bear
I was out one day riding around and decided to take a little side trip off an old dirt road. I came across this tiny small structure that had one small …
Thrift store find #2 mohair bear?
So this fella again is in very good shape. Im positive his eyes are plastic as well as his nose. Again little felt tongue sticking out. He's about 20" …
Orange bear with heart attached
This bear was given to me by my boyfriend, and he has had it since before he was born. This bear is very special to me, and after lots and lots of searching, …
Teddy from around 2002
Hello!! I have done hours of googling and have had no luck so i hope that this website can help because I would love to find out where my bear came from …
Antique bear Maybe 1950s?
Hello, a lady was giving away this bear. Couldn't believe my luck!
The lady’s mom found it and the lady who gave it to me was around 60yrs old, so …
Diesel Brave Kid Bear
I am looking for some help to value this bear. My daughter got him as a gift in 2016. He is a diesel bear and is black in colour with silver embroidered …
My best friend's bear went missing
My best friend was staying at a hotel in west Texas a few months ago and accidentally left her bear there. After making arrangements to have the hotel …
Looking for a long lost friend,
Hi All,
I am looking for a long lost friend. This little friend with me almost 40 years back and I am hoping to find a similar bear like I used to …
Rubber Face Gund Panda Bear
The lady that gave me this bear was born in 1922. I had assumed it was hers as a child and that she may have added the red satin bow before giving it to …
Ace Novelty Bear
My Grandmother recently died at the ripe old age of 99. She collected lots of bears over the years and this one like the others, were kept some place …
White 2002 Teddy Bear
I received my bear as a gift when I was born. I was born in August of 2002, and my parents had visited London in September of 2001 where they got the bear. …
Long eared rabbit with pink embroidered nose
My bunny's name was Snowdrop and i had her since i was a baby until i lost her last Sunday in Sneinton, Nottingham, UK. She was white and fluffy but she …
Lost bear in Hurricane Ida
My father purchased this bear for me in the late 80’s or early ‘90s. I lost everything during the flooding from Hurricane Ida in September. I was rescued …
Help find my childhood bear
Hi, ive searched everywhere for this bear I have no idea what the brand of the bear is, all I remember is the logo was something beginning with T, as I …
a musical Teddy bear
I have a musical Teddy bear (Big Ted) which I have owned for around 57 years he was bought for me when I was born
I would love to know a little more about …
1989 White soft teddy purchased from Boots Pharmacy in Wokingham, England
This is my childhood teddy bear, purchased from a Boots Pharmacy in England by my parents in 1989. There's no evidence of any tag that I can find on him. …
Pink chenille bear from around 2003
Hi everyone, this is Ted! I got him 18 years ago at what I think was a Big Lots, although I'm not completely sure as this was so long ago. He's pretty …
Teddy Bear has been with me for 33 years
My bear is my best friend I know that Sounds weird but it’s true he’s been with me for 33 years!. I got Him the day I got out of the hospital and now I …
Well loved mohair teddy bear with clothes and suitcase
My father’s teddy bear was his constant companion during rough times in the Great Depression. He had a great imagination but as an only child living …
This teddy was given to my child early 1970s and I would like to find who made him. He is a Musical teddy who turns his head left to right while playing …
Who is this Teddy Bear
Hi everyone,
I am looking for some help in identifying this guy - he’s from the mid 80s.
He used to talk when his left paw was squeezed but as you …
Black large bear
I have a black large bear I got him for my 9th birthday in 1970 all I know is that my.next door neighbours boyfriend was German and when they went to Germany …
Hermann Original Jointed Limited Edition Growler Bear
I purchased this bear second hand, and wanted to try and date him.
He has his original tags, but no year on any of them.
He is about 55cm (about …
Can you identify this Teddy please
Hello, I'm trying to find out for some friends of mine what this teddy bear is. It was cherished by the owner, and bought as a present for her in the …
Possibly lost in moving, seeking to identify/replace
This guy I bought at Cub Foods in Burnsville, MN, about 2008. He’s about a foot head to paw, I suppose. I know he had no brand on his label but was made …
Little Chap
He is at least 74 years old may be older as I had him as a child and I believe that he may have a second-hand Teddy Bear due to the war.
He is well-loved …
Steiff Original Teddybar Collectors' Ad.Set 1983
To whom it may concern,
Whether young or young-at-heart, there is a Steiff Teddy for everyone. Steiff Teddy bear was invented nearly 120 years ago. …
20 year old teddy
My Theodore Bear is a white cotton teddy bear with red heart that covers the majority of his abdomen, right in the middle of his stomach. Red and black …
Valentine's Day Bear (2007, USA)
Hi. The bear that I have is a Valentine's Day Bear. The color of the bear is beige and it has a bow tie. It used to have three heart patches: one on its …
Old Teddy Bear - at least 60 years old
this Teddy bear has ever been around me since I can remember. It looks quite like a Steiff but has no button in the ear - maybe taken off by precaution …
Antique Yes No Bear
I recently acquired this bear. His yes/no mechanism works perfectly. From some online research, I've dated him to about 1914. He has a wood wool stuffing, …
Grey Teddy Bear With Black teardrop eyes, oval nose
The bear is Grey, black teardrop shape eyes, with a velvet nose.
A round head, with a black thread going down from the nose to the bottom of his face. …
Help identifying my 90s Gund bear?
Hi everyone, thanks in advance for your help in finding out the identity of this bear!
I think it's meant to be a grizzly (or perhaps brown?) bear – …
Three Teddy Bears
These bears were purchased around 15-20 years ago in Canada. I would really appreciate help identifying them. They have black oval shaped buttons as …
Chad Valley Teddy Bear?
We bought this bear at an antique store in Montana last week. It was sold as a 1930’s Chad Valley Bear but we are unable to match it to anything we see …
Year and Maker of this antique Mohair Teddy?
This bear is an amazing piece of history I was able to find in a warehouse dig of an estate sale owner who landed 3 massive private warehouse digs from …
light beige Mothercare bear
This is a bear purchased for my girlfriend around when she was born (September 2000) I believe it to of been purchased from Mothercare UK as the design …
English Bear
This bear came from England it was my grandmothers it was given to her as a child we call him old blind bear he is 17 in tall and 9 in across his shoulders …
German singing bear
I would love more information on this teddy bear that was gifted to us in the 70’s by my husbands late aunt, she was a teddy bear collector. Our bear …
wind up music box Teddy bear
Hi guys I have an old wind up music box Teddy bear I'm having difficulty in identifying the manufacturer and date as he has no visible tags. Originally …
Orange Teddy Bear 1971
This bear was given to me on my birth, day by my parents, I was born on December 16, 1971, so I would say that this dates it’s manufacture / run during …
Identify maker and date for my teddy bear.
I was given my bear 60 years ago but he wasn’t new to me. He is jointed with wooden disc with a hooped pin through disc. He is filled with excelsior. …
Anyone know what this bear is?
Hello, can anyone help me please?
This bear belonged to either my mother or my father, I’m not sure which although I think it was my fathers.
They …
Searching for info on my beloved bear
Hi Everyone,
My bear, Martin, has been with me since I was born in 1994. We have been through everything together.
I believe he was a gift from my …
Pedigree bear?
My husband has had this teddy bear in a bag in the loft for about 35 to 40 years. He can not remember where it came from but thinks his son, who is now …
Is my little dog allowed on Totally Teddy Bears?
Hello all, hope you are all well? First of all I am really not sure if my little dog is allowed on this site, so please accept my apologies if he isn't. …
Pink teddy bear 2002
I have had this teddy bear since I was born. He now is looking a bit run down but I was wondering where the original bear came from. He now has one ear …
50 year old bear seeking identity ....
I distinctly remember choosing this bear from a display of bears in what I feel was a department store in England; it was the first purchase (consumer …
Mothercare pink bear that rattles
Hello, I found this teddy bear in the loft. She’s light pink and rattles. She’s from Mothercare. What I’m trying to work out is was I given her when …
2005 Blue Teddy Bear
Please help me find the origin of this bear! This teddy bear was a Christmas gift from one of my deceased relatives back in 2005. Ever since then, I have …
Hallmark Bear with Black & Yellow striped shirt
I would dearly like to know how rare my teddy bear is and if he is valuable. To me he is priceless, of course, because I have had him for so very long, …
White 8" bear that plays "teddy bear's picnic" - Eden?
This is a white 8" bear given to me in 1984. Lost his tags long ago.
In the photo, you can see my worn bear sitting next to an identical, new bear. …
Stuffed Kimberlys Originals bear
My bears # is IE/1486 on tag. Leather tag & paper tags both still in tact & excellent condition. Bear has real wooden face with buck teeth, hair bow on …
White Teddy Bear
My bear has been with me since I was a baby. From understanding it could have been manufactured in 1980's-1990's. I was born in 1992, and from what I'm …
St Fabrik-Marks Limited Edition Teddy Bear
My 105 year old girlfriend gave me this bear. It sat in a chair in her home. Just before passing away she gave me this bear. This is made in Germany …
Brown bear with red bowtie (probably from the 90s)
My teddy bear has been with me as long as I remember. I was born in '94, so I would guess she's from the late 90's. She has a red bowtie that doesn’t …
Teddy bear wearing a white onesie
My bear’s name is yogi. I got him when I was born in December 1999. His head has tan fur and his ears have white fabric on the inside. His eyes are black …
Wendy Boston Bear
I was born 1964, was given my Wendy Boston Bear as christening gift. He,s still in prefect condition no bold patches seams in first class condition. …
Help! White 80s bear seated small
THANK YOU in advance for your help. I am looking to identify and hopefully find a photograph of my teddy for proper repairs. I was told my grandma …
My Old Teddy Bear
I have had my teddy bear since I was 3 years old. I am now 43. He was handed down to me by a neighbour when we lived in New Zealand. We think he is at …
Is This A Rare Russ Berrie Bear?
Have i found a rare Hand signed russ bear?
I have just bought a bear in a second hand shop in sunshone coast, Queensland Australia. I think it might be …
Curly hair Bear in Blue Overalls & Red Shirt bought in Wales 1992
I lost my daughter's teddy bear when we moved from one house to another in 2018. I put him in a special box but somehow the box never made it to our new …
Steiff Bears
Bear #1
This bear is Steiff, with the gold marker on the left ear. The size of the bear is approximately 15 inches while sitting, and 20 inches when …
Tuppence Bear bought second hand at a Jumble sale circa 1970
Tuppence was my first memory bear. He’s been with me all my memorable life and was purchased in Benfleet Essex UK at Richmond Hall Christmas jumble sale …
Jointed Teddy Bear from Sears Roebuck & Co.
I received this teddy bear as a gift from my parents when I was young but I do not recall exactly when in my childhood so I am not sure of the age of this …
2 teddy bears from late 90s/early 2000s
Hello everyone, this might be a weird request, but I’ve had these bears since I was a little kid, they’re starting to really getting worn down, so I want …
Bear from Bulgaria
Hi, I would be grateful to anyone who is able to give me any Identification on this bear? I recently acquired him from Bulgaria. He was described as a …
1960 Teddy Bear
Hi, I'm curious about MY Teddy,
I am a 60 year old Kiwi who has been living in Perth, Western Australia for over 40 years and I have never parted from …
Bears of the forest glen "Elizabeth"
We are looking for the value of this bear. My friend is in assisted living and could use the extra money. The tag says, "Bears of the Forest Glen by …
Merrythought Bear
This is my Merrythought bear. I have had him for as long as I can remember. So would assume I was given him somewhere around 1988. His name is Brown Bear. …
Walt Disney World Teddy Bear & Doll Convention 2000
Walt Disney World Bear and Doll Convention 2000 “Millenia” Made by Bing for the convention , with genuine Swarovski Crystal stones. Gebr. BING is celebrating …
Would love any info on this little guy!
My bear is around 16 inches tall, and feels very hard to squeeze, not crunchy at all or squishy, just a very solid feeling teddy who sits well on …
Old teddy bear in New Zealand
Hi, I'm hopeful that someone may be able to give us some information on a bear that was donated to our small library/museum. We plan to use it in a display …
1930’s Teddy Bear with hinged mouth and zipped back
This was my fathers Bear when he was a child. It has a hinged neck that opens his mouth. There is a metal tube that leads to his stomach so you can …
Pauline’s pink teddy
My teddy is older than me I am 69. It was found by an old lady on Berkhamsted common early 1950s and given to me as a baby. It’s arms and legs do not move. …
CHubby Cub teddy bear
I have recently purchased this bear, it has clearly been sitting on a shelf in a shop for a long time, the label states CHubby Cub Designs made in 1997, …
Help me fix my childhood friend!
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a little help on identifying this bear. I've had him ever since I was extremely little, he's quite matted from me …
My chum since 1947
This is my bear. He has been with me since I was born in 1947. My dad bought him for me, but I think my mother replaced his eyes as I assume the original …
Childhood Teddy Bear
I was given this bear in 2005/2006, I live in England so it may have been manufactured here in a store that is near London or Exeter, It has two small …
Purple teddy bear
He is purple, orange and white. He is about 38 centimeters. Has quite a pronounced snout. His belly feels like it is filled with seed or husks. His nose …
cute well loved teddy rescued from an auction house
I thought this teddy I bought home from an auction was just a very tatty old teddy. I paid £15 for 3 teddies including this one. I put it up for auction …
My father's wife's bear
My father's late lovely second wife was highly successful and bought only the best. We are agonisingly finding Bang and Olufsen hi-fi components covered …
Seeking info on a stuffed bear I had as a child
I want to thank you for offering this service. I want to be honest in saying that the bear I'm referencing is not of true vintage stock and …
2000s bear
So I got this bear when I was born. It has 2000 imprinted on the foot and it’s a representation of being born into a new decade. It’s coat is quite rough …
Any information on my Bear please?
I would be really interested to hear from anybody who could identify anything about my bear. As you see she has a very cute face with an unusual shaped …
Large Steiff Brown Bear Approx 75cm Tall
My husband was given this Steiff bear (new) whilst we were working in Cologne Germany in 1999. It is approximately 75cm tall. He still has his left ear …
Old teddy bear - is it special??
It is an old teddy bear in very good condition. Press the belly and it squeeks! Underneath the feet is a drawing of toes, drawings on hands also. Metal …
White teddy bear from 2001
I'm doing an assignment at school writing about the design of a toy. I've chosen my old teddy bear, but am unable to identify who made it or what …
Wooden Jointed Bear That Makes a Noise when rocked back and forth.
How the Bear was Acquired. The Bear was given to me by the Daughter of a wealthy family in the late sixties. My Mother was the Housemaid and was …
Can anyone please tell me about this bear
I found this bear at the bottom of my mum's linen press when cleaning out her house. I believe she bought it from the Op shop she worked in about …
Bearnie-The Brown Bear
I got this bear when I was just born. I have had him for 16 years now and I am wondering where he was from. He doesn't match any of the photos that I have …
Please help find the teddy bear for friend's birthday!
Hi everyone, I have a special question for a very dear colleague of mine:
He had this teddy bear (in the attachment) as a kid, which was then lost. …
Blue eyed Teddy Bear
I have a large black bear with brown paws. It's a heavy teddy and stuffed full of an unknown substance as it has never burst. I received this bear from …
Type & Age of Old Teddy
This bear belonged to a friend who received it as a gift sometime between 1945-1950. She was told the bear was purchased overseas. The bear is approx. …
Early 1980's childhood teddy bear, no tags.
I have had this teddy bear for as long as I remember. I was born in 1994, but some of my stuffed animals are from the late 70's to mid 80's He is old and …
Help Identifying old musical Teddy bear
Hi there, My son's father had given me a vintage bear a couple of month's ago and I'm having trouble trying to identify what it is.
It's in great condition …
Yellow 90’s (Easter?) Rabbit
I'm looking to find out where my childhood plush rabbit came from, as it's been weighing on my mind for years.
He most likely would have been sold around …
Carousel by Guy (TM) Large Brown Bear
I was given this bear quite a few years ago from an elderly lady that said it had been in her family for over 100 years. She wanted me to have it because …
Curious about my favorite bear.
I've had this teddy bear since i was born in 2001, and 19 years later, I'm more curious than ever to figure out what kind of bear he is. I (accurately) …
Burgundy Teddy Bear
I had gotten the teddy bear for christmas about 14 years ago. The thought of knowing where it came from never really occurred to me until now. The bear …
Looking for information on my old 1990's Teddy Bear.
When I was a baby I was given probably the cutest teddy bear I have ever seen. As a child, in my infinite wisdom, I named him Teddy. I was born in 95 and …
Old Teddy Bear
I have no back ground to my teddy bear. It has always just been with me. It looks oold, I am 50 yrs old so it must be at least that. It's about 20 inches …
Humped back teddy bear
His limbs move all the way round, he has a humped back, growls when you put him on his back, has an embroidered cotton nose, plastic black/orange beady …
Childhood teddy bear, red ribbon tag and beans insides
I’ve had this bear since I was very young I got it around 2005-2007. I’ve wanted to find out where it is from since I was little and vaguely remember finding …
Trying to replace my girlfriend's childhood teddy bear
So this is a bit of a vague request maybe. My girlfriend had a teddy bear that was bought for her at the hospital she was born at in 1994. The bear was …
Looking to identify the maker of this Teddy Bear
Hi everyone. I'd love to find out who made this Teddy Bear and would be very grateful for any help. He is 18" tall, his arms are 8" and his legs are 7". …
Cardboard disc limbs, wood shavings inside?!
This bear was given to me by my great grandmother when I was born and I’m no spring chicken! Came across it recently and was intrigued to find out some …
20cm teddy bear
I have just resented found this teddy in a give away box outside some ones house in east london, that was being sold and restored. thought it might be …
Russ Berrie item no. 1137
Found in a farming shed in rural New South Wales, Australia.
Front of Tag reads,
Poseable Antique Mohair Bears
Rear of Tag reads, …
Ex shop display large Merrythought Rabbit
Hi can someone please let me know how much my Merrythought Rabbit is worth? I have had it since 1953. It is approximately 3ft to 3ft 6inches tall, pink …
Big Brown Bear
A friends mom has just passed and left him a beautiful stuffed bear. He's never seen it before and is stumped about it's history! We can't find any information …
Miss Bear Haviour
I think my title is the name of an artist who hand crafts individual bears. The bears I just bought which I think are hers have a mark embroidered on a …
Teddy bear From 1979
I have a teddy bear from 1979 that's 40 years old.its small an brown I would like to know how much it's worth? I don't see many of it's kind when I search …
Right Bear. Wrong Song. :'(
I was born in 1985 and the First toy I ever received was from my grandmother and it played Babes in Toyland. I love this bear very much and I've never …
The bear my dad left.
Hi everyone. If your reading this thanks for taking the time to have a look. I was hoping someone could help me with info on a bear I found in my dads …
70 year old Teddy Bear
I got my bear in 1976. My Grandma was dying and they were sorting out things in the loft and I was given him, she died the same day. My Mother said it …
1990s mystery bear
My friend has had this teddy bear since around the time she was born, which puts its age at approximately 25 years. This was probably purchased in the …
1940's Teddy Bear
I was given this bear around 1978, when we lived in Cologne, Germany. He belonged to a friend of my mum’s whose children had grown up. So I guess he dates …
Yellow Bear 1982
Hi all :) Meet Doodie, he's 37 years old and so am I. My aunt bought him the day I was born in the Spring of 1982. He comes from the gift shop of the Lasalle …
My Dads Teddy Bear
Hello, my name is Ivy and I am going crazy looking for my dads old Teddy online because I’m just curious who he is and where he came from! I can find similar …
What is my bear?
Hi, I bought this teddy at an op shop a few years ago and was wondering about him and what he's worth, could anyone please help me? He's quite large and …
Much Loved Pink Bear From 2000s
My dearest Emma has been with me since I was born. I cut off her labels long ago, although I do have memories of her having a tag like Hermann bears. …
5 Claw Teddy Bear --Any Info I would Appreciate--Thanks
Bear has 5 claws on his hands and feet...The bottom of feet are pink--missing a black eye-from top of war to bottom of foot is 21 inches..I really do not …
Gund Boo Crew 6202
I'm trying to locate a bear. It was made by Gund as part of a collection, called the Boo Crew. I originally received the frankenstein-looking bear as a …
Late 90's/Early 00's Bear
I've had this thing since my second birthday. Since it's seen such extensive use it's worn beyond any real value other than personal, so I'm not looking …
Panda Bear Toy With Almost No Fur
I have an approximately 12" jointed bear that has been well loved. He has black ears, a black back, and black arms and legs with white paws. His head and …
what is my bear?
I have just been given this bear by my cousin. It belonged to my Auntie who has since passed away. She use to go to a lot of auctions, my cousin …
Early 1900s mohair fella
I got this old boy at a flea market yesterday. His name is Barnaby. I know next to nothing about him, but he looks to be awfully old. He's nearly bald, …
Lost Blue Bear
We bought this blue teddy bear in the early to mid 90’s, and I need help identifying the maker. My daughter lost “Blue Bear” at the airport and cried …
Mint Green Teddy Bear
Hi, I recently picked up this old mint color mohair bear and was hoping the readers may be able to help identify it.
It is made of dark mohair and it …
Grandma Bourght Me This Teddy Bear
I need help identifying this bear. My grandmother purchased this bear over 30 years ago and I would like to get her a duplicate if I can find one. Bear …
I would like to find out more about this Ted
The bear is a 'hard bear' and not soft. It has black nose, eyes, smile, paws. The arms and legs move about and I have it sitting down on my shelf. He is …
Childhood Bear
My girlfriend had this bear when she was younger and it was thrown away by her parents because it got dirty. I have been looking all over the internet …
Help Me Find This Bear, Please.
my very good friend just recently lost what was left of her first teddy bear. She says she cried for a month. She slept with every night. The body was …
Bought Two Bears this Weekend...
I bought these two antique/vintage teddy bears this weekend, in different antiques malls. I believe both are mohair.
The larger bear measures about …
GG's Teddy Bear
I found this in a collection of things from my great grandma's attic. She was born in 1912, and my Grandma came along in 1938. I'm not sure who's bear …
Old white bear
I don't know when it was bought or where. My best guess is in the UK. It was passed from my grandmother to my mum to me so I'm guessing he's definitely …
Looking for more info about my bear
Have had my bear for almost 30 years now and was looking to see if anyone knew anything about 'em.
The story was that after I was born my mother had …
Looking for 1990s bear brand
My twin nephews lost their most special stuffed bears, aka Teds, in the Mendocino Complex fire of October 2017. They were given the bears by their grandparents …
hi im ian and this Gund dog has been handed down to me ive looked all over the web and came up with nothing.Gund reg#86U1458 his eyes look marble fur seems …
Pastel Pink and Blue Teddy Bear Clown
This bear belonged to my boyfriend, Kyle, whom I love dearly, and sadly it has gone missing. While we still aren't completely certain we will never find …
Gae Sharp Jointed Teddy Bear
Tagged teddy Gae Sharrp #3/1000 found sewn into center back between shoulder blade area. Bear has jointed neck arms and legs. no mouth, rather vertical …
My beautiful bear named Goldie
My grandmother gave me a bear when I was three. He had gold coloured fur when I first received him, but is very bare now. I would never go to bed without …
Old Large Teddy Bear -- Steiff? Age?
I'm trying to find more info on this lovely bear.
He is approximately 28" tall from top of head (not counting ears) to bottom of feet.
Excelsior …
Teddy Bear From Across The Pond
I recently purchase this little guy from across the big pond in Wisbech, England, United Kingdom, from antiques dealer. I am the Founder and …
Lost Teddy Bear
Long story short, my fiance had a bear when she was younger that she adored, unfortunately it was left at a friends house, never to be seen again. …
35 Years Old Brown Bear
I’ve had this bear since I was around 3 or 4 years old, which makes him about 35 years old ( it’s always been a he to me). I would like to find out what …
Help me identify my dear teddy bear friend.
I have posted about Jenkins on here once before but I will do it one more time as I am still looking for a replacement for him. I am a 19 year old woman …
1990 Gund - HELP
Hi everyone. I've been trying to identify this bear for months. The label points to Gund 1990, and I am thinking it is a Candibear 2276, however the color …
Old or Gold Teddy Bear?
My bear looks like a pretty standard brown teddy bear except for the little red suit with frills on the ends of the hands and feet. Its right eye has a …
Benji Bear
I found this cute little bear at a charity shop. He is roughly 11 inches tall and has a straw coloured plush which is quite bare in places. He is rather …
My Teddy Bear from he 1950's
It would be lovely to know a little bit about my teddy bear. I grew up with this teddy bear in the early 1950's whilst I can't remember when I first …
I want to know if my where my bears come from
I have two bears, one is pink and one is purple. I don't know how old they are but I've had them since I was a baby. They have fur made with string? The …
My late grandfather gave me this bear in the early 60's, he received it from a friend that used to work for Steiff. The bear did have the button and the …
My Teddy Bear From Too Long Ago
My Teddy is about 8" tall. He is a light tan or beige. His snout paws, and feet are a darker tan and seem to be a slightly different material. It crackles …
My Childhood Bear, What is he!
MY Bear was made around 1980ish. He had a Yellow bow around his neck. Dark black eyes with a copper looking ridged ring on the outer part of the eyes. …
Teddy Bear Los Angeles 2005
This bear was purchased in 2005 in the Los Angeles Toy district. I believe they were sold in a pack of two. I do not really know what to say about it …
Heidi Steiner 24" Bear With Hump, Growler, Red Paw Pads
I was recently shopping at a Goodwill Store in Lawrence, Kansas and the workers brought out a cart with recently donated items. I spotted this …
Ruddy from Budapest
Hi I purchased this much loved old teddy bear in an antique shop in Budapest. I named him Ruddy after the character in Markus Zusak’s book the “Book Thief”. …
Mystery Teddy Bear
Purchased as a gift recently,would like to try and find out a bit more about him before I gift him.He is 22cm tall made of mohair that looks like it has …
Rosie The Old Grey Teddy Bear
I found "Rosie" (named by my granddaughter) in an old church flea market in one of the oldest early settlements of Canada. There is a lot of history here …
Much Loved Childhood Bear
This bear was purchased for me by my grandma when I was born in 2002. He was purchased somewhere in the Pacific northwest, most likely either in Portland, …
Bear With A Haunting Face.
Hello everyone
Im trying to help out a friend whos wanting more info on an old teddy bear she has. No one has ever seen anything like it before weve …
Brown Bear with Shirt Seeking His History
This is Todd. He was given to me in about 1980 when I lived in the suburbs of Philadelphia. He is about 15” tall. Eyes and nose are plastic and have nicks …
Tiny Teddy
I was recently given this bear by a friend - it had belonged to his elderly mother who recently passed away. I was helping him to sort out her belongings …
Long Lost Bear
Unfortunately, this is the only picture of Bear that we have. This bear was bought by my dad for my niece around 1998, 1999. He bought it in a toy store …
Antique Teddy bear
It has a realistic bear pelt like feel its super silky and soft with a almost microfiber feel. It has a aged sort of leather patch on each foot with a …
1970 Tebro Teddy
My teddy was bought for me in 1973 in the UK as a Christmas present from my Dad. As my Mum and Dad had recently divorced my bear 'Lucky' went everywhere …
Bear In The Box
I have a old Teddy Bear that that has been in my family for several generations...I almost forgot I had it when I ran across it again just a few days ago....It …
Teddy Bear Belonged To My Mum...
My mum was born in 1946 in South Australia. All that I really know is that this bear was very precious to her - when my brother and I were growing up …
Mystery Panda Bear
We have acquired a toy panda teddy. Teddy is 10 inches from ears to paws, thin, about 3.5 inches wide. Rear paws have red felt pads surrounded by brown …
Old Grand-Dad Bear
I have a bear that looks very old. He is sitting on what appears to be a log with a chipmunk on one side and two bunnies on the other side of the …
A bear that survived Nazi Germany
I believe this bear is a Steiff. I believe this bear to be from the 1940 era. This bear was used to smuggle gold coin out of Germany. It spent most of …
My 1980's Teddy
I received this bear as a birthday present in 1987. I live in Texas and at that time was living in Big Spring, Texas. Recently, my daughter left him on …
Small Teddy Bear Of Unknown Origin
A family present, this teddy bear can fit in the palm of most people. While unsure of its filling, it is on the firm side without being stiff.
He originally …
My Lovely Old Teddy
I've had this bear since I was a child in the 80s. I'm sure a family friend had him much longer. There's no longer a tag by which to identify my bear, …
A and L Novelty C Teddy Bear
I found this old looking bear.i dont know much about it at all except I see that it says A and L novelty company. But as i look around i do not see anything …
Bear Lover
He is very unusual, I think he is moihair with possibly suede pads. I would be grateful if anyone could share their knowledge with me. He is 44m long and …
17" high quality vintage bear in very good condition
Hello! My bear is 17" with articulated arms, legs and head. His eyes are glass, and his ose is rubber and stitched on in four places. His pads are a …
Gave A Teddy Bear A Home - Who Is He?
I found him in a local antique shop needing a home. Owner said he came with the sweater and she had purchased a lot of vintage things. He is NOT jointed …
Sad Teddy left at the OP Shop
Hello to all the Teddy enthusiasts out there! We recently found this sad mohair teddy all alone on the to shelf at a local Op Shop. He is a fully articulated …
Hermann Bear - 9 joints
I am from Holland and do have a question about my “new” bear; I know the brand of the bear ( HERMANN – with label and hanging button), it is a Hermann …
Another Mystery Bear...
I recently purchased this fellow on eBay. He was listed as having 'no identifying marks or tags'. The seller also wasn't sure if he is mohair or synthetic. …
Old Teddy Desperately Seeking An Identity
Hello! I recently rescued this fun loving guy from a thrift store and would love to know more about him! I cannot tell you his story or history and I don't …
Very loved bear
I found this beautiful bear in my loft when I moved into my first property 26 years ago. He has glass eyes, is stuffed with wood wool, he has fully movable …
Trying to identify this very old teddy bear
Help? This bear belonged to my mother-in-law's mother in the early 1900's. He is very heavy, hard, and crunchy. He's about 24 inches tall and is stuffed …
Teddy Bear found in Bosnia and Herzegovina, red lips, seems like he is hugging
My name is Alen and I am from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. My dad found this teddy bear alongside other items that were not related to …
1950s Teddy Bear
A bear, I think, would have been between 12" & 18" in height - reference the child (myself) holding him as a guide. The photo was taken between 1952-56 …
B. Altman & Co. Teddy Bear
Found him in an antique steamer trunk that had been set out on the street, in the trash. The trunk was labeled "Stuffed Animals" and "Barry" was on the …
70s talking teddy bear, need to know manufacturer
Can you please identify the bear in the picture? He is a talking teddy bear, although his voice box is no longer working. He had a pull cord with a metal …
Debonair and Suave Bear
I picked up this bear in a thrift store in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, where a large number of people from England have settled over the past …
Bear with music box by gueissaz
Lovely and 'well loved' vintage teddy bear
He is a very old 24" tall kapok filled Big Ted.
He has a musical box in his back which no longer works and …
Large Teddy Bear
Hi, I recently came across your great website. I was clearing a property in London recently and came across a lovely bear sitting in a cupboard feeling …
Rubber nose bear
I have an old teddy bear that is about 11 in tall, it has a rubber nose and mouth. It has brown transparent eyes that are black in the middle, the black …
Cheetah Or Leopard Print Teddy
The bear has either a cheetah or a leopard skin print. He has moveable joints and head which is achieved with wooden disks. Amber coloured glass eyes. …
My Teddy Bear
I have had this bear for as long as I can remember. I am almost sixty seven, so the Teddy is over sixty years old. He has movable arms and legs. His head …
Long Legs and Short Arms Teddy Bear
This was my mother's first bear, sadly she recently passed away.. This bear has been well loved and a bit bald and bronze... Anyway, my Mum mentioned it …
Vintage Teddy Bear Musical Plays Brahms Lullaby
I have just purchased this lovely little bear and would love to know something about him if any one could please help that would be great as I felt I must …
Charity Shop Bear
I bought a lovely little bear today in a charity shop, it was just sitting there looking really lonely, with its long arms outstretched at everyone …
Teddy Bear That Was A White Elephant Surprise
I got this teddy bear as a kid at a grade school carnival in 1977 for $1.00 wrapped in newspaper at a white elephant booth. I lived out west then (don't …
White Bear with no tag
He's a 14" bear, white, artificial plush, with no tag. Acrylic brown eyes. Stitched nose and mouth, which appears to be connected as one continuous thread. …
Found Older Teddy At Thrift Shop!
Found this cutie at my local thrift shop. I originally pick him up for my niece who is 4 so I d really pay much attention to him at first. I brought him …
Biker Bear
Dear Sir/Madam I wonder if you could help us with valuing this teddy bear as we have looked on numerous sites now and keep coming up with a blank and when …
Seeking Information About My Panda Teddy
My mother gave me this bear as an easter present when I was two in 1968. He was my companion for many years until I "out grew him". Fortunately my mother …
Help me identify this teddy bear i got in the 1980s
Hello, to all. I would appreciate your assistance in identifying or shedding any kind of light
on my teddy bear.
I have had this bear since i can remember. …
Circa 1956 - Tuxedo Bear with Felt Lapels and Tails
This bear is tall at 36 inches. His head is 12 inches wide by 10 inches tall, his waist his 10 inches wide and from the outside of one thigh to the outside …
Teddy bear found in skip in Northern France
I rescued this Teddy from a skip yesterday here in Northern France and I’m hoping to learn a little about him if I can.
Here is some information …
Charlie is an Old Steiff, but not sure of what year
This 11-inch old Steiff bear came to me when I bought a bear shop in 1984. One day an older lady came in and told me she was ready to sell her Steiff bear. …
Applebelly Bear
Hi im 30 yrs old and was adopted at birth the day i came to my parents a family friend was waiting for me to arrive with a teddy bear that i have had ever …
80+ year old gorgeous "Little Ted"
Little Ted has been my companion for nearly 50 years. I was given him by a neighbour who was then in her 40s, and she had been given him when she was a …
Can you please help me find this Manhattan Toy Company teddy?
Hello all,
I’m currently trying to find a teddy bear made by the Manhattan Toy Company and bought in the early 1990s. The bear would be a replacement …
Steiff Bear
This bear is golden-brown in colour, almost exactly 30cm (1ft) high. There is a number which I think is a serial number hidden on the label, reading 101040302640. …
Salvatore Ferragamo silk teddy bears
Hi there I'm hoping that there is someone out there who can lend a hand in telling me a little more about my beautiful silk Ferragamo teddy bears . I …
I don't know anything about Old Teddy Bears, can you help me?
About 10 years ago I was cleaning a house for a very elderly wealthy woman and she gave me this old teddy bear and told me to put it away for my daughter. …
Possible Steiff bear
I have a 25" teddy that belonged to my great grandmother. The story told to my dad is that she either won it or someone won it for her at the county fair …
Please help identify this small tradition style old teddy bear
I bought this bear at the Portobello Road antiques market in London earlier this year but was only able to find out that he had come from a house clearance …
Boyd Bears and Ann chapman Bear
Hello, please could you tell me more about my boyd bears? I have two small bears, one is brown with a yellow hat with a daisy. She also has a blue crochet …
Antique Bear with movable arms, legs, head
Hello: I have a bear that is very old. It came from my grandfather, who would have been over 100 y.o. now, though it may have been my father's (he is 75 …
Please can you help me identify this bear?
Please can you help me identify this bear?
The bear is approximately two feet tall and weighs four pounds, with golden brown tufty fur. He is in fairly …
Merrythought God Bless Mummy Micro Bear
I have a Merrythought 'God Bless Mummy Micro' Bear. I inherited him from my Grandma, along with a modest collection. This bear in particular sat on the …
Unusual Golden Bear
I do hope you can help: I have what I think is an unusual teddy bear. I bought him a few years ago because I'd never seen a bear like him and so would …
Edna's Mothers Bear
This bear was purchased from the estate of a sweet 97 year old women who had a doll and this teddy bear marked as her mothers. That would put this bear …
My Teddy
This bear was given to me the day I was born by my grandfather in 1954. He has a music box which is wound by the key that sticks out of his back. The original …
Desperately trying to find the company who made my bear
My teddy bear was given to me in about 2002 to 2003, there are no labels but this may be as I cut them off and I cannot find a stub where the label was. …
Mr Bear is at least 50 years old
Hi every one when I was a little boy I got this bear that I loved almost to death. I remember sleeping with him by my side for many years. I packed him …
Nina Maccabe bear from Whitby
I bought this gorgeous bear around 15 years ago from a very cute little shop in Whitby, all the bears in there were a 1 off, as you can see by my pictures …
Mamma's Bear
My bear was given to me by my mother.
My mother received him for her 21St birthday in the UK. On 4th June 1965, so he is at least fifty years of …
Can You Identify This Old Teddybear?
Hello, i have this old teddybear pictured here i got from an old neighbour once. I am looking to find information on the bear. As I am from Germany it …
Searching for a lost childhood friend
I had a bear as a child that I was forced to part with during a move in the early 1970's. This bear was purchased in Stockdolm, Sweden by my father in …
Help to identify is teddy
Hi there. I was recently come across this teddy bear and would love to get some information on it if possible. He has no tags or markings of any kind. …
Brother and Sister Bears
These two bears have always been called Brother and Sister Bear because they came into our family together. They were possibly brought back from Germany …
Poor Little Thing
I think this may be a challenge. Is anyone up to it? This poor thing has been with us from day 1. My wife had received it from her mother when we married, …
Two faced teddy bear
I have recently come across a teddy bear that is well worn however is totally unusual. It is at my local oddities store. It is build like a normal teddy …
Please help me with your expertise
Hi. My mothers aunt found this in 1988 at a dump in southern jutland in Denmark. Close to the German border. I've had this teddy bear since then. It's …
Unknown pre 1960 teddy
This is the teddy that I had as a child. Either my mother bought it at an estate sale sometime in the late 50's in the central part of Missouri or it was …
Blind bear found on top of a rubbish pile in France
Hello, I was found in rural France at the local dump under some old sheets of plasterboard.
I am blind (missing my eyes).
I still have quite a lot of …
Chosun International Travel Bear With Suitcase?
I have two of these beautiful bears. They are both in brand new condition complete with a suitcase and the original cardboard wrap!
I have one male …
Old bear on wheels , I cannot identify the maker.
I recently bought this bear at a antiques fair in France. The body is very firmly stuffed, facial features are embroidered, the eyes are boot buttons, …
Would like to know more about my bear
Hi. I got this bear recently at an auction and I love him. But I don't know anything about him. I've looked through a few sites and I think he may be Chad …
Mystery JB Bear
I collected this bear from an out of the way op shop in the tiny town of Withcott, which is at the base of The Range, a northern stretch of the Great Dividing …
Handsome Teddy Bear
I recently found my dear old Ted hibernating in an old family blanket box and was delighted to know he was alive and well and not gone to teddy heaven …
Newton Bear
Newton Bear is a Russ Berrie Bear. Newton stands 19 around inches in hight. Newton Bear has Inner bagged magnets in both hands as well as plastic pellets …
Please Help Me With More Information On Vintage Nona Pebworth Teddy Bear.
Hello and thank you all in advance for any information you can contribute involving this bear.I recently found this beautiful little hard stuffed bear …
My great great great aunts bear
My great great great aunt had this teddy bear since she was five years old. She received this bear while in the hospital when she was five years old. …
Please identify my best friend since 1957
Sootie was given to me by dad coming home from a business trip in 1957. I have been looking everywhere on the internet to try to identify his manufacturer. …
Who is this bear?
I bought this bear for my wife, well we weren't married yet, in 1980 or 1981, I think is was 1981 because I was out of high school and she was still in, …
Mr Lost & Found Bear
Hello there,
This bear has been recently acquired from being passed down in the family
I am unsure of the bears make, or of its age. I am just wondering …
Pleease Help me Identify this bear! Would buy another one for $100+ if possible!
Help! I reeally want to find out where this bear was made – manufacturer, or designer or brand/company!
Please help me identify this bear!
I had this …
50 Year Old Teddy Bear
Hi I have had my teddy for as long as I can remember which is about 50yrs now and he was handed down to me so I believe him to be a lot older than that. …
Barry The Bear Needs Your Help
I am looking for any information on this bear and it's manufacturer. He belonged to my husband as a child, but no one in the family can remember where …
Please Help Me Identify This Tan Teddy Bear!
All I know about this bear is that it belonged to my brother in the early 70's. It was tannish or maybe yellow, unjointed with soft fur that was not wool. …
This Sweet Old Bear Was a Find at the Bargain Barn!
This dear sweet old bear was a real find at the local bargain barn. When rummaging through the stuff on a table, he popped into my hand and I was shocked …
Kansas Teddy Bear
Unfortunately, I do not know much about this bear. My grandparents gave it to me before they passed away. They were antique toy and doll dealers. However, …
Early bear found in Belgium
Dear Teddy Bear Collectors,
Can anyone help me to identify this bear?
I have always been very interested in old items and I found this jointed bear …
American bear?
I have a bear that I was given to me by my father in the 1950s. He worked for the liners that went from Liverpool to the USA and often brought us presents …
Unknown Teddy Bear
I found this teddy in a charity shop and he stood out from the rest so I hope we can identify him somehow by my description.
His fur is quite rough …
Please help identify my 14 year old white bear
Greetings, teddy bear experts and collectors,
I've had this teddy bear since Winter 2000. I bought him at Bart Smit in Alexandrium shopping center in …
Golden Mohair Teddybear With Growler
Found this old vintage teddy bear in a charity shop today. Can you believe I only paid a pound!!! He is eighteen inches tall and his fur, including his …
Teddy Needs Help!
Hi, I am glad I have come across your website. I purchased this teddy bear at an antique store. I liked him, despite the tear in his chest. The sign …
Help identifying large Carousel by Guy Bear 80'`s
I am writing regarding a large stuffed bear I got for my wife on our 10th anniversary over 20 years ago. It is unlike any stuffed animal I had …
Blue Teddy ID
This lovely bear was passed down to me from my grandad who sadly passed away 4 months before I was born in 1980, he had given the bear to my mother and …
Growley This is my Bear
I have had this bear for 50 years
Short quite flat muzzle really and you can see where it's worn , that there is the pelt of the fleece underneath …
Brown Bear Identification
How long have you had the bear? I got this bear in a box of items I purchased at a yard sale. So I have had it maybe a weeks time.
Do they have a …
Please Help Me Identify My Old Teddy Bear
I just purchased the bear today at an estate sale. They told me he is a Steiff but I don't think he is. He has some unique characteristics such as cardboard …
My Dad's Blue Bear
Can anyone identify this bear?
I have had this been for 75 years
He has a short muzzle
His nose is stitched - it is a bit untidy. There is a single …
Golden Yellow Mohair Bear
I found this fellow in a charity shop who told me his name was Thomas. I being a big soft lump had to buy him as one of my waifs and strays.
I would …
Old and Weird Teddy Bear
Does anyone know anything about this bear?
-I bought my Teddy Bear from a flea market in Bulgaria a couple of days ago. The person who sold me the bear …
1920's Teddy Bear
It has been in our family since it was given to my Mother approx 1920 - 1928. (see story below)
The bear has a medium length muzzle.
The bears nose …
Brown and beige Teddy Bear bought in 1980
I was given this bear in April 1980 at my first birthday. I live in Canada, so chances are it was bought here. I would love to be able to buy another one …
Dark Brown Bear possibly 1950-1960s
I have had the bear since 2006 It was given to me as a Christmas present by my aunt and she told me it was antique.
The muzzle is long definitely not …
My 1980's Bear. can You ID Him?
I received this bear on the day I was born (4th May 1988) as a gift from my Aunty. All I know is that she probably purchased it in April/May 1988 on the …
Please help identify this teddy bear
The bear was purchased in 1956, so it's been in the family for 57 years.
It has a short plastic muzzle. Unlike most teddy bears I've seen, this bear's …
Can Anyone Help Identify My Teddy Bear?
I have had My Teddy Bear all my life (now 60 years). I do have a photo of me holding the bear when I was around 3 years old and at that time there were …
Identify my wife's teddy bear
My father-in-law bought it when my wife was born (Sept 1980). Not sure if the bear was made in 1980/1979/1978...he was definitely new when purchased...I …
Is this a Bing or Steiff German Bear
This Teddy has been in the family now for 25 years. It was given to my mother by a then 75 year old neighbour, who wanted it to end up some place where …
Is This A German Teddy Bear?
My German mother had this bear as a child and it was passed onto me after her passing age 84 yrs.
Its muzzle is beige felt type fabric with black felt …
Chad Valley Bear I.D.
Chad Valley Teddy bear bearing label under left arm on side of body reads: Hygienic toys Made in England by Chad Valley Co.Ltd.
I have had my teddy …
Vintage Pooh Bear?
Does anyone know anything about this bear?
I found him in my Grandmothers basement. I believe it belonged to my father so I am assuming it is from the …
Who is my bear?
I have recently purchased this bear on eBay.
He has a long muzzle made from three distinct pieces of cloth and is shaved.
His nose is a horizontal …
Antique Golden Bear
Does anyone know what kind of teddy bear this is. I would like to know who made him and perhaps how old he is. Any details would be most appreciated, thank …
Bill and big teddy
Hello, I have a couple of teddy bears, one that was my moms, then she gave to her younger brother. my mom is 75 yrs old this year, 2021.she then passed …
Deans Bear
The bears tag states it is from jenners by dean's. It seems the bears name is weaverly and it is a limited edition mohair bear number 65 of 200 made. It …
Musical Teddy Bear 1950's
I believe this Teddy to be from the 1950's as I received him when I was born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England in 1955. I also believe him to have a blonde …
Large Golden once growling Teddy Bear
My wife’s mother had this bear as a child in country Victoria, Australia; she is now in her nineties, the bear may be older (?). The teddy bear is about …
Maybe you know who I am?
This bear was left on our doorstep for me when I was just a few days old (Feb 1989). We never knew who left it, just a note saying "For your new baby". …
Identity of this harlequin bear?
We are trying to determine the exact age, maker, and value of this bear. We found this bear in an old trunk. We believe it to be from about 1900. The …
Cute Orange Bear
Hello! I've had this orange bear,named Teddy,ever since I was very little. Yet when I was about 4 or so, I didn't really like the idea of tags on my toys, …
Has anyone seen a Boyds Collectibles tag misprint saying Bodys Collectibles?
I just purchased a box of dolls at an auction. In the box was a limited edition Boyds Bears doll named Lucinda. She was holding her teddy bear named Gilligan. …
Long legged teddy Not rated yet
He was given to me in 1973 and was second hand when my grandad gave me him from a jumble sale
he is tall, has long legs and leather or plastic pads. …
Does anyone know where my childhood teddy bear is from? Not rated yet
Mr mouse as he is named is my childhood teddy bear and I always thought he was maybe in the beanie baby family as he once had a red ribbon on the back …
Panda Bear 1961 Not rated yet
I’m looking for help in finding a place to repair my well lived friend. This was a beloved panda. He was given to me by my Uncle when I was 2 years old. …
1989 teddy bear. Not rated yet
My husband received this teddy bear when he was born December 1989 at a Beloit Wisconsin hospital. Original color is baby blue the sound box is a push …
Floppy Ears Golden Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This bear was adopted by me very recently. He has brown antiqued leather paws. I can feel hard discs at the top of his arms and legs and where his head …
2000s orange teddy bear Not rated yet
My parents bought me this bear when I was a toddler around 2002-2005 from a I believe he may be Gund but no longer have the tag. He originally had a blue/green/purple-ish …
Miniature bear looking for siblings Not rated yet
Hi, I have been looking for years to find the siblings of this miniature plush. It was purchased in Canada in 198X in a department store, I have no specific …
Pooh like bear Not rated yet
I love Winnie the Pooh. I was fortunate enough to find a unique bear at a thrift store in Hawaii. He might be handmade as there is no tag. He appears to …
maybe a handmade bear? Not rated yet
it feels rough, but not too rough, just enough to make a slightly more audible noise when you rub it than a regular bear. also notable, it has no claws …
White teddy bear Not rated yet
Believe from 1960s 1964 year it’s white with blue plastic eyes red patch on paws and feet black stitch on nose and mouth , did have label but it was really …
Help with Floppsy's Heritage Not rated yet
I was in a charity shop about 10 years ago and saw this little fella sitting on a shelf on his own. I paid £5.00 and took him home to join my teddy bear …
Help find chopsy Not rated yet
The bear on the left - I’ve had this bear since I was a kid. I first received the bear in 1996. I remember the label saying made in China. The ears were …
Is this a Pedigree bear? Not rated yet
I bought this bear at auction in UK so know very little about him. He is mohair, had a stitched nose and glass eyes. He is articulated. Stuffing feels …
Looking for childhood bear, brown Not rated yet
This was my bear growing up in the late 90s-early 2000's, his name was Radar. I named him after Big Bird's teddy as a child. He ended up being well worn …
I’ve had this bear for 15 years Not rated yet
It’s a blue bear with a white ribbon that has hearts on it wrapped around its neck. It has beads in it on the bottom and it’s full of stuffing in the rest. …
MUSICAL BEAR - 12 INCHES Not rated yet
I bought him from Etsy in a poor state. He was grubby, his chipped foam stuffing had perished and as a result 'grit' was dropping out of him, he had seams …
1920 or earlier tiny bear Not rated yet
I inherited this bear from my father who was born in 1920. He is 7 inches tall. Jointed arms and legs and a jointed head., he has lines on his paws and …
Please help identify my childhood bear Not rated yet
He isn’t very large, probably a foot at most from the bottom of the foot to the top of his ears. He’s white, with short but kind of shaggy hair, which …
Jennie Not rated yet
I have a local Repair Cafe Panda bear to repair for a lady’s son. Bought in 1962 it has a growler(not working)and patched paws. Very threadbare. Think …
Hand Made by J. Kerner label sewn on left foot Not rated yet
Found at the bottom of the plush bin at thrift store. Heavier than expected so I knew it was more quality. Glass eyes. Stitched nose. Red felt tongue. …
Early 2000s Blue Rabbit Teddy Not rated yet
I got this Teddy when I was born so I assume it’s from around 2004/2005. When I was younger, I was stupid and ripped off the label so there’s no way to …
Early 2000’s GUND Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This bear has been my teddy bear since I was little. Because of wear, I am unable to identify him. I know that he is a GUND bear from the late ’90’s/early …
Unknown Large Brown bear Not rated yet
Hi, my bear is approximately 18-21 years old plus. Possibly Brought in Britain most likely brought in New Zealand. I love him to pieces and would love …
My Childhood Teddy Bear Monty Not rated yet
I’ve had my childhood teddy bear Monty since I was about 5 years old. He’s 5 way jointed and his fur is made from wool. My parents bought him up in Montville …
Any identification please? :) Not rated yet
This is Honey bear, he was given to me at an old church back in 2002-03. He has blonde fur (now matted), his paws, mouth, and ears have a lighter color …
+20 year old bear, poorly repaired, but well loved Not rated yet
I got this bear from my mom and dad about +20 years ago. I vividly remember that there was another bear that they had that sorta went with it. The dog …
Light brown bear Not rated yet
The bear is around 9 inches from feet to head. He has a light brown stitched nose and had black eyes with a little brown around the outside of them. He …
1970s Pale Yellow Bear With No Tag Not rated yet
My bear was given to me from my mom. It is in rough condition but I want to know what brand it is to learn more about it. It is pale yellow and has a unique …
Please help me identify my childhood bear Not rated yet
Recently I have been looking for what steiff bear mine was, I have looked all over the internet with only one match in which I cannot find the exact one …
Old teddy bear Not rated yet
Hi everyone. I've have this teddy bear since I was a baby, I believe it was gifted to me in England, between 2002-2003. However I have been looking on …
Brumas the bear Not rated yet
The photos are of “Brumas” he was my mothers childhood bear (she was born in 1952). Apologies for the photos as he is currently not in the best state. …
Two lambskin yellow jointed bears Not rated yet
Hi, I bought these bears today, thinking it was Big Ted and Little Ted from the Australian Play School TV. But now I don’t think they are. All limbs are …
Blue bear Not rated yet
I found blue at a thrift store and he was a bit damaged. I took him home and fixed him. I’ve always wondered what kind of bear he is and if he is apart …
BIG TED Not rated yet
My Bear , known by all as BIG TED has been in my family for at least 50 years perhaps more? My older sister laid claim to him but can’t remember who gave …
Blue Jean teddy Not rated yet
Hello there, I have had this little blue Jean teddy for 7 years now, it was a gift. Never thought of looking at the tag but realized it’s a blue Jean teddy …
Can you identify this miniature teddy bear? Not rated yet
Hi, I've searched so long to find the origin of my little teddy bear. I think it was made around 1970-1980. My father bought it maybe at Sears or The Hudson …
Maci - 1938 Hungary Not rated yet
Hi all,
I have this very old and handsome bear Maci (pronounced Mutzy). He was gifted to my father in 1938 as his 4th birthday present. It was quite the …
1951 bear Not rated yet
I was given my bear as a gift when I was born in 1951 in Northern Ireland. I would guess that he was bought in a department store in Belfast. He has …
2001 JC Penney holiday bear by Golden Bear Co. Not rated yet
(Photo is from Ebay as the bear currently resides at my parents house) I don’t know much about this bear, it was passed down to me by my Grandmother when …
Posh paws brown bear Not rated yet
I have had the bear since 2003 when I was born, it is a soft smooth brown bear which isn’t very fluffy or such, and hasn’t been as long as i can remember. …
small, 8” inch tall tan coloured bear. Not rated yet
I’m looking for information about a small, 8” inch tall (if standing), tan coloured bear.
Feet and paws are long without pads.
Arms and legs swivel (discs …
Well worn rubber faced crying teddy Not rated yet
I got this bear from my uncle when I was 1 year old (1961) and took him everywhere for a decade. He still sits in my living room. I have seen a picture …
Crysta Not rated yet
Hello, I lost my childhood teddy bearto a house fire. I have tried to find a replica to no avail. He had no tag and was skinny due to age. He was a medium …
Danychuk Collection Beary Patch Not rated yet
I won this Danychuk Collection bear around 2004 at a fundraiser, and have kept it in a special spot ever since. Named “Beary Patch”, the bear is about …
Desperately seeking help... Not rated yet
My son received this as a gift when he was very young, about 1999 or so. He called it his Max bear. I believe it came with a name on the tag that was not …
Tag says 1975 copyriight Not rated yet
Light brown fur. Brown eyes. About 12 inches tall Tag is hard to read. Looks like 2 tents or 2 mountains on it I see inc. On it and valley.it is not jointed …
Talky ted Not rated yet
Talky ted is a bear made of parachute type nylon fabric. Their ears are round and mainly white, with the inside stitched as a pink and white plaid pattern. …
Old bear bought from goodwill Not rated yet
So today I was at goodwill when I found this old bear I don’t know where hes from and I wanna know the brand and price hes in pretty good condition no …
Steiff Bear Not rated yet
Hello. I know this is a Steiff Bear as it has the pin in the ear, but I was trying to date it. I'm new to bear researching so had no idea who to contact …
Teddy with Chiltern similarities Not rated yet
At a glance it looks like a Chiltern. No tags or branding. It has a black stitched nose connected to a straight-lined mouth. The paws each have 3 stitched …
Finding Teddy Not rated yet
I’m looking for a teddy bear that I had as a little girl. When I was a baby I was in and out of the hospital frequently and on one of these trips …
Can Anyone Help Me Identify This Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Hi everyone, I am looking for some help in identifying this bear, his name is Toby btw :). I've done research off and on through months, but no such luck. …
60 yr old bear (at least) Not rated yet
This is my sister’s bear which she named Joseph. He is quite small - I’d say about 12-15 cm or so tall.
He feels a bit crunchy, he has hardly any fur …
Billy Bear Not rated yet
My grandfather gave me my Billy Bear when I was five years old. I loved my grandfather dearly and I have loved my Billy Bear For the past sixty-eight …
light tan fur bear Not rated yet
I have found a teddy bear at a charity shop. It's quite pretty with light tan kind of blond fur. It is dressed in light pink satin dress with light pink …
Yellow, silky bear with glass eyes Not rated yet
Hello. This bear either belonged to my father (.b. 1935) or his mother (b. 1907). It is 20" tall, the legs and arms move and there are no tags or markings. …
Big pink vintage teddy, straw filled Not rated yet
I am looking for some information about this teddy bear. It is cca 60 cms tall bear with glass eyes, it is filled with straw, with jointed legs …
Light up heart bear Not rated yet
White stuffed bear with pink nose. Light up heart and heartbeat sound or music. Not a Chosun Heart to Heart, not Christmas music. Made 1984 or 1985. It …
Can anyone help me identify this bear please Not rated yet
I purchased this bear from a local flea market in the UK.
The bear has a mohair body,I think. He's golden in colour with dark fur around his eyes. …
Frilly pink bear Not rated yet
I can't read the tag fully but it looks like it says styphenson it is in cursive..It is pink with a bow and it is like yarn on the outside about twelve …
Help ID childhood teddy! Not rated yet
Hello! I’ve had this teddy bear in my possession since early 2000s. He has travelled the world with me including France, England, Canada, Mexico, and the …
Teddy From the 1940s or Before Not rated yet
This bear has been in my family since at least the 1940s. He bear belonged to my father who was born in 1949. I'm not sure if the bear preexisted him or …
Please help me identify this 2000's Gund bear Not rated yet
Today I was at my local thrift shop and I saw a cute bear being sold for $15 CAD. It looked a bit old but was in very good condition so I bought it! I …
Lolly. My brown bear. Gifted Christmas 1995 in emerald green tissue paper. Not rated yet
Hello! Please help me find out some information about my dear teddy. She’s been incredibly well loved, didn’t leave my side until I was 7 and has traveled …
My old friend Bearbear Not rated yet
I've been with this guy ever since I was born, he's quite old but he has been with me through all the rough times I've had. I've been looking for another …
Unknown brown teddy bear Not rated yet
Greeting everyone. I would like to know if anyone knows the brand of my wife's bear. She got this bear on her second or third birthday (1987 or 88). I've …
Trying To Find A Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I am trying to find out about a teddy as a surprise for a friends 40th she would love to find the exact same bear to buy if possible.
I have very little …
My Grandmothers Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This is Teddy
I have had teddy for as long as i can remember, my grandmother got him when i was born and could never remember where she got him from, …
Cuddles Time Bear Not rated yet
I’ve had my bear since early 2011, and it was my sister’s before then, so it is definitely more than 10 years old.
This bear has a saturated brown coat …
White teddy bear with pink collar Not rated yet
have a white teddy bear which I received in 2004 it was purchased from Lakeland regional hospital but I have been unable to identify or find this bear …
Help identifying this childhood teddy? Not rated yet
I’d love to have someone ID my childhood buddy, as I’ve never seen another bear quite like him, and while he’s still in good condition, I’d love to get …
TRIFT SHOP BEAR Not rated yet
He is gold a head that spins all the way around he is an opshop (thrift shop) bear with a tag that states “clues original Australian made bear with me” …
Miss Not rated yet
I was given him when I was born year 2000 of my dads friend. My mum believes she saw him in toys r us and there was a whole wall of just him she thinks …
Kiki-Bear is looking for his relatives Not rated yet
This Teddy is older than myself, because he was given to me the Christmas before I was born. That means I got it on Christmas eve 1987. I remember …
How old is my bear? Not rated yet
Im interested in founding out how old my bear is and how it looked originally as it pretty worn out now. Its a small brown teddy bear holding a red heart. …
1998 Bruno Bear, dark brown, tail & long arms, Not rated yet
We live in Toronto, Canada. This much loved bear, that we named Winston, was a gift to our son born in 1997, on his first birthday. He is now in University. …
How old is this bear? Not rated yet
This bear was found whilst clearing out my Grandmother's house in 1995 but was put in a box and forgotten about until last week. No-one seems to know who …
75+ German bear Not rated yet
My bear is 3.5 inches high. A German family gave to my uncle in 1946 as a thank you for the food parcels he gave them. He was part of the liberating …
My Paddington Bear Not rated yet
Now granted, this is NOT an actual Teddy Paddington bear, but that is what we called it all my life! Came from reading the story and nicknamed the bear …
My mother in laws antique Steiff Teddy Bear Not rated yet
My mother in law came to the US from Switzerland in the 1950's. She is 92 years old. (She unfortunately now has dementia and can not tell us about her …
Vintage Large Bear unknown Maker Not rated yet
I have two identical large bears of Approx 23 inch tall. They have golden fur and feel like they are stuffed with wood shavings ( very stiff ) The backs …
Looking for more info about teddy bear Not rated yet
Hello. I am looking for the name, company of the bear visible in the photos. Unfortunately the tag is missing so I don't even know who manufactured it. …
I need help finding out the age of my bear Not rated yet
I need help finding out the age of my bear. He is a russ berrie and my fiance bought him from ebay for me I have asked the seller about any information …
What kind of bear is he? Not rated yet
I got my bear in June of 1995 the day I was born. I have never seen any other Bear like him besides the bear I got 1-3 years later when this guy went missing. …
Brown Bear Not rated yet
He is a bear animal with small ears. He was quite chunky when i got him but he has become saggy over time. I got him at around 2005. His eyes are sewn …
Thrift store find #1 mohair puppy? Not rated yet
So..the first looks to be a dog. Maybe a bunny but I'm leaning towards dog. I believe he is mohair, but there's a slight shimmer to his coat. Tempted to …
Shovel(?) marked foot starry eyed teddy bear Not rated yet
I found this sweet vintage teddy bear - and the paws are made of silk I think and one foot is embroidered with what appears to be a shovel? I love the …
Trying to identify my childhood best friend, Bunny Not rated yet
I’ve had bunny Since I was born (almost 20 years) and I would really love to be able to identify where he came from or the make, i have tried looking online …
Old sweet well loved bear Not rated yet
This lovely bear has been in my family for a long time, and now i have the pleasure of owning him. Unfortunately though i know nothing about him. He is …
Lisa Luthy bear Not rated yet
I have an old bear that was my great aunts.She was from Peoria Illinois and all I remember is my mom always said that this was one of the first teddy bears …
35+Years Old Teddy Bear - Originally With White Troll Hair Not rated yet
I got this teddy bear, that I named "Bear Bear" when I was around 3 or 4 years old, and that was 30+ years ago. He was in good condition when I got him …
Old find Not rated yet
I found my teddy bear by accident at a live auction, it was in an old hand-woven wicker basket along with other equally old toys that I will present in …
Gund Teddy Bear-50+ years old Not rated yet
I have a Gund Teddy Bear since I was a little girl. He has a Gund tag with the numbers T.M.#607.240.
He is in good shape, no tears, rips or stains.
He’s …
HELP PLEASE Childhood Bear Identification Not rated yet
Im reaching out to anyone who might be able to identify and find another copy of my childhood bear. I want to find another to get for my child …
Anya’s Bear Not rated yet
I bought this bear about 5 years ago just because he looked lonely on a shelf (the reason I would usually have for buying a bear), of an old antique store …
Grey old bear Not rated yet
Back in 2009, me and my mother went to an elderly couples yard sale and purchased this bear. He was already quite worn down but at the time had a oval …
Long legged bear Not rated yet
I bought this bear flat except for his head. The head is wood wool filled. I have photographed remnants of the mohair in one picture otherwise he is bald. …
Mum’s childhood bear Not rated yet
As long as I can remember Bruno has been around. We weren’t allowed to play with him
From the tip of his ears to his toes he is 23”. right arm is 9” and …
Brand Name/ Age of teddy bear Not rated yet
My Teddy Bear has been with me since my early infancy and I am 74 years old. In my infancy I grew up in Detroit, Michigan along with all of my family. …
Bear with a rubber nose Not rated yet
He is in very good condition . Bought him 25 years ago in a charity shop for £3.his nose is rubber he is filled with straw or maybe saw dust as he's crunchy …
Please help me find my childhood bear!!! Not rated yet
When I was around 4 years old (2001) my grandmother and I got this bear from a yard sale. (In Canada) She really didn’t want me to get him (as he was already …
Trying to find how teddy looked way back when. Not rated yet
Okay so when I was 2 my great grandmother game me a bear out of her stuffed animal collection, it looked a lil old already so he was probably made late …
Desperate to know about this teddy bear Not rated yet
I feel very desperate to at least know the company or brand of my bear. It’s white and small, the limbs are short, and there’s a combo of stuffing …
Trying to identify this 1940's Teddy Bear that was my dad's Not rated yet
Hello, I am trying to identify this old teddy bear that was my dad's. I have searched the internet and can't find a similar one. Over the years I was …
Princess soft toys bear I found on the street Not rated yet
I found a fully tan bear on the road, he has brownish amber eyes a solid not-thread nose, and a small thread smile. His still attached tag reads Princess …
Daughter Bear Not rated yet
I’m looking for an identification about this bear. This is the only picture I have and therefore can’t look closer at the tag but was hoping someone could …
Very Tall Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This bear has been in my mothers possession for nearly 50 years. He is about 24 inches tall, he makes a crunch sound when you squeeze him, his nose was …
White 16 year old teddy gifted to me in Germany Not rated yet
This is my childhood teddy bear given to me around 2005. It has plastic, brown eyes, a brown nose and once had a blue and white tag on the butt, right …
Poor Old Bear has seen better days Not rated yet
We have an old teddy bear we've been hauling around for years. It's always been in a box and now we've decided to downsize and declutter so we'd like …
Jingle Ted Not rated yet
I’ve had this fair since I was born I was born in Russia and some some of our friends gave it to me on my very first time in my house in Watlington he’s …
Vintage Teddy bear - Where is it from/ what can I search to find it again? Not rated yet
Trying to track down a vintage teddy bear – not sure where to start! My father was gifted a teddy bear as a young child from his father. He still has …
Rescue Bear Not rated yet
This bear is very hard and made well, I have no idea what he is stuffed with but it’s got to be packed in there good cause he’s solid.
He’s 12 1/2 inches …
Pitman bear Not rated yet
Mr Ted was my father’s bear. He dates from at least 1933. He is wearing a velvet suit with a cap or beret. These are not add-on clothes, they are part …
Salvation Army Bear Not rated yet
He has no tag, but I can tell he has a 5 disk limb system, glass eyes and a humped back. His glass eyes are painted with black pupils, the bottoms of …
Ww2 bear mystery Not rated yet
my mother was born 1938. her dad my grandfather was an officer in the Navy. his ship went down near Okinawa in 1945 and he survived. my memory had …
Who is this Bearie???? Not rated yet
Bearie is a bear I have had since I was little. His paws are weighted with beans, he has a flocked nose with plastic eyes, he has a tag so faded that I …
Old teddy bear I’ve had since I was born- Not rated yet
So my little old fart~ baby bear ~ I’ve had her since the early 2000’s. I can assume she was bought around 2006 though. She has “glass” eyes, bean filled …
Hunter’s Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I am trying to find out about this bear but have no idea where he was made. He has a label on his tummy, a picture of which I have attached. I have done …
Early 80s large bear Not rated yet
Hello! I received my Bear in 1984, but my aunt who gave him to me likely bought him far in advance because she generally bought things years ahead. My …
Bear Identification Assistance Not rated yet
Hello! - I was looking for some help identifying the bear in the attached photos. The bear had a tag that reads "A treasure forever by Frances". I did …
Brown Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I have a teddy with wooden button eyes, movable arms and legs with rattle inside. Nose and mouth are stitched. No tag or button in ear. 12 inches tall. …
Teddy bear Not rated yet
I have a old teddy bear I don’t know anything about it my nanna gave me when I was little and she told me it was my dads when he was a baby he’s around …
Vintage teddy bear Not rated yet
He is 18" tall has jointed limbs and his head is also jointed. Glass eyes as there cool to the touch. His nose mouth feet and paws are all stitched. He …
Mystery Bears Big and Small Not rated yet
After my grandpa passed
We went through his barn that was passed down by his dad , as we dug we came across two bears in a bin.. pretty
Much the same …
Winnie The Pooh and Brown Bear Not rated yet
Winnie the Pooh came to me in the early 1960s when my mom took me to New York City for a girls weekend. We stayed at the Algonquin and met Winnie at FAO …
Teddy unknown Not rated yet
This Teddy is like a burnt orange type of brown,
except for torso area, inside his ears as well as
ends of arms and legs, they are a yellowish tan. …
I think this bear is old Not rated yet
This bear has what feels like wood discs which means it has moveable parts. It has glass eyes and a hand sewn nose. It also has a pronounced “bear hump” …
Brown Bear and FAO Schwarz Pooh Not rated yet
My 10” brown Teddy Bear with red leather collar and metal button in ear is At least 68 years old. He was My first toy. And, my 12” Winnie the Pooh Bear …
Small beige bear Not rated yet
I’ve had my bear since i was born, it was originally my brothers when he was a baby but he didn’t like it so it became mine and i’ve loved him ever since. …
Boyds Bears wearing red/brown gingham shawl holding small jane hissey "Old Bear" book Not rated yet
Light/brown/brown bear, typical 8" or so height
legs can bend so he can sit down
looks scruffy
wearing a red/tan gingham shawl tied around the …
Please help me find where “Fred” is from Not rated yet
This is my partners childhood teddy. He has been sitting on top of the wardrobe for years and recently I decided to try and find his original make, name …
unknown teddy Not rated yet
could this be a stieff ? iwas told it was bought 1920/1930 it has metal wire joining the arms and legs,its filled with straw,insides its stomach i can …
20 Year old bear and counting Not rated yet
It is a mainly white bear on the body, with the paws and face being brown. The feet however are also white. It has a blue gingham collar and pocket and …
My teddy bear, given as a gift when I was born Not rated yet
I was given a teddy bear as a gift when I was born. He’s 66 years old, maybe a year or two older, so he comes from the mid 50’s. His arms and legs are …
slightly tattered small Teddy bear Not rated yet
I just bought this unmarked untagged slightly tattered small Teddy bear.the stitching is brown and visible on his forehead, back of head center, back down …
Giant Not rated yet
Good morning, I am trying to find out more information about a giant teddy.
He sits slightly over 800 mm tall and approximately 900 mm from fingertip …
Yellow bear Not rated yet
This bear was my dads, I’ve always been told it’s ‘Rupert bear’. I’m u sure as to whether this is what my dad names him or if he is Rupert the bear out …
22 cm.honey coloured jointed bear Not rated yet
It's a 22 cm.honey coloured jointed bear that came from Harrods. It has HH embroidered on his right foot, a thin ribbon around his neck, and a label that …
Peddlers mall teddy bear with thoughtful eyes Not rated yet
I found this bear at a local Peddlers mall and instantly fell in love! I really would like to know more about him, as he has no tags and I haven't had …
Vintage Tan Teddy Bear With Tan Ruffled Dress Not rated yet
I bought this bear in a Goodwill for $6.99. There is no tags or labels , either on the body or dress. I cannot find any details about this bear anywhere. …
Military Panda Teddy Bear Not rated yet
About 12” tall, sitting.
Panda Bear.
Has a sewn on uniform, with hat.
It is quite old.
Was given to aunt in 1930.
Is discolored fur.
Buttons have …
So many years and no clue ! Not rated yet
The bear was a gift to my Mother who is 61 . The bear is very small . Smaller then my hand . Hard and crunchy when I Squeeze the middle. The arms and …
Antique german bear Not rated yet
I received this bear from my father, He had it in an envelope that said 70 year old antique german bear. He said it was his when he was little. Im trying …
Old Sooty and Sweep Not rated yet
Hello, I’m hoping that someone may be able to help with the makers details for these two please? Or any further information. They both belonged to my late …
Teddy bear blue Not rated yet
My bear was given to me when I was a baby in 1960.
My bear is a large bear standing 2ft high.
My bear has fully movable joints and his head also …
Long Lost Pink Teddybear Not rated yet
My girlfriend received a teddy bear many years ago when she was a child (2006).
She had kept the teddy bear for years but lost it around 2018-2019 while …
Articulated Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This articulated limb teddy was acquired in Germany as a gift. It is very old, but age unknown. Manufacturer unknown. The pads of the feet are a beige/cream …
Vintage Impossible to find Bear! Not rated yet
This photo is from 1973 - 1974? It is a baby photo of my wife with her favorite Teddy Bear! Our mission is to locate this type of Bear and possibly buy …
90’s possibly 80’s bear Not rated yet
Hello, I know this is a long shot! I’m trying to figure out what brand the bear in photo could be. It was a bear that my husband had as a child that got …
My Velveteen teddy bear Not rated yet
I have had this bear for 56 years, since I was 2 years old. I have loved him to the point of his fur being almost all gone. My mother sewed his arms back …
Bruno is a strange looking bear Not rated yet
My uncle, born in 1934 owned this bear which he called Bruno. Bruno has long, straight, moving limbs attached by wire (poking out on his left army muscle, …
Vintage Glow Stuffed Toy Not rated yet
My mother received this toy doll(?) in the 1960s in Scotland. It glows in the dark very vividly to this day. As you can see in the pictures the …
No Distinguishing tags on teddy bear Not rated yet
This is an old Teddy bear my Mother had, she’s now 84. Im not positive where or how she got it. The Teddy is jointed and appears his head is stuffed with …
Please help identify my Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Hi i would love if any body could help me identify my Teddy Bear.He is about 600 mm in total length (head body & legs) The legs are about 250 mm long Arms …
Great grandmother's mohair/wood wool teddy--any info? Not rated yet
This teddy bear was in a box with my great grandmother's items from her childhood home (circa early 1900s) in California. From what I can observe, it is …
Vintage Merryweather toy dog Not rated yet
This poor chap was my late father’s toy, and my father was born in 1930, so I would estimate the dog to be 1920-1935. The dog is missing an eye, and his …
Please help me find a brother for my bear! Not rated yet
My dad gave me this teddy bear when I was three years old and my parents divorced. He is what got me through the divorce at such a young age. Especially …
Strange straight Vertical nose teddy bear Not rated yet
As far as I can remember, my bear has always been mine. I couldn’t honestly say how many years, but I think I have had him at least 30 to 40 years. He …
French bear Not rated yet
Bourght in France, the bear is a sort of cinnamon brown with longish fur, centre stitched and feels as if it is stuffed with straw. It has black stitching …
Lovely old, jointed, excelsior stuffed bear Not rated yet
I bought this bear today at an antiques centre in Leicester. He was £56.00 and was labelled as an “antique bear”.
He’s a little thread bear in places …
Helping my friend find their bear Not rated yet
So my friend is looking for a bear that was donated to her in 2005-2006. They said it was a flattish star shaped brown bear. The clothes were actually …
Rainbow Bear with Snowglobe Belly Not rated yet
When I was a little girl I was given a bear from a family member that I called Jelly Baby. This bear was about the same size as a beanie baby bear, but …
snuggles Not rated yet
I got my teddy bear when I was about 5 which would probably have been around 2007/2008. she has been my absolute favorite bear ever since. the thing is …
Golden Bear with Black Skin Not rated yet
Hi, I rescued this little bear from the flea market. He is made of very soft golden mohair. All his joints move including his head. The unusual thing about …
Is this an old teddy and dog? Not rated yet
I got given this teddy bear, it looks like an old one to me but not sure. The arms legs and head move some fur is missing on this poor little chap, but …
Anybody know who made this bear? Not rated yet
This is my best friend since middle school. He looked like this when he was given to me, tags cut and all, excluding the notch on his left ear. My aunt …
Please Help Me Identify My Childhood Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Please help me identify this bear as i received it as a present for my first Christmas in 2005. Since then this bear has been well loved throughout my …
old pink bear, 1960s-1980s? no label Not rated yet
Hey there! I've had this bear since I was approx. 3 years old and I'm now 19. However, it was my mum's (who is 40) before mine and I think it might have …
Boyd Bear Not rated yet
Just hoping that someone can help identify this chap. My son has bought him and we can seem to find identify him. The closest match seems to be from range …
Brown Teddy with poseable arms legs and head Not rated yet
I bought this bear at a local thrift store. He has plaid paws and a denim colored outfit. He has poseable arms,legs and head. There is no identifiable …
Milnikiel Not rated yet
Hi . I have a teddy I would like find out it’s value
Teddy belonged to my late mother in law ,I was always led to believe she had it from a baby in 1925 …
Bear With The Acorn Hat Not rated yet
I bought a bag of plush animals at a Goodwill store recently. This bear was among the rest so our history together is short lived. I almost tossed it as …
Vintage German Teddy Bear - what make? Not rated yet
Can anyone identify the make of this German bear? Does it have any monetary value and if I get the pads replaced will that lessen any value?
I received …
My Husbands Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This was my ex-husband’s teddy bear. He was born in 1933 in Detroit MI. So I assume the bear is from the 1930s. There is no ear tag but there is a bit …
Barnaby Bear Not rated yet
I have a beautiful mohair growler bear, all joints are moveable, his growler still works when he is tilted.
He is in pretty bad shape, very theadbare …
90s bear ornament Not rated yet
Hey there long time ago (early 2000s) my mom for Christmas one year came home with a ornament for our tree.. it was a lime green teddy bear. It was about …
Mr Rupert Not rated yet
Hello, I was 7 years old when the brown bear with a green body came into my life and has been with me ever since - 1 am now 71 years old. He was in a …
1986 Margaret Rockenbaugh Teddy bear? Not rated yet
I recently came across a large weighted teddy bear at a garage sale. This bear is about 18" long. This bear weight over 4 lbs and is jointed at the head, …
1930’s Bear Not rated yet
All I know about this bear, is that my grandfather bought it when my mom was born in 1933. He worked in the UK but travelled for work to Europe. My mom …
White with pink ears Not rated yet
I bought this bear today. White mohair with pink ears and paw pads. The arms and legs are jointed at the body but the head is not. Although I’m not sure …
Teddy Bear From My Great Grandmother Not rated yet
I inherited this bear when I was a child, around 1998/99 from my great-grandmother’s friend who passed away at 94/95 years old. The lady who passed it …
Best Friends childhood teddy Not rated yet
Scruffy is a dog who stands on, two legs and is about 21 years old in this picture. I'd love to be able to, buy her a new version of this to give to her …
Teddy bear from 2010/2011 Not rated yet
Hi there - this teddy bear was bought for my daughter who is autistic in either 2010 or 2011 from a gift shop in Dawlish, England. unfortunately it is …
Looking for childhood teddy Not rated yet
Hi! I’m looking to find and buy another of my childhood bear. It was made by the Manhattan Toy Co. in 1998/99. I emailed the company and they were able …
Irish looking Bear Not rated yet
This bear is approximately 10 in. tall, including hat. She's wearing a white lace dress with green neck trim & a red waist trim. She has a "pearl" necklace …
light tan teddy bear Not rated yet
I picked up this bear at a yard sale. He is 3" tall. His head, legs, and arms are fully jointed. He is a light tan color. He's wearing a floral print …
1950s toy panda bear with happy birthday mechanism inside Not rated yet
This panda bear was a gift from my late father in the 1950s approximately 68years old. He has a musical mechanism which when pushed at the back of his …
Pink and white teddy bear Not rated yet
My teddy bear is a smaller one. It is white with pink iridescent for the feet, ears and the heart it is holding.it also have a pink fuzz nose and a sewn …
Pink Teddy Bear? "Teddy B.B." Not rated yet
Pink Teddy Bear? "Teddy B.B." looks very old, please help me to identify this one:)
My father likes to collect interesting things, and I found this …
Possibly Old Vintage Bear? Not rated yet
My mum found a stuffed bear at the local thrift shop to give to my dog for a toy. It looks old, it’s fur is dated white colour that is soft to the touch. …
Old yellow bear with overalls Not rated yet
I recently inherited a bear which belonged to my grandmas sister, due to this I don’t have too much to go on for details but what I do know (or believe) …
Old London Bear Not rated yet
This bear has been with me for my entire life. I was born in London in the late fifties and he was bought for me when I was born. He is in pretty good …
1970's Blue and Yellow Bear Not rated yet
This bear was bought for me within a couple years of my birth in 1975. My mother says it was probably bought at JC Penny's in Northern California. I remember …
Noteddy Not rated yet
I was aged 8 when I bought him with my pocket money in about 1970, from a Toy shop in Horsham Carfax, called ‘Goodacres’.
When I chose him, he was displayed …
Nana's Bear Not rated yet
I am hoping someone might be able to help identify my bear or recommend someone who might? He was passed on to me by my grandmother when she passed, but …
Pink teddy Not rated yet
My childhood teddy is dear to me. He is part of my childhood, but i wanna see what he used to look like since i dont have any memory of him still being …
Mickey teddy bear Not rated yet
I would appreciate any assistance with identifying this bear. I have a Mickey face type teddy bear. Well loved but I don’t have any history on …
Poor little fella Not rated yet
I purchased this teddy from a car boot sale as I collect old teddy bears and this poor little fella was stuck in a plastic bag. I asked the lady about …
Teddy Bear with reddish brown fur Not rated yet
An old teddy bear with plastic eyes and a plastic nose and mouth piece, it has furrier feet, hands and ears, and is musical, it plays the tune Rudolph …
Old family teddy bear Not rated yet
Hi. I wonder if anyone can help identify this much loved and much repaired teddy bear. I am in my 50's and this bear was in pretty much this state when …
Bear with Pink Eyes and Nose Not rated yet
I received this bear from a friend at least 10 years ago (I honestly am unsure of what year it was, as I was so young). The eyes and nose are both sewn …
my dads bear Not rated yet
hello to all,hope everyone is well and ok,im trying to find out who made my dads bear,i want to get him looking a bit more happier but would like to try …
Father Christmas bear Not rated yet
Purchased in an op shop in Coober Pedy, South Australia. The ladies in the store told me that the bear originally was bought to Australia from Germany …
A German Bear Not rated yet
Thank you for taking the time to look at this bear. My husband's first reaction after after our daughter was given this bear from his grandfather was …
Wool Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I have a medium size, all wool, round winnie the poo type bear. Ears are set low, Bear has small snout with Velvet nose. There is no mouth present. Plastic …
Still unknown who made this guy Not rated yet
Hello, this is my bear. His name is BC, or Bear Clown. Someone else had posted a picture of his brethren, and it is literally the only other one I have …
Thanks in advance! Not rated yet
I have these 2 guys, and I know nothing about bears. They are both 23-24 inches (big boys) the darker dude is heavy and his fur is kinda ruff, prickly. …
Miss Not rated yet
Just trying to get a little more information about this bear. I picked it up in an antique shop in Dartmouth and he just stood out to me. The owner of …
What is this type of bear called? How old is it? Not rated yet
I recently got these two bears, I got them from an estate sale actually, it was old people getting rid of their stuff for a very cheap price so when i …
possibly a russ teddy bear, curly fur with tartan red pattern on the paws Not rated yet
possibly a russ teddy bear, characteristics: curly sheep like fur, a red with a bit a green tartan pattern on the paws (i had to cover it since it started …
18" Mohair Growler Bear Not rated yet
Hi, I found this guy at goodwill for a $1. I love stuffed animals and couldn't pass him up.
He is 18" tall, fully disc jointed, grayish color mohair, …
Cheeky Bear with Tongue Sticking Out Not rated yet
I'm hoping someone might be able to give me some info and/or a valuation on this lovely little bear...
My mum bought it for me 30 years ago from an …
Cherished Family Steiff Bear Not rated yet
Hi! I inherited a Steiff Teddy Bear from my mother. This bear was originally owned by my Great Aunt, who gifted it to my Mom. I do not know the exact …
Chad valley chiltern hygienic toy circa 1975 Not rated yet
This bear is 11” high and was a present to my aunt in the 70s, it is in excellent condition as it has been a bedside ornament, the tag is intact but I …
I would be pleased if i could find this teddybear 😢 it really means to me Not rated yet
Here is my beloved teddybear. I named her Pui pui which means fluffy in english. I got her when i was only 2 years old (as mom told me). She is a gift …
Unknown bear Not rated yet
We came across this gorgeous bear in a local charity shop that was closing down. They told us that he was quite old although he appears to be in excellent …
Looking For A Very special teddy bear Not rated yet
My girlfriend had a bear when she was very young that she loved immensely. It was a gift from her grandmother when she was born. I guess somewhere along …
English Teddy Bear Company 1997 Not rated yet
This bear was given to me by a friend that went to England in 1996 or 1997. It was made by the English Teddy Bear Company. Address 8 Abbey Churchyard …
Can't find this bear Not rated yet
Hey everyone, I found 3 of these bears in my childhood box from my mom. I'm 39 years old and no idea how long my mother had them so could be older really …
Large Hump Back Seated teddy bears Not rated yet
This teddy bear, named Bruin belonged to my mother-in - law, Audrey Pretious (nee Scholic). She was born in 1914 and had an older sister. Her parents …
Very very old teddy bear Not rated yet
This bear belonged to my mother-in-law., Audrey Scollic . She was living with her family in Kenya at the time though her parents were from U.K. In 1908 …
My Steiff elephant Not rated yet
I have a Steiff elephant that was gifted to me when I was really young by my dad and he bought it in Germany. He has all his original tags one on his ear …
Teddy from Sydney Australia Not rated yet
Hi. My childhood Teddy bear would have been purchased in Sydney Australia early to mid 1960s. I’m not sure if he is Australian made but I guess he would …
Discovering an Old Friend Not rated yet
This is Teddy, he sat in my crib for a little while before I was born (1991) so he’d likely be from the late 80’s or early 90’s. His tag said something …
what teddy bear is this? Not rated yet
Hello, i have this teddy bear i got when i was born and i named her coco. I remember there used to be a tag on her and I’m pretty sure it said “Snookums” …
Paratrooper Bear. Not rated yet
I am in England, and had this bear gifted to me by a close ex-Paratrooper friend from Scotland when he discovered I was expecting my first child back in …
Unknown Bear Not rated yet
Greeting everyone. I would like to know if anyone knows the brand of my wife's bear. She got this bear on her second or third birthday (1987 or 88). …
About this teddy more details information Not rated yet
Hello. The frist thing. I feel so Sorry my english was so suck. Hope you can understand my English. I try my best to type it here. I brought this teddy …
Palestine teddy bear Not rated yet
Hi my name is Elaine Wallace. I live in Palestine, Texas. I am praying you can help me identify this dear old bear. I received this teddy bear from a relative …
What is this bear Not rated yet
Hello bear experts
Can you please help to identify the bear that I have sent photos of. The bear was given to my late mother when she was a baby or …
Help me identify info on this teddy? Not rated yet
This bear is an amazing piece of history I was able to find in a warehouse dig of an estate sale owner who landed 3 massive private warehouse digs from …
We have no history on our teddy bear Not rated yet
This bear was in a bag of items donated to a charity I volunteered for by an old lady’ who had sadly passed away. He was going to be put in the bin 😳 because …
Help! Blue and white Bear Not rated yet
I received this bear at 9 months old in 1982. Originally, it was a gift from my uncle to my grandmother for her birthday, but baby me loved it so much, …
Teddy Bear By The B & L Toy Co Not rated yet
I have a Teddy Bear that I have had for over 20 years given to me by a friend who had it for just as long, given to her from her mother in law.
It is …
Nana's bear Not rated yet
I grew up on Merseyside as part of a big family with many relatives who mainly worked in factories. My nana lived in a rough area of Merseyside calledd …
Childhood Teddy with babies inside Not rated yet
I have a Teddy which is sentimental and I just wanted to know the details of this and if there is any the same still around.
The Teddy has a plastic …
Golden fur teddy bear Not rated yet
When my great aunt passed away we came across a collection of teddies. We all chose one we wanted. These were never played with and sat in a wardrobe …
Teddy bear family Not rated yet
I would like to know more about a family of teddy bears I bought at least 10 years ago. I have kept them safe since but cannot find anything with the same …
trying to identify large old teddy bear Not rated yet
I bought this bear at an estate sale and wondering if anyone knows the maker and if it"s worth anything. It's got a little wear showing the old straw like …
teddy bear from Durban, South Africa Not rated yet
I would like to find out more about a teddy bear that has been in our family for over 20 years and purchased from a 2nd hand shop in Durban, South Africa. …
My Teddy — circa 1956 Not rated yet
I have had my teddy bear since 1956 when it was given to me on my birth from my uncle. Not 100% sure but I was told as a child he had purchased …
Search for multicolor pastel teddy bear 1999/2000 Not rated yet
My bear, Techno, was a gift from my dad on the day i was born. He bought him from a claw machine at the hospital and we've had him ever since. He used …
Harrods 9 inch (seated) Christmas Bear - Made by Merrythought Not rated yet
a few years ago we won a little Harrods Christmas bear and I have tried in vain to find out a little bit more about it but to no avail.
The bear itself …
Yellow Ted Not rated yet
I was given Ted when I was born in September of 1996 by my uncle. He sat on a shelf in my bedroom till one day I decided I wanted him. My mom said I was …
Late 1960s Gund Mfg. Brooklyn NY Bear, 20" tall Not rated yet
I would call this a "flat" brown bear. It was a gift to my mother sometime around 1966-1967 and was probably purchased in Milwaukee, Philadelphia, or Washington …
Daughters 1930's Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Hi this is my daughters teddy that was bought for her when she was born from an antiques shop there was no history to the bear and all i know is that it …
Teddy Edward is a 16" high bear with auburn brown hair. He originated in Bavaria and is 68 years old. He has a lighter coloured nose, palms and feet and …
Black and white Teddy Bear Not rated yet
When I was young my grandfather passed away. My grandmother remarried and I was having a hard time accepting things . So to get me to spend time with my …
Black and White Teddy Bear Not rated yet
When I was young my grandfather passed away. My grandmother remarried and I was having a hard time accepting things . So to get me to spend time with my …
Old Stuffed Panda Not rated yet
Hi I have this old stuffed panda bear that I’ve had since I was little. I’ve had the guy so long that there’s barley any wording left on the tags. All …
Barry The Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Barry has a brown stitched face with a warm down eight coat and on his left foot he has “ my first bear” written in lowercase blue and pink letters. Was …
Pre 1945 Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This bear was brought back from either Iceland, Poland or Germany at the end of world war 2 so is anytime pre 1945 and was fetched back on the front of …
Brownie Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I was gifted this teddy bear around 40 years ago when a relative, originally from Newton, Massachusetts, whom we were visiting alerted my parents to the …
Leather button eyes teddy bear Not rated yet
Leather button eyes, suede not sure:
I could use your help. This bear belonged to a relative, but I do not know anything about it.
*The …
Looking for bear from mid 2000’s Not rated yet
Large but not huge mainly golden longer fuzzy teddy bear with a smooth cream colored face and stomach. Black fabrics eyes with a brown fabric nose, not …
Who is my teddy best friend? Not rated yet
When I was a toddler in the late 1970s, an elderly neighbor down the street called my mother and asked her to bring me by. When we arrived at her house, …
miniature, articulated teddy bear Not rated yet
This is a small, pale golden, short-haired teddy bear with a salmon pink ribbon bow at the neck. four and a half inches tall. He feels very firm. He has …
vintage Steiff teddy bear Not rated yet
This vintage Steiff teddy bear is my childhood bear, which I never played with as it is hard and not cuddly and it growls when you lean it back, so therefore …
My mom's old bear....... I think Not rated yet
Found in the bottom of a barrel -- literally. With old yearbooks and other things belonging to my mom who was born in 1925. This bear is 7 inches tall, …
Miniature Jointed Mohair Bears (pair) Not rated yet
These little jointed bears were a gift to me as a child in the 1960s. They are 3 inches tall when fully extended. Their fur is medium brown mohair. One …
Two Brown Teddy Bears Not rated yet
I have two bears i dont believe to be of any real value but would like to find out about them company other versions etc..
First one GEORGE is small brown …
My Dad's Teddy Bear from the 40's or 50's Not rated yet
This bear is brown with color variations on the stomach and ends of feet and arms. It has resin eyes with black hard rubber eyelashes (one is missing). …
Early Learning Centre Blue Floral Bear Not rated yet
Hello, my partner has has this bear since she was just months old, however no one knows where it came from as it was given by a family friend. As she has …
Teddy 1964 Not rated yet
Beloved Teddy Bear Bought in Västerås, Sweden year 1964. Was a Christmas gift. First my parents didn’t want to buy the Teddy as it was the most expensive …
Trying to identify a teddy bear from the early 1980's Not rated yet
Hi, I'm trying to identify one of my first bears. He wasn't a family heirloom but he was given to me by a dear relative, and he meant the world to me. …
Old teddy with mouth that opens and closes. Not rated yet
I was given this teddy in about 1967 and he was old then. He is fully jointed with moving legs, arms and head, and a mouth that opens when the back of …
Ilmor Teddy bear Not rated yet
My teddybear is from an british Company called Ilmor. My Ilmor teddybear is royal blue and on his chest you can see Ilmor. I got it when i was three years …
I really want to find out what bear this is Not rated yet
Ive had this teddy bear for as long as i can remember and no one in my family remembers who gave it to me and when, ive just kind of always had it and …
Theodore Edward Bear aka Ted E. Bear aka Ted E. Not rated yet
In the summer of 1989 I, along with my older brother, moved to Kentucky. Before moving we had been living with our father and stepmother, her daughter …
LERA Hygienic Made in England bear Not rated yet
I was given this bear as a young child. He originally would growl when you tipped him back and forth but that stopped years ago. Teddy has an embroidered …
Please help me find bear replica.. Not rated yet
I had this teddy bear since i was born and sadly lost him due to a moving mistake. I've been trying to find a replica of the original. His name was chocolate, …
Is this bear a Steiff? Not rated yet
Can anyone please tell me if this is a genuine Steiff Teddy Bear
He has a button, but it has either been re-attached or it has been added. He is straw …
No tags...unknown manufacturer Not rated yet
My bear is made of two toned mohair. Deep purple on the tips and teal toward the body. The ribbon around the beard neck is also two toned pink and teal. …
1950s 9 inch Golden Mohair Teddy Bear with Amber Eyes ? Steiff Not rated yet
Possible mid 1950s (could be later) golden mohair bear with amber glass eyes, 4 stitched claw. Snout stitching appears almost square. On front and the …
Looking for my childhood bear Not rated yet
I had this bear as a child and took it everywhere. Even made a book about the bear. I don't know anything about the brand who made it or type. I was born …
help me identify my childhood bear? Not rated yet
hello there! this is my best friend, Buttons. he's been my partner in crime for upwards of 20 years. i'm autistic, and he's my special comfort friend- …
Small 6" Tan Jointed Bear With Interesting Eyes Not rated yet
This is a small 6" light tan/beige bear with jointed arms and legs. It has a movable head that spins 360° at the neck. Body is firm. No tags. Looks vintage. …
Mr Teddy Not rated yet
Mr Teddy has been in our family for over 75 years maybe longer not really sure. My grandmother always had him on her bed. We weren’t allowed to touch him. …
What is my bear worth and what was the original retail price? Not rated yet
My elderly mother who lived by herself decided she could no longer care for her home by herself. She decided to sell her home and gave the majority of …
Can anyone help me find this bear or the company on the tag? Not rated yet
I had this RED bear back in 1989 and lost it somewhere along the way. My mom was going through old photos and found this picture and ever since, I've been …
Merry Thoughts musical bear Not rated yet
This bear is 15 inches tall, fully jointed and has a wind up music box which plays Brahms Lullaby. I believe it is mohair although am not certain. The …
Miss Fox Not rated yet
This bear was my mothers as a child born in 1950s it's what I would describe as a rupert bear. It has a red fur as a top and yellow fur as bottoms. It …
Vintage Douglas Cuddle Toys Classics - Brown Bear Late 80's Not rated yet
Vintage Douglas Cuddle Toys Classic Brown Bear purchased in the late 80's. The Douglas Toy Manufacture tags are still on the item. Listed below is some …
14cm articulated teddy. At least 50 years old. Not rated yet
This teddy was given to me by an elderly relative when I was small(in the 60's). He is stuffed with wood wool I think. He has wires that go through from …
Looking for another one like my bear Not rated yet
I received my bear at birth in 1966, so I am guessing he was "born" some months at least before that. The bear's face has changed a lot over time with …
Unknown teddy bear no tags Not rated yet
I got him with some other bears and plush yesterday from an online auction. He has no tags or labels and his ear has come unsewn on each end about an …
mister jan ras Not rated yet
the teddy bear is manufactured by somerset soft toys. on the other side of the label is the following conforms to European and British safety standards. …
Old antique articulated Teddy Bear with Knitted eyes Not rated yet
This Teddy Bear has been in the family for generations, though I have no idea about its origin, age or make. The maker’s label is not visible, but hopefully …
Winnie The Pooh Not rated yet
I was given an antique teddy bear from a library volunteering. It almost looks like a Steiff bear but I don’t want to speak on something I don’t know about. …
Sheepskin bear Not rated yet
I was given Teddy Wardman by a neighbour in about 1955. He was not new then. He has no labels. He seems to be made of sheepskin with suede paws. I knitted …
husbands bear in the 1950’s Not rated yet
The bear was my husbands bear in the 1950’s but had been handed down from his parents through two older siblings and then to him. My in laws were born …
Thought it was a Charlie Bear Not rated yet
Four or so years ago I bought a bear at a thrift store. I remember looking up the information on the tag but, I couldn't find anything. Yesterday I bought …
Trying to find my childhood bear online Not rated yet
I was born in 2004 and I want to find my bear online. The only name I ever remember calling him is cuddles. He has short fur and a light pink. On the …
Teddy bear currently residing in the Stockholm Archipelago, 27 cm tall Not rated yet
This little guy is likely to be 50 years or older and has been with the family since the beinning. He seems to be filled with straw and has brown glass …
Gold Brown Bear Not rated yet
My bear is as old as I am remember. I will be 41 years old on my next birthday. He is gold brown. He has brown trousers on him and also looks like he is …
Late 90s Bear Not rated yet
Hi everyone, I need some help identifying my teddy bear that my grandmother gave me sometime in the late 90s potentially between 97-99. I have attached …
Gruter Bear Not rated yet
Gruter bear came from Berlin in 1948 and travelled to the UK. He was given to a family friend bu her uncle and we don't know how long before 1948 it had …
Two bears from 1900 Not rated yet
These are two bears that have been passed down to me from my grandparents who are now deceased, but these bears have been in the family for over 110 years, …
Can anyone identify my pair of bears Not rated yet
I have two bears that were my Mums, one teddy is in much better condition than the other. The eldest has only one eye at the moment, his fur is worn and …
24 year old bear looking for info! Not rated yet
I’ve had this bear my entire life, he was put in my little crib in the hospital by my dad when I was born. I grew up & used to hold one of his legs while …
30+ old bear with blue gingham details Not rated yet
My wife received this bear as a gift in 1987. (If it helps, she was born in Lafayette, Indiana.) It was put in her crib as a gift, and she had grown up …
Mr James D Stafford Not rated yet
I received this bear on my 1st birthday and I am now 54, he stands at 38cm High and he does stand due to hard flat foot pads. He used to growl but lost …
Who and what is ‘Phillipina’? Not rated yet
“This is Phillipina -who began her life in Walthamstow in, or around, 1950.
She belonged to Marion Clifford (nee Fishman). Marion moved house many times …
Is it a bear or is it a dog? Not rated yet
This guy was purchased around 30 years ago in the UK in an antique shop. The seller said he believed him to be made in the 1930's. He had a music box inside …
Childhood yellow teddy bear Not rated yet
I received this bear from my boyfriend a couple months ago. He has had this bear for as long as he can remember 18 years or so. The bear is medium sized, …
GUND elephant. Not rated yet
I have a Gund dark grey/brown elephant. Sitting elephant? As it has no tail. No tusks either. Black gund tag on chest as well as yellow rope around neck. …
What kind of teddy bear is this? Not rated yet
Hello! I have had this bear since I was very little. I got him at a garage sale, so I have no clue how old he is. I ripped the tag off when I got him because …
Who am I? Am I special? Not rated yet
I picked this bear up at an estate sale. He was with a bunch of other plush from the late 1960’s. He has fully jointed arms, legs, and head. He has a hump …
Farmsen the German Bear Not rated yet
Hi, my sister and I came across Farmsen in the town of Farmsen-Berne in the city of Hamburg in 1985. We were out walking near the station, when a beggar …
Teddy dearly loved Not rated yet
My lovely elderly friend died last year at the age of 94. She always talked of her teddy bear and it the only thing she held onto with any sense of sentimentality. …
Kissing bears from the cherish collection Not rated yet
My teddy bear(s) are two maroon colored bears that have magnets on their mouths that attach to each other like they’re kissing. I still have all the tags …
Help me find my bear Not rated yet
My bear was unfortunately destroyed in a fire and I only have vague memories of him. I have a photo that is blurred and put of focus but looking at it …
My bear is ?? Not rated yet
My bear is mohair with wood wool stuffing he stands approx 40-45 cm tall has his claws embroided and his nose too,his eyes aren't original. He has a growler …
My bear is ?? Not rated yet
My bear is mohair with wood wool stuffing he stands approx 40-45 cm tall has his claws embroided and his nose too,his eyes aren't original. He has a growler …
Name.... Thread Bear. Not rated yet
Roughly 20 years ago, I was about 50 years old then, my brother in law gave me this bear because he knew how much I loved Teddy Bears. He was a postman …
Taylor Not rated yet
Hi there my name is taylor!
I got this lamb teddy in the hospital when I was born. I named her lambie haha. Her tag is cut off so I don’t know what brand …
No idea of age of my teddy bear Not rated yet
He’s 40cm tall has jointed arms and legs, is a shorthaired golden teddy. Has a growler which works sporadically. Brown felted paws. Plastic eyes. Have …
Beautiful Wood wool stuffed jointed Bear with humpback. Not rated yet
I have a lovely Fawn or maybe camel coloured Bear that is at least 25 years old. He was given to my son as a Christening present and we possibly didn’t …
Kimmy bear Not rated yet
My wife Kim inherited this bear from her mother over 30 years ago. Her mother received it from her sister. My wife has had the bear in a glass enclosure. …
Dark Yellow Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Had my teddy bear when I was 17 from my brother. Teddy looked old when I received him. He is quite a dark yellow with a turned up snout, a hump on his …
Harley Davidson bear Not rated yet
Hi- I have acquired a bear that has the words Harley Davidson all over him. His legs all move independently - He does have a few tears on him - one on …
Stunning 7.5 in Bear Not rated yet
Gorgeous, small 7 1/2in. cream colored, jointed female bear in pristine condition. Cream colored lace skirt and silky ribbon for tying, matching lace around …
Brown Bear Help.. Who are You? Not rated yet
Found this bear at my mother in laws after she passed. No known personal history. Assume that this bear was purchased at either flea market or garage /estate …
Steiff Knopp bear Not rated yet
I got this bear back in 2016 as a Christmas present, and I wanted to find out where I could buy a revamped version of it. The bear is white, with black …
Searching for childhood bear Not rated yet
He was about 10 inches long I believe, light brown, short fur. Short, rounded ears. His paw pads were corduroy maybe, with string stitched on to represent …
I can’t find another bear like this one anywhere. Not rated yet
Recently my mother passed away and I received a steam truck. The trunk was made in 1921 and belonged to my grandmother who was born in 1925. Inside the …
Very rare bear Not rated yet
I have a bear that was my mother's when she was a baby (she was born in 1949). It's a golden mohair center seam on the stomach and face bear, no markings …
Factory Defect in Boyd’s collectible bears Not rated yet
I purchased a Boyd’s Bear named Ivana Spendalot at a gift shop several years ago. She was brand new. This Bear is dressed to the hilt with a “mink” hat …
German teddy Bear? Not rated yet
My grandmother gave me this bear when I was born. She came from Germany and the bear was not new when she gave it to my mother to put up for me when I …
Lefray musical Teddy bear Not rated yet
My bear is a Lefray musical Teddy bear, made in England.
I bought him about 35 years ago from a local sale.
He is in very good condition, he actually …
Princess Mononoke Not rated yet
I'm not sure who gifted me this bear in approximately 1975-1978 time period in Chicago, Illinois USA. His coat is removable and made of cotton/fake fur …
Bear with music Not rated yet
I was wondering if I could get a little help on identifying this bear . This bear is Hermann . As you see he has a cute face …
1958 Teddy Bear Not rated yet
My Bear was bought I believe in 1958 from Unity House which was a shop in Hartlepool that sold childrens clothes and baby toys. He is 18ins tall and 12 …
Is Cathy a Pedigree teddy? Not rated yet
Cathy dates back to roughly 1960 and I have had her since I was born in 1965. My mum renovated her about 30 years ago but she retains the same look as …
Can My Bear be restored? Not rated yet
Family bear:-
He was bought for my mothers oldest brother who died around age 4 (Kenneth)so we know he is at least 70 years old plus. No idea of maker …
Teddy Bruno Not rated yet
My bear is over 70 years old. He has moveable arms and legs. Glass eyes and a music box when you squeeze him he plays “Rockabye baby”
He is 17 inches …
Bears are SO hard to identify - I'm absolutely lost! Not rated yet
I'm in the process of 'helping' someone downsize their collection of vintage Teddies and I wanted to do some preliminary research on them so I'm not going …
Small white bear with fluffy wand Not rated yet
My bear has been around at least 58 years because I remember him all of my life. He always sat on our Christmas tree and was put away each year in a …
BEAR'S BEAR 95 Not rated yet
Hi all want to know the bear's origin please. Brown colour (lightish) has fur like texture, snout is plush darker tone of brown with cotton material checkered …
Very rare bear Not rated yet
Hello. This bear that I have was my mother's and I inherited it when she passed 2 years ago. I have no clue about it. It has no markers on it. I do see …
handmade by old yankee bears Not rated yet
My daughter was given this bear by her 5th grade teacher (teacher was moving out of the country) in 2010. Just interested if it is worth any money before …
vintage bear vintage teddy Not rated yet
My teddy bear is about 11 inches tall.
It has a porcelain head about 3 inches wide and 2 1/2 inches tall.
The ears are an additional 1 inches adding …
Missing Ear Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I believe my teddy bear either belonged to my auntie who was born in 1928 or my mum who was born in 1940. He is fully jointed has a lovely growl up but …
Rigby Not rated yet
Rigby is my 7old son's pet teddy that follows him every were.
He received him when he was born as a gift off his pop who since has passed on, but we know …
Bing Clockwork Teddy Bear Not rated yet
We think we have a Bing clockwork teddybear in our home. My husband got this lovely teddybear as young in late 50´s but we think it could have been older …
Beloved childhood bear, well loved Not rated yet
He came into my possession in the early 2000s when my mum was given him in a charity bag to try and fit into a shoebox of toys to be sent to africa, he …
White teddy bear bought in HK, 2007/8 Not rated yet
So this is a bear that has been with me ever since I was born, and my sister knows that I really want to know the details about this bear, so she created …
A Mother's wish to help heal her hurting baby boy Not rated yet
I'm looking for a 2006 medium size tan Brown teddy bear to purchase as a replacement for my son. He lost his "Bear-Bear" as he called him, several years …
Is this a true vintage Teddy or a good fake? Not rated yet
I found this 40” teddy at an Estate Sale at a very high end home. He seemed to be looking at me with a forlorn expression as all the items were sold around …
1944 RMS Aquitania Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I was sent this teddy bear for Christmas 1944 by my Uncle who was in the US Navy on board the Cunard White Star Lines 'RMS Aquitania' which was then being …
Help...the abandoned bear at the bottom of a box Not rated yet
I received this bear in the bottom of a box. I’m hoping to find out as much as possible as I don’t know the history of it. The grandparents came from Germany …
7 Inch Teddy Bear Not rated yet
My bear is about 7 inches.. He is made of wool has a very pointed face with a leather nose... His ears are from the sheep skin so the leather is showing …
Fred The Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Hi, my name is Anne and this is my old boy Fred. Got him in 1975 when I was 4 ears old. I am now almost 50. he is 60 cm long and 35cm wide. He has a …
Antique Swiss Music Box 1930s-1940s Teddy Not rated yet
I bought this teddy at the local antique mall. I've never been an antique bear collector, but the moment I saw this one it made me feel happy. He has …
1980’s plush bear Not rated yet
I lost this very treasured bear many years ago and I would love to know if anyone can identify it for me so I may try and search for another one …
Long blonde mohair humpback bear by unknown maker? Not rated yet
We are trying to identify an adorable Long blonde mohair teddy bear with glass eyes, long nose and distinct hump back, fully jointed at all limbs and neck. …
Antique long blonde mohair humpback bear Not rated yet
Long blonde mohair teddy bear with glass eyes, long nose and distinct hump back, fully jointed at all limbs and neck. He’s got long arms with upturned …
Old musical teddy 1950-1960s possible Merrythought Not rated yet
I have recently acquired a dear little teddy who has the look of a Merrythought Cheeky bear, with his wide head and rounded ears. He has an unusual …
White Bear with Burgundy "Valentine" heart Not rated yet
I have had this bear for almost 19 years come February, and she was a gift from my Grandfather for Valentine's Day. Since I was a baby, I have loved her, …
Searching for another Gund Teddy Bear Like this Not rated yet
Hi we are looking for information on a gund inc bear from 1985 Edison NJ LIC pale
Made in Korea k3
Little lables on his back with no stitching on rear …
Help me find my childhood bear! Not rated yet
I was given this bear Christmas 1995. I remember he had big feet and dark brown fur. I named him Billy Brown Bear. His fur wasn’t soft but more wiry. I …
1940s bear? Not rated yet
He belonged to my auntie when she was a child in the 1940s in Oxfordshire, but I know nothing else about him.
He has a firm body which ‘crackles’ slightly …
My teddy bear Not rated yet
I never knew where this bear came from and it has no tag. It is a brown bear with two uneven mostly black eyes with a brown outline on the iris. It's full …
My large and adored bear Not rated yet
I found this bear in a goodwill in King George va roughly 4 years ago. She is about 3 feet long and had dark brown eyes with regular black irises. She …
Old Childhood Polar Bear Not rated yet
I got my bear when I was three years old from my Grandad when he was in Spain completely brand new which now I'm 18 it's about almost 16 years old which …
Would really like to know more about my 17 year old teddy bear Not rated yet
This was the first toy I had, given to me on the day I was born 17 years ago. I've always called him brown bear. He is very small, not sure on exact measurements, …
Threadbare Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Found in a cupboard whilst clearing mother in laws house. She’s 83 and an only child, sadly we can’t ask her the history. Bear is very threadbare but would …
Pointy Nose Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This bear has been giving me fits on how to identify it. The bear is not squishy and has a weight inside it. The tag is pictured here, but is very difficult …
Who made my bear (brand) and any leads on replacement musical tie Not rated yet
Hi I am looking for an original replacement musical tie for my teddy bear. He was gifted to me on Christmas of 1988. He is shown below as a fresh new …
I don't remember getting my bear I just remember having it. Not rated yet
I have had this bear for over 22 years now. I've had it since I was a kid before I even started school. The thing is I don't remember getting this bear …
66 yr old bear Not rated yet
This bear was my brothers and he got it when he was 3 yrs old so it is 66 yrs old. It has amber colored eyes on black round felt black circles and a …
Looking for my childhood bear- 1988 ish Not rated yet
I have had this teddy since about a year old, roughly 1988. No one recalls what brand or where she came from. Brown plastic eyes, a small nubby tail. Red …
Kiki my 90's bear Not rated yet
This bear has been with me since the day of my birth in 99 and still sleep with it every night. This is a precious stuffed animal and it has clearly seen …
The Plush Factory Seated Bear Circa 1958-1965? Not rated yet
This dark brown bear has lighter tan material for the forward facing part of each ear, the snout, and bottoms of the feet, but not on the forepaws, which …
Floppy - Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Floppy was given to me at birth in 1963 new. I presume he is a 1960's teddy. He is approx. 9" in height. Non jointed with square straight finish to paws. …
Brown Teddy Bear With white feet Not rated yet
I have had the bear a long time. I bought it at an antique sale. The bear is approximately 22" - 24". There is no tag on the bear but appears to be antique …
Beyond repair or not? Not rated yet
Hi there all, I.have acquired this old teddy bear very recently. He has really been in the wars, one leg virtually amputated, small.tears to his very worn …
my old teddy bear Not rated yet
I have had this bear for a long time and I received it from an elderly woman but I have no idea about it
what kind of bear , How old ?? etc …
Teddy Bear found in an OP Shop Not rated yet
I found this Teddy Bear in an OP Shop 2 years ago. I really liked Teddies and found this one to be unusual I've had it sitting on a cupboard since I bought …
Bailing twine bear Not rated yet
Left to me by my great aunt, this bear is made from yellow bailing twine.I have no idea where she got it, she worked in London for many years as a nurse …
1940's teddy bear missing almost all his fur Not rated yet
I really need help identifying this bear it has extremely high sentimental value to my grampa and I want to see if I can find a new one just like it. he …
Girl’s Best Friend- Seeking to identify to find a duplicate Not rated yet
Hi, I’m seeking to identify this bear, my daughter’s beloved Papa Bear, to purchase a duplicate. He’s very well loved and due to a robbery when she was …
My best pal growing up! Not rated yet
I got my bear when I was born, 22 years ago, and has been through it all with me. I dragged my bear everywhere with me. My bear is now old and worn but …
Not a vintage bear but is my childhood teddy I have been trying to find another Not rated yet
My grandmother got him as a gift for my mom the Christmas before I was born in 1997. He was very fluffy with beads in his paws hands and feet. I have have …
teddy bear 1908 Not rated yet
Hello, this bear belonged to my grandfather who was born in 1908. This was a birthday present for him. We are unsure of the manufacturer but think it was …
Need Help Identifying This Little Guy Not rated yet
Hi, I came across this guy at a thrift store the other day. He's super cute. I always like picking up old bears and trying to find out about them. The …
2 old teddies Not rated yet
Hello I'm looking for advice on two teddies I own. One of them i think is a stiff but he has been really beaten up a puppy got hold of him years ago. He …
Looking to identify my teddy bears Not rated yet
Hi everyone! I am looking to identify my childhood teddy bears. They are about 4-5 inches long, some beans in the body/feet, and was bought around 1994. …
Small 32cm in length teddy bear Not rated yet
Teddy weighs 120grams 32cm tall Can’t stand has to sit. Unjointed , beige colour with black fleck throughout also a upside down triangle of white fur …
1994 or 1995 Kmart teddy bear Not rated yet
I have a well loved and well worn bear I got from Kmart in Canada in 1993 or 1994. He looks much like the snowflake/ christmas bears from the Dan Dee collection …
Just curious about my oldest friend Not rated yet
I have this teddy bear since I can remember I'm 32 now but I know that it was given to me by an old friend of the family when I was just a baby and I've …
Tracey's Teddy Not rated yet
This little guy is about 12 inches tall, has a soft body and straw or harder material in his head head. He once had a music box in his belly but he was …
Tracey’s Teddy Not rated yet
My bear is from the early sixties I think. It was given to me when I was born. I was born in Canada. He is about 12 inches tall has movable stems and legs, …
Please help me find my best friend of 26 years! Not rated yet
Hi! My name is Dakota and I’m writing here to see if you could help me.
I’m 26 years old. When I was born in 1994, my grandpa (he has since passed) …
Bing or steiff Not rated yet
An old couple died and i was asked if i could take the items away along with some old 1920s bisque headed dolls which i did, my friend does house clearances, …
Mom's 1940s(?) teddy bear Not rated yet
I found this teddy bear among my Mom's belonging so guessing it was one of her childhood toys - she was born in the early 40's.
He's about 9 inches …
FADAP Teddy Not rated yet
Hello, This distressed teddy was bought from an old collector who preferred not to have it restored. It did suffer some repairs along the way, I think, …
Red Teddy Bear identity Not rated yet
This is a 3" tall, red teddy bear with moveable limbs and padded feet. It's eyes, nose and mouth seem to be made of thread. The bear is a stuffed with …
Meet Radar The Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I don't know much about my bear. I was born in 1987, and my uncle picked this up at a flea market around that time. The bear is 23 inches tall and has …
1980s Talking Teddy Bear from LA, California Not rated yet
My teddy bear was purchased by an aunt from a toy store in Los Angeles in the mid-1980s. My bear mimics human words through his battery-operated recorder …
Dark brown growler bear Not rated yet
Hi,I found this gorgeous adorable fellow bear at the charity shop today,he cost me only $2 aus dollars.
I know nothing about teddy bears and would like …
Trying to Identify the Value of this Bear and how old it would be Not rated yet
Bear was given to me 32 years ago from my mother in law. I know she had it since or before 1960. I do not know if it was a gift to my husband when he was …
1970s teddy bear Not rated yet
This is my moms old bear, I’m just curious who made him. She lived him in Germany so it’s likely a German company. Probably not Steiff as there’s no button …
Pooh Bear Not rated yet
I found this Pooh Bear way back in the attic of my moms house. Looks very old but do not know anything about it. I have found some similar from the 60’s …
Poor old white Teddy DOB circa 1945 Any idea of make, age etc Not rated yet
I found this teddy bear in my fathers attic and would like to know if anyone can provide dates or manufacturer. It is in a very poor state and needs some …
Old bear in need of identification Not rated yet
He is approx 50cm long. I bought him about 15 years ago as part of my collection and he was advertised as one of the first Chad valley but having looked …
Rupert Bear Not rated yet
I know my Bear is a Rupert bear. I was given him when I was born in 1986; the only indication I have of where he was made is the made in england …
Fathers childhood bear Not rated yet
I have one of my fathers childhood bears that I'm trying to identify, my father was born in 1931 and raised in London from an early age. The bear is quite …
1950s German (Mohair-?) Bear Not rated yet
This bear was given to me as new when I was a baby in 1958, when my parents were living in Germany for a short time and so I suspect he was made in Germany …
German 1950's Bear Not rated yet
This bear was given to me as new when I was a baby in the 1950's, when my parents …
Info on a childhood teddy bear. Not rated yet
I got this bear from a long distance relative, and it's been very loved, to the point where his neck has been strained, is stuffing is almost gone, and …
Found old teddy bear wondering what kind it is. Not rated yet
This teddy bear has swiveling head, arms and legs has glass black and brown eyes, stitched body, nose ears, felt like paws but unsure cinnamon like color,missing …
Champ The Red Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I was given the little red “Champ” bear when I was born in 1966. Because my father was in the army, we were often posted to new bases, some of them in …
My Teddy Bear Victor Not rated yet
This is Victor. He was found in my grandmother's house attic, in France. My grandmother says he did not belong to her and is probably older. She is 80. …
magic bear Not rated yet
my bear is approx 6 to 7 inches high. Creamy coloured. I bought him at a church jumble sale in 1977 and he was already old and battered then. His head …
JSLB's 1930s Bear Not rated yet
I believe this bear is from the early 1930s. My father said it was a Steiff, but I have never had this verified. His father did travel to Germany in the …
Early 1900s Teddy bear Not rated yet
Teddy has back button eyes
once a black thread nose and claws
Jointed limbs
felt pad paws
Golden threadbare mohair
growler that does …
Panda Bear Not rated yet
I used to collect pandas when I was young and have recently been clearing them out, I found my bear amongst these, you can tell right away he is older …
Is This a 1940's American bear Not rated yet
Hello! I recently purchased this teddy bear at the antique store. I really would like to identify him. What kind of bear, when was he made, etc. The …
My Constant Companion Not rated yet
Ive had this bear since I was a year old. It was a gift from my uncle for my very first Christmas back in 1994.He's a white bear with a black nose, eyes …
ww11 Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I believe this belonged to a US pilot shot down in WWII. It was in his sisters house when we cleaned it out and stored with his service metals. Appears …
Brown Teddy with Leather nose Not rated yet
Hoping One of you may be able to help me identify this large brown bear. I don’t have a good story, I just found him at my local Goodwill store and thought …
Late 1980s UK bear with a foot logo Not rated yet
This is my bff bear who was given to me when I was born in 1989. His butt tag was cut off (understandably), but he has a logo on his foot that I was hoping …
Big bear lost to house fire Not rated yet
I got this big bear in 2002 from a relative. I got it for Christmas so around December. It was sold in Hungarian stores, not sure which one exactly though. …
The bear who doesn’t know who he is. Not rated yet
He is very sturdy it feels as if he might be filled with a sawdust type material his arm and leg joints feel wooden his eyes are an orangey color with …
BearBear Not rated yet
This is a childhood teddy bear I've had since I would remember. (I'm turning 18 September 10th of 2020 and I would like to figure out where he came from.) …
Early 40's teddy bear. Not rated yet
This bear was given to my father in around 1942 or 1943. He lived in Cape Town, South Africa at the time. He can't remember if it was new at the time, …
Help me find my childhood teddy Not rated yet
It’s a pink bear, its fur is individual somewhat thick strands that kinda resemble noodles. It has a think light pink strand of chiffon like fabric around …
Can someone identify my white bear? Not rated yet
I received my teddy bear when I was about 2 years old in the early 2000s. Probably around 2002 or 2003. The person who gifted it to me has said that they …
Girlfriend's missing bear Not rated yet
Hello to all! I'm hoping you guys and gals could help me if possible. My girlfriend (whom I love very dearly) told me that she lost her childhood bear …
Trying to see if I can find another one of my bears for my son Not rated yet
White fur, brown eyes, and a hard brown nose with a green shirt with small white dots throughout it and a solid white collar. Over his shirt he has a pair …
My mother’s old gund bear Not rated yet
It’s a 1983-85 white gund bear, still in the original box, it’s a white bear with fully movable arms, legs and head. It has a small pink rose in its right …
Hard Feeling Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I received the bear from an older friend in the early 70’s. Don’t remember much else about it, besides it being old. Years later, like 40 years, I came …
Please help date my mum's old teddy Not rated yet
As long as I can remember this teddy has sat on my parents bed. My mum has always been curious about the age of the teddy as her mum brought it for her …
Antique Soldier Bear Not rated yet
14" upright bear, jointed arms and legs, stuffed with sawdust or fine wood shavings, sewn on black trousers, red jacket with small black felt buttons, …
Help identifying musical teddy bear Not rated yet
Was trying to do some research into what this bear might be. Name/maker anything would be greatly appreciated. This was my wife’s teddy when she was a …
Trying to find. Duplicate Of My Mothers Bestfriend Mr. grey Bear Not rated yet
Hello! My mother passed away 4 years ago as of August 13th This year & My father not long after her . Growing up as a child I remember she always had this …
HELP! Can anyone identify this bear? Not rated yet
Hey, Long story short my girlfriend misplaced her bear when she was younger. She went through adoption and this bear was I guess there for her from when …
The Family Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I’ve had this bear since I was a kid but I got it from my older brother who is 7 years my senior. I know it must be at the very least 25 years old since …
Brown Bear 70's Identification Not rated yet
Received this bear as a gift from relative from France about 1979.
Nose: The nose disintegrated and I replaced with a button. The original nose had …
Mohair teddy bear 1930’s Not rated yet
Mohair teddy bear, no tags, from the 1930’s. Stomach seam vertical. No tags and possibly a Steiff. All limbs and head swing 360 degrees. Brown eyes …
1984 Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Hi All
My children’s grandmother purchased each of them a teddy bear when they were born. I thought it was the brand, Barney Bear but not sure. They …
My childhood bear, looking for ID info Not rated yet
I received this bear 28 years ago as a present from my grandmother, who recently passed.
I do not know where he was purchased, although it would have …
Paddington clothed old bear Not rated yet
I recently bought this bear as part of a job lot at the auction. It has paddington's jacket and boots, although im not sure whether they were just added …
My Childhood Bear Not rated yet
My bear was given to me in the early 2000s, but could be a little older than that. He has short, soft, light to medium brown colored fur. Some of his more …
Help me find this guy! Not rated yet
I was given this bear by my grandma when I was born. When I was 19 a girl I dated in high school stole it and took it to college. I begged for it back …
Teddy Bear Found at a thrift store Not rated yet
I found this old looking amazing bear at a thrift store near me. The one thing I loved about it was that it had movable arms and legs. The other thing …
Lost/Confiscated Childhood Teddy Bear ID Wanted Not rated yet
Hey everyone - my girlfriend told me a terribly sad story when we first were getting to know each other at a deeper level about her only stuffed animal …
I'm looking to replace my girlfriends lost teddy as a birthday present Not rated yet
As the title says my girlfriends birthday is coming up and she recently told me about this teddy bear that she loved, but has lost. While at her mothers …
Large brown bear Not rated yet
I was born in 1985 and got this bear either when i was born or by my 1st birthday. He has been VERY obviously loved over the years. Affectionately named …
Is This a Hermann teddy bear ? Not rated yet
So I just purchased this bear and I am interested in knowing more about it. There is an appraisal with it but I want clarity knowing that this a hermann. …
Please help identify my cheeky bears age Not rated yet
Hi I've recently had a grandaughter and it's been a family tradition for the girls in the family to receive cheeky bears when they're born.nirmally born, …
light coloured teddy Bear Not rated yet
I am inquiring about my bear not for collecting or selling purposes, but simply because I have grown up with this bear and I would love to know about his …
"Toots" the Doorstop Bear from Outback Queensland Not rated yet
I recently bought "Toots" from an outback Queensland opportunity shop. He was in the shop window and had a $4 pricetag. I was drawn to him by the odd angle …
1950's Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I got this bear in the 1950's from an Aunt in Germany. When squeezed in the stomach area it would make a noise but not anymore.
It is about 12.5 inches …
15 years Teddy Bear Not rated yet
It’s not a collectors item, I’ve just been trying to find out what year these were made, I think I’ve had this best for about 15 years, but the label is …
1990 Brown Stuffed Bear with Movable Limbs Not rated yet
1990 Brown Stuffed Bear with Movable Limbs and Rope Neck Tie
I am trying to identify and hopefully re-possess a childhood teddy bear that …
Old humpback bear Not rated yet
He was found at the bottom of a toy bin in my favorite junk shop in Lincoln, Nebraska.He measures 24" and is fully jointed and he has a very defined hump …
1960 Steif Bear Not rated yet
I had this bear when I was little early 1960. My grandmother who lived in Germany sent it to me in a package possibly around 1965. I just know it was there …
vintage panda teddy bear from the 60's Not rated yet
This bear was my cousins bear. He won it at the red river exhibition in Winnipeg, Manitoba in .the 60's sometime . I always liked it. Every time I went …
Lewis My Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I have had Lewis my whole like (31 years) and my mother had him for a couple prior to me. He isn’t in horrible shape for being run through the mill, his …
10" tall teddy bear Not rated yet
I have had my teddy bear for at least 66 years.I have found 2 photographs with me holding him.
He is about 10 inches tall,orange/blond in colour with …
Bear with no name. Not rated yet
So this is my bear and strangely, although I have had him from the day of my birth, I have never given him a name!I know that he was given to me second …
Is My Bear Bear a Hermann? Not rated yet
Hello. I was given the honor of becoming Bear Bear's lifelong friend when I was 6 years old. Our next door neighbor was a German lady. She was single …
Chad Valley bear Not rated yet
Hi. I have a Chad Valley bear. I think it belonged to my Aunt who would now be around 100 years old. I have had it as long as I can remember and I am …
Brown Teddy Bear - Any information on this bear? Not rated yet
I am hoping to gather any information anyone may have of this teddy bear I came across at an estate sale the other day. I have tried to perform …
Can anyone help me find out the maker of my teddy? Not rated yet
I have had Cuddles since I was 5-6 years old. I was born in 1992 in Bethlehem PA. This is where he was purchased. My mom thinks she got him at Walmart, …
Old Monkey Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I have been looking for this monkey teddy for years. He belonged my sister when we were children and was left on an airplane and the airport never found …
Old teddy of unknown origins. Not rated yet
I am looking for help finding as much information as possible out about my 1961 teddy bear.
He was bought for me as a gift as a new born baby by my …
Old Mohair Bear Not rated yet
This bear is about 20 inches tall with dark webbed feet. The head turns 360 degrees with arms and legs that turn at the body. The snout is shaved. He has …
Bill and Jean Trenter teddy bears Not rated yet
I was given some bears that I am curious about! They have tags on them, but I cannot find out anything about the company and the artists. The artists …
Looking for the maker of my first teddy Not rated yet
First teddys are a big thing in my family and with a daughter on the way i've been on the search for the right teddy. i would love to get her one similar …
Childhood teddy bear Not rated yet
My childhood teddy bear is a white baby bear dressed in a pink onesie. She has a pink bow on her head and is holding a small blanket. On the front of her …
Old light colour movable head bear Not rated yet
Trying to work out the history of my old bear. He is about 30 centimetres in height. Light blond colour. Fur is short soft brisslely. Well worn in …
Winnie the Pooh Type bear Not rated yet
I have a yellow or golden colored bear that resembles Winnie the Pooh. It is approximately 20 to 24 inches in length, black button eyes, one has been replaced, …
Dark brown jointed 8” bear Not rated yet
I believe this bear is mohair. I purchased it about 20 years ago at an antique shop for a nominal cost. I cannot seem to find anything that even closely …
Well loved bear, a gift in 1967 Not rated yet
This little guy has been loved to death. He is light brown with dark brown accents. He is about 14 inches tall. He once had a squeaker that does not work, …
Learning the story behind my grandmother's bear Not rated yet
This bear was in my late grandma's garage for years. Since sorting out her affairs I've been going through her possessions and finally have the chance …
Trying to find a bear like this Not rated yet
This was my teddy bear as a child. I picked her out when I was two or three, so she would have been manufactured in the late 1970s. She had flat, blue …
What brand and how valuable is my teddy bear? Not rated yet
I was given this Teddy Bear when I was a small child. The teddy bear is quite large, and in excellent condition. There is no damage to eyes, face, ears, …
teddy bear with green bow need replacement urgently Not rated yet
Hello there, I am desperate to know where my teddy is from! He was purchased in 1997 and gifted to me by my father when I was born. His name is Ted and …
unreadable label on much loved bear Not rated yet
I would love to know where this bear is from please.
I thought the label may of been Harrods or Hamleys. I only have a photo of the label on the …
Searching for my childhood bear Not rated yet
I'm searching for my childhood bear, from the early to mid 1990s. (I know, not that long ago)
Two-toned tan and brown bear, roughly 3ft tall. The top …
I am trying to find out who created My Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This Bear I’ve had since I was a baby but I guess my mom got it at a Walmart or someplace she doesn’t remember it’s not exactly antique but I would like …
Teddy no name! Not rated yet
Hi im teddy no name,I was given to my first mum in 1924,she was never allowed to play with me and was only allowed to handle me very carefully at Christmas. …
Nans teddy bear Not rated yet
This is my nans teddy bear, she has since birth in ‘38 it is believed to of been handed down from her mother who had it since birth in 1901 but isn’t confirmed. …
Can You Help Identify My Bear? Not rated yet
Hello, My bear would have been purchased in the Greater Toronto Area of Canada circa late 1986 or early 1987. I remember hearing my cousin say she recalled …
A 1963 bear, but what make? Can anyone please help? Not rated yet
Hello. Meet Ted. He is my beautiful bear, a gift for my 2nd birthday in November 1963. He is a golden mohair, stuffed with wood and wool. He has a squeaker …
A bear with a cursive B Not rated yet
I’m 16 years old, and for the past 13 years I’ve had this bear I call teddy. When I was young I cut off his tag. And I have no idea what kind of bear he …
1992/1993 Dakin like bear with red/white strip hat Not rated yet
I’ve been desperately trying to find my bear type for a few years now on and off. Been told to look at various makes such as Dakin, Dandee or Kmart …
Does anyone recognise this chap? Not rated yet
I bought this bear from a curiosity shop when I was ten years old. Forty seven years later I would like to know more about him. He was old when I got him …
Small leopard cub teddy Not rated yet
Hi. I was given a small leopard cub teddy as a gift from my nan and I was wondering how to find out its age. Its around 15cm tall. Both its eyes and its …
2000’s bear Not rated yet
I’ve had this bear since around 2004.
It’s nose is made out of some hard material. The legs are very flimsy and move easily (it has always been like …
help me find my childhood best friend’s twin Not rated yet
Brown, with beige bottom of feet and paws. A round tail at the back. Currently has a ribbon, but i’m not entirely sure that that’s the original ribbon …
Creek side Critters Handcraft Collectibles Jacinta Anne Bears Not rated yet
I have 2-Creekside Critters Handcraft Collectibles Jacinta Anne Bears # 64 and # 75.
The tags state that these were delivered on February 7, 1985 to …
He was my best friend (1973/4) Not rated yet
I named him Deedee and he was my best friend.
I received him as a gift from overseas, either United States (more likely) or the UK (less likely).
Any information greatly appreciated about my teddy bear Not rated yet
hi sorry to be messaging so late but I'm wondering if you could help me out. I'm trying to find out a bit more of this bear there is 2 but the other 1 …
Trying to identify my childhood bear! Not rated yet
I am interested in discovering the origins of my much loved twenty-one centimetre velveteen rainbow teddy as his identification tags have long since faded. …
A Red Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I had this bear ever since I was around 6 until I was 12 (2007-2013). The bear was given to me by my mother or grandmother. (Most likely my grandmother …
Petz with growler wearing Buddy Lee vintage overallls Not rated yet
I acquired this teddy at an outdoor auction. It came with no history. Its face and shape leads me to think it is Petz from Germany. It does have a growler …
Attic find bear Not rated yet
We have an attic find bear that we know is at least 60 years old plus, it is quite worn as you would expect, has movable joints with what seem like discs …
Freddie The Bunny w/ Long Legs Not rated yet
Freddie has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I believe I got my long legged friend between 1981 and 1983. His name is Freddie because …
Trying to Replace a Dear Lost Bear Not rated yet
A charming bear given to my wife as a toddler in the MidWestern United States. May originally have been a version of Winnie the Pooh though color is …
Huge Bear of 1981-1982 Not rated yet
Huge Teddy Bear of 1981-1982 ,made by Besttoy Meg.LTD, 43 Hall nst Brooklyn ,NY.476.Mass.T361.OHIO 9618. It ia a vintangage bear, the toy of my husband's …
Small, tan-gray childhood bear Not rated yet
This bear simply named “Teddy.” He belongs to my 13-year-old daughter, I have no information on where he came from or who gave him to her. She’s had him …
I need a duplicate treedy bear Not rated yet
My bear is a 10” light brown/tan color. He has a bronze nose and white ears, paws, and belly. He used to have a gold bow, but it came off about 12 years …
Value of my bear, please. Not rated yet
My bear was my father's who has unfortunately passed, I have had the bear my self since I was a baby and I am 40 this year.
He is 11.5 inch long, …
Mr Retro. Not rated yet
I'm not really sure if this is a teddy bear or a dog shaped stuffed toy.
I know it is very old ad is was given to me by an aged man who had it since …
identifying age and maker of teddy bear and possible value Not rated yet
My teddy was given to me at birth - 1960 in Western Australia.
He is about 19" long, is almost bald now, but what fur is left appears to be synthetic?. …
South African Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Please help me identify this teddy bear. He was bought for me in South Africa by my mom, but I have no idea if he was imported or made locally.
A date …
Old us bear unkown brand Not rated yet
I have gotten this bear from my parents and we dont know exactly what kinda bear/brand it is and where it came from. Im just curious what i can find out …
1930ish Somerset PA area Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This needs four hundred words, so forgive the embellishments, hyperbole, etceterae. Well, let's see... how did this all start? My dear Mama gave me this …
Looking to Identify Age/Origins of Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I got it from a local thrift store and know none of its background, it doesn’t have any tags that could indicate a brand or origin on it but it does have …
My bear from (roughly) 1999? Not rated yet
I have had this bear since as long as I can remember. She has been through alot. She has gone through many resewings and surgeries and restuffings by now. …
Looking To Identify And Value Open Mouth Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This unique old teddy bear is in excellent condition. He has a very bear like snout and open mouth with tongue and three holes in upper mouth where teeth …
Help! I can’t figure out my bear! Not rated yet
I got him from a thrift store. 9 inches tall and I can feel wires in the arms. He’s stuffed with wool shavings and has felt pads on the hands and feet. …
Vintage Super Hero Looking Bear With Letter J On Chest Not rated yet
Came across this bear when sorting my late grandmothers attic, I hadn't see it before and wondered if anyone knows who (if any) the character is?
The …
Teddy Bear Pulled from a skip.. Not rated yet
Hello, I pulled Ted from a skip about 8 years ago, such a cute little bear, Unfortunatly his eyes are now stitched, he has a wonky nose and bare skin with …
Old German teddy bear Not rated yet
Hi. I have a teddy bear measuring about 80cm tall. It is filled with wood fibre, including some filling in its ears. It is made from mohair material, …
Handmade Teddy Bear Straw-filled and wearing Official Lee Overalls Not rated yet
I purchased this teddy bear at a thrift store so I have no history on it. It is about 11 inches long and the head is the widest part at about 3 1/2 inches …
Four Gund Teddy Bears and a Vintage bear with no markings Not rated yet
My 88 year old mother left me 4 Teddy Bears with Gund tags. Of course I'm wondering what their values are and where I might sell them.
First has an …
Looking for information about my old bear Not rated yet
This is my childhood teddy bear - I have had him for my whole life. In fact, he is older than me as my Mum was given him for me while she was pregnant. …
Most beautiful old bear Not rated yet
Edward is 70 years old. I have had him since my third birthday. He is 28 inches tall with fully articulated arms and legs. His nose is sewn and he has …
Well loved sweater bear Not rated yet
Bought at a thrift store. Machine sewn, wood wool stuffing and probably mohair fabric. Ears are handsewn, probably a repair. Wearing a little red sweater …
Mohair growler bear ? 1950s Not rated yet
Hi, I would love to learn more about this bear which was given to my mum by a Canadian mounty in the early 1950s. She brought him to England in 1953 when …
Trying to understand my bear's heritage. Not rated yet
I bought this bear a few years ago at an antique shop. It reminded me of a bear I had as a child. This one is 12" tall with light brown or honey colored …
Couldn't leave These teds there.... Not rated yet
My dad and i saw these two in a 'antique'shop i mentioned they should be loved again..guess what i got for christmas ...both are very hard and crackle …
1909 steiff teddy bear Not rated yet
I believe I have a 1909 steiff teddy bear. I took it to an appraiser years ago and that is what he told me. He also believed that my bear was signed on …
German teddy Bear Not rated yet
Believe from Germany. Not sure as I have no verifiable provenance.
Found sitting nicely in the back of an “antique store” in Waxahachie , Tx. which is …
My Childhood Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Teddy has been my dearest friend since I was three weeks old. He was purchased in a shop in downtown Wheeling, WV by my grandmother and was a gift for …
My silly old bear Not rated yet
I have had my bear since I was 10 I'm 28 now his tag is faded extremely to the point there's nothing on it at all. I'm just very curious what brand he …
Old teddy bear Not rated yet
The teddy gear is small, around 6inches long. The bear has moving arms and legs that turn all the way around however its head does not move. Sand coloured …
Steiff Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I found a Steiff teddy bear at an estate sale. It has a silver button with yellow tag that says “Steiff” on the ear in cursive lettering. It’s head moves …
How old is my Paddington bear? Not rated yet
My bear is a Paddington Bear given to me by my now deceased great aunty. I am not sure how long she had him. He has two large, round, dome shape, plastic …
Old Swedish teddy Bear Not rated yet
I have a bear that was given to me by my mother. It was a gift from her grandparents on her fathers side and they were both born 1900 here in sweden. The …
Green and White Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I have a green and white teddy bear. I have no idea where he came from, I just have always had him. I think I got him when I was about 3 years.
He's …
Childhood teddy bear Not rated yet
I've had this bear since I was a kid, I'm adopted so i cant get an answer of where exactly it came from. He is about 2 feet tall. He has a hard black nose …
Who Knows my Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Hi everyone, I'd love to know what kind of bear this is, e.g. where he is from, if this type of bear has a particular name, if he is worth anything and …
Fully jointed white bear with small hump on back of neck Not rated yet
Got this old fellow today and just putting him out there to see if I can find out his origin and maker if possible. He has cream coloured like fake leather …
Old Teddy bear (I think around 1969) Not rated yet
My teddy bear when I was a child I have kept with me my whole life. I am not sure, but I believe the bear is from 1969. Purchased in Fort Wayne, Indiana. …
Vintage brown teddy bear Not rated yet
Hi there.
I recently saw a Teddy a teddy bear very similar to my own childhood bear on a 1987 episode of “A different world.” I was born in 1991 in Canada, …
1930's Brown Bear Not rated yet
My mother's teddy bear found its way to me this year. Mom was born in 1933 but can't say anything about her bear and were it came from. She grew up in …
Does This Bear Come From Austria? Not rated yet
This bear was given to me as a child (30 years ago), by a family friend who came from Austria. I have no idea about where or when this bear was bought, …
Vintage novelty Inc. teddy bears on wooden porch swing Not rated yet
So I have a set of vintage possibly even antique teddy bears. One is a male teddy bear which is paired up next to a female teddy bear. Both of their tags …
Very old teddy found in France Not rated yet
Hi there,
Today, in south west France near Bordeaux, I found this lovely bear who I've called Martin.
He's very much worse for wear but his arm …
My (G.H.) teddy bear Not rated yet
Hello, I need help with my teddy bear. It isn't joined teddy bear, it's whole. He has plastic eyes with brown felt background. Inside bear are little pieces …
Golden Yellow Mohair Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This bear measures 21 1/2" long. He is on the skinny side; his boy width, at his waist measures about 6 1/2" across. He might have a crier from the feel, …
Sixty Year Old teddy Bear Not rated yet
My bear is 60 years old. He is made of mohair, I think, and stuffed with straw. I fot him when I was 2 and my mother thinks he had some kind of button …
An Andover Toy Unknown Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I found this teddy bear 2 years ago in the attic of a house i was cleaning out, It was wrapped in what Im guessing was the original plastic bag it came …
Old jointed White Bear stiched blue nose and blue glass eyes Not rated yet
I came across this lovely 12 inches white jointed teddy bear. Jointed, short nose, fur feels soft and somehow silky feel but old, 'paddington' look, …
Australian Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I help selling items for a charity. We have been given a bear. He is the most strange looking bear, though a delightful face his front paws are turned …
Teddy in a Shadow Box Not rated yet
This Teddy Bear belonged to my husband, Bill, now deceased. He would have been 68 this year. His family lived in Nashville, Tn and his parents were both …
Two French half teddy bear brothers found in france Not rated yet
Teddy Bear ‘Flint’ ....good size, glass eyes, very worn, really charming,....quite a character, his arms legs and head all turn full circle.
Rabbit …
1960s Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This bear has been in our family for three generations, it came from Austria, my mother's homeland. She brought it to the UK with her when she migrated …
Koala teddy bear Not rated yet
My koala bear is about 18 inches in height.
It is filled with what feels like straw or wood wool.
It does crackle when it’s pressed and it is solid, …
Australian Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I was given this bear when I was around 3 years old when I was living in Sydney Australia , my Mum found the bear left behind in the hotel she was working …
Giant lion Not rated yet
This giant lion has been with me for 30 years, it was with my aunt for 5 years before that. The lion was won in a raffle many years ago. After my aunt …
Looking for any clues for this old chap! Not rated yet
I recently bought this bear in a job lot box at an auction, I spotted him at the bottom of a box! I have no further history on him and was among items …
Rare Vintage? Antique? Advertiser Teddy Bear in Cinnamon color holding a SUGAR SACK. Excellent condition.The bear sitting is 16" including ears; standing …
1940's teddy bear? Not rated yet
I have 2 bears ,both belonging to my father who was born in 1940 and whose father was in the Indian army . Both are jointed one has flat brown button eye …
Need Replacements for Sister's Early 1970s Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Maybe you guys can help me or refer to whoever might. I am seeking an exact duplicate of the brown teddy bear from these photos (I still have the white …
Old and Worn Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This antique bear came with a letter, a grandpa gifting it to a grandkid, saying it was bought in 1933. But the brand wasn't mentioned. The bear is 18" …
moms old teddy bear Not rated yet
looking for advice on my mom's childhood teddy - she told me it was a steiff bear, but i would like verification because there are not any identifying …
Dark blue and gray bear Not rated yet
Hi my name is Ginger
I have a Dark blue and grey teddy bear. The dark blue runs all down his back including behind his ears, both legs and arms also …
Can anyone help me identify my old 20ish year old bear. Not rated yet
I got this bear when I was born in 1999. It was a gift from my grandad who sadly passed away so I am trying to see if I can find another/ copy incase anything …
Paddy teddy bear, handmade by Wellwood Weavers in Scotland Not rated yet
This bear belonged to my late mother. I do not know where she bought it or how long she had it for. It is in excellent condition. It has a small brooch …
Dark Brown Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I have had this since I was little probably got it when I was a baby not positive all I know is my mom got it for me I think. Im 20 now and Im just wondering …
Mr Liverpool My Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I got Mr Liverpool when I was around 11/12 years old for Christmas, roughly 14 years ago. I’ve recently decided I want him valued, I don’t want to sell …
How old Is MY teddy Bear? Not rated yet
My name is Herbert. I am not sure how old I am nor who made me. I dont have a tag showing my creator. My coat appears to be made of brown wool, …
First World War Teddy Bear ? Not rated yet
At the end of the second world war 1945 my mothers friends husband bought back a teddy bear from Germany. It must be at least 75 years old if not more. …
Big growler bear Not rated yet
I'm hoping someone can help with more information about this bear. It's 65 years old, my mother was given when she was 5 years old. The pads were replaced …
1950 30 inch articulated golden bear Not rated yet
Hello, I would love some help to identify the maker of my bear. I was given him when I was born in 1951 in Australia. I imagine he could be Australian …
Old brown bear Not rated yet
I have just come across this bear which is in need of repair and I am wondering if it is worth getting repaired. I found it at a car boot sale in Yorkshire, …
Which company made this 1930s bear? Not rated yet
My father was born in 1935 and has had this bear all his life. It’s unclear if it belonged to one of his much older sisters before him. He thought it was …
Do you recognise Flump Not rated yet
Flump is a very sweet little guy and I would love to know more about him. His eyes are blue glass I think ( cold to touch). His pads are a pale blue fabric, …
Steiff bear in african dress Not rated yet
My bear was a gift, so I don't know a lot. She is a dark brown. There is a yellow ear tag that says "made in germany by steiff knopf im ohr" in red. A …
Kevin’s Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Hi. I’m wanting to know something about my step son’s teddy bear. I believe he got it as a toddler. He was born in October 1975 but I didn’t meet Kevin …
Is he the Rare Steiff Cheetah/Leapord Bear Not rated yet
I recently got this bear and I believe it is a Steiff. He is app. 12.5" tall and 4" wide. He has really soft blonde fur with black spots. I am pretty sure …
1960's Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I received this bear as a very young child, probably around birth to one year. I was born in Jan 1962 in England. He is a pale golden colour standing approximately …
French Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I purchased this gorgeous guy in southwest France. I'm assuming he's French, but well could be another European make.
Here's what I can tell you about …
Childhood Teddy Not rated yet
Mr. Bear (creative, I know) was a teddy bear I was given sometime between my birth in 2001 and my third birthday in 2004. He's been by my side my entire …
Possibly German Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I have a five inch teddy bear wearing a red felt bonnet that adds another inch to the height. She is also carrying a tiny red felt purse on her right arm. …
Light Brown Teddy Bear with JB on left foot Not rated yet
6 Years ago (2013) I received a light brown teddy bear from Forsyth Hospital (Novant Health) in W-S, NC. The teddy bear is small similar to a beanie baby. …
What is this little teddy bear? Not rated yet
I saw this teddy at a car boot sale a few weeks ago and I immediately noticed how alike my grandmas bear he was. My grandma was born in the the 1930's. …
Theodore Edward Beat -Ted E Bear - Tud Not rated yet
I got Tud as a replacement for another black bear I got at Mt. Rushmore that was lost in a house fire. My little brother could not say Ted so he called …
Need help identifying teddy bear - no tags Not rated yet
This cute little bear is light tan or a cream colour. with light tan paws.
Has a long snout made from what looks like thick cotton or hessian fabric …
Not antique, but I would really like to know more about my bear Not rated yet
I've had this bear for as long as I can remember.
I was born in 2000, and my grandmother bought it for me when I was still an infant, so I assume it was …
Long Legged Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I've had this bear since I was a baby, but my parents have no idea where he came from. He was definitely bought as I remember ripping up the label he had …
1950's Teddy Bear Not rated yet
He is a chocolate brown bear, given to my mother when she was born in 1958. Her mum says it's a Steiff but he has no tags or labels. He was bought in Lincolnshire, …
Little Brown teddy Bear Not rated yet
I’ve had this bear for at least 15 years. I think I purchased it at a yard sale in Pennsylvania. He measures three inches tall, has jointed arms and legs, …
Help identify this lost bear Not rated yet
This bear, was given to me when I was born in 1976 in Mississauga, Ontario. Unfortunately he got lost, in 1994 when our family was moving to different …
5 jointed Teddy Bear Not rated yet
My bear has no tags of any kind. It is firmly stuffed. I do not know what the stuffing is made of but it is very firm. His head, arms, and legs move. The …
Brown teddy Bear Help Identifying Please Not rated yet
I recently stumbled upon this amazing old teddy bear at an antique shop in New Hampshire while on a weekend away with my husband. A long time ago, my mother …
Character Bear Not rated yet
I have a Teddy bear that was stored away in the attic of my grandmother’s house and then in her dresser drawer. I think it may have been purchased as …
Miniature keychain plush bear Not rated yet
I have had her since I was born she is dark blue with red spots she has black on her ears hands and feet her nose and mouth is made with black string her …
Two Bears, Dark Brown and Blonde. Not rated yet
Two bears for your consideration. This is my first time posting to this site. If you need any more information I would be happy to try to provide whatever …
swillpuppy My teddy Bear Not rated yet
My Teddy is two toned white and tan with Amber glass eyes and a hand stitched nose. He has brown paws and feet and black stitched toes with a simulated …
Great Britain Panda pre-1948 Not rated yet
I was born in Rochdale, Lancashire, England in 1948. When I was born my aunt got this panda for me at an auction, I was told, but we have no idea how much …
BIg Bear and little Bear Not rated yet
Hello there, I am a fan of history within our toys that have been created through the past of our generation. I love to explore at flea markets and …
1950s or earlier Bear from Deceased estate. Not rated yet
1950s or earlier Bear from Deceased estate. Bear has Felt feet with movable arms and legs and is dressed in a gorgeous felt floral outfit which includes …
Small bear. Not rated yet
I have had this bear for 60 years. It is quite scruffy and discolored. It is about 6 inches high and sits about 4 inches. The arms and legs are movable. …
Very Old teddy Bear Needs ID Not rated yet
hi. i have this very old bear. i know very little about it so i’ll try my best to describe him.
his eyes are on wire stalks just like the ones on your …
Help Identifying bear bought for my birthday 23 years ago Not rated yet
It’s kind of a white bear, with a red scarf with white polka dots. It’s made by Gund, although I’m not sure of the year. I know it was bought for me in …
Who am I? Where do I come from? Not rated yet
Hello, I am a jointed little bear with what I think is either wood wool or straw inside me filling me up. I have round metal eyes and a really soft coat …
My Sister's Teddy Bear (Late 1980's) Not rated yet
My sister was gifted this teddy bear in 1988 (in the hospital room when she was born) by a family friend. The family friend does not remember where she …
1960's Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I was given this bear by my grandparents for my 5th birthday in 1960 and has spent most of his life hidden away in my wardrobe.He was bought from Redgates …
Can anyone help Age and ID my Bear Please. Not rated yet
I have an age old Bear..threadbare old thing.
Jut/Sackcloth. Missing most of it's hair and with boot button eyes.
It isn't jointed and has …
French Teddy Bear Help needed to identify him. Not rated yet
Hi all.
Here is my bear that I just bought in France. Coming from France may suggest that it isn't German. He is filled with wood shavings & has glass …
Bing Miniature Teddy Bear? Not rated yet
Dear all,
I bought this miniature teddy bear about a year ago from an ebay seller who sells mainly antique and collectable bears.
I am trying to find …
What kind of bear is this? Not rated yet
So I have had this bear since Christmas 1974. It was given to me on my first Christmas by my Aunt. It's been eaten by our dogs a couple times sadly. …
Bear from brocante market Not rated yet
Hello everybody,
I'm from the Netherlands (sorry if my English isn't very good) and i would like to ask your opinion about this bear. Today I bought …
Possible Pooh bear? Not rated yet
This is a teddy bear that belonged to my mom who was born 1969, so I’d assume it’s from the 60s or 70s and would have been bought in Canada. …
Info on my 70 year old American teddy Not rated yet
Hello my name is Monica and I live in the UK, this is my teddy bear which was sent as a gift to my parents by relatives in America nearly 70 years ago. …
my mums bear Not rated yet
My mums old teddy bear at least 70 years old and showing her age
covered in a light brown short pile fur which is worn through in several places
in …
Help? cant figure out where this bear was made Not rated yet
ive had this bear ever since i was little...and since then my mom has had to replace the hands and feet with denim and his nose has peeled away. it once …
Cornish teddy bear can you help me identify him Not rated yet
I bought this bear in Cornwall, UK, in an antiques shop. The owner said he was a family bear, and that he’d been in the family a long time, but she didn’t …
Is this a Chad Valley bear Not rated yet
I have a brand new teddy bear given to me in the early 1950's by my mother. I can’t think of the exact year. She always said it was a Chad Valley bear …
Antique US Navy Aviator Bear Not rated yet
I found this bear in a relative's attic. No one can tell me anything about the history of this item. The bear is about 28 inches tall and about 13 inches …
Old lioness/meerkat looking teddy? Not rated yet
This bear is around 10-14 years old, my brother got it before i was born and handed it down to me. I remember him telling me that he had obtained it from …
1951 stuffed bear bought in Germany Not rated yet
My uncle bought me & my sisters bears while he was stationed in Germany in 1950-51 during the occupation.
My bear was small (8"), my sisters' bigger …
Thrift Store Teddy Not rated yet
While at the thrift store this adorable little fellow caught my eye. He has a nice spot on my headboard and is happy in his new home, however here in …
Big brown teddy bear Not rated yet
My bear is over 40 years old as my Mum was brought it of my Dad as a Gift, when he came home from the navy it was brought from a shop in Stockport or Stockport …
Fur-less leather teddy Not rated yet
Greetings from Adelaide, Australia,
I bought this vintage leather teddy at a local estate auction about 15 years ago and have had no success in identifying …
Two bears lost in a fire, help with ID please? Not rated yet
I have no labels to tell me anything about the bears. They were supposed to be cleaned and kept after a fire, but they now cannot be found :(
The larger …
would love to know more about this little guy! Not rated yet
My daughter was given this little white bear back in 1991 when she was a baby. She managed to hang on to it for many years, but when she moved a few years …
Only friend at Grandma's Not rated yet
She was from the 1980s, even late 70s possibly. She was Beautiful. She was light pink in color with a light floral print on her. She had pink yarn hair …
Grandmas Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Grandma passed and we have her teddy bear but we have no info on it. It is a girl bear in a light blue velvet dress trimmed in white feathers. She has …
Looking for more info about my childhood toy... Not rated yet
I have had my bear since I was a small child and was given him as a hand-me-down at the time, so he is definitely at least 40+ years old. I’m looking to …
Very Old Teddy Bear Not rated yet
have recently purchased a very sorry looking bear from a brocante in france where I live, It is stuffed with excelsior wood wool, his material is in …
Purple Bear from the 1970's. Not rated yet
I don't know how I am going to get 400 words in about this bear, but I will try. The bear is two toned, looks like a purple and white. His belly jingled, …
2 for 1 Mystery Bear Not rated yet
Hi, everyone! I purchased this mystery bear about 20 years ago at an "antique" store in the Florida Panhandle. As you can see, it's black & white on …
Large bear two colors Not rated yet
My bear is a large bear with a hunchback. About 25 to 26 inches from feet to head (about 65 cm). His eyes are black buttons. His nose is also black, no …
Lovely small bear , any help with identification please? Not rated yet
I got this bear from out of a bin at work. I saw his face and just fell in love with him.
I am not a collector at all, so have no idea on how to date …
Embroidered Germanic Musical Wind Up Bear Wearing Lederhosen Not rated yet
I got this bear from an old neighbor of my mom's who moved away in the late 1980's. She was moving into a home and was getting rid of her collections. …
Hams Bear Not rated yet
My husband passed down his childhood bear to our son who has been attached to the bear since he was just 2 months old. The bear is so loved that we fear …
My Great Aunt Mildred McDonald's Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This is a vintage teddy bear that belonged to my great aunt Mildred I. McDonald, who received it circa 1912 as a one year old child. The bear has no tag, …
Help ID this poor bear Not rated yet
According to my parents, they obtained this teddy bear from a yard sale in 1991 when I was 6 months old. He has been with me ever since, even getting an …
Teddy Bear Not rated yet
The Teddy Bear that I have is of Dark Brown with Tan ears and paws. It's head is Hand sewn on to the body, it also has a steel Black nose and its eyes …
Help Me Find Another Teddy Bear Like This Not rated yet
This bear is filled with the bead like filling with normal stuffing in the arms and head. No tags left on him which makes it hard to find. He has more …
Mrs bear Not rated yet
My Bear was a present for me on my Fathers return from a business trip to Germany around 1960. I seem to remember he mentioned a toy fair which is where …
BEARLIN Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Hi. I bought this guy in Berlin. He's a bit rough, bless him. He is stuffed with excelsior and has disc joints including his neck. He has his original …
Antique Wood Wool Mohair Bear with Squeeze belly music box Not rated yet
Hi I recently bought this bear at an auction because I fell in love with him. He is really quite bald, he still has long mohair fur on his right side …
This is my childhood bear her name is Wendy Not rated yet
My bear has terqiouse hair, purple striped bow, terqiouse eyes with white dots in the middle and terqiouse nose. It also has a Purple Heart on one cheek …
Help ID This Growling Teddy Not rated yet
Hello all, I am hoping someone can help me pinpoint a maker for this lovely antique bear. I passed him in the antique store and simply could not pass …
Need to know if this teddy bear is old ASAP! Not rated yet
I bought this untagged bear on eBay to make a Halloween costume for my dog, but after receiving it, I became concerned it might be old. The ad didn’t provide …
Is this bear 1 of a kind Not rated yet
I have a brown bear who is sadly missing it's ears and has been well loved.
It is about 40 years old still has the original eyes and nose.
I have had …
My Childhood Bear 1970's Not rated yet
I recently was given some photos when I was young about three which would be 1976, In the photo I’m with my first and only Teddy bear which I loved so …
Cute Bear Not rated yet
I've had this bear since I was born, I'm 20 now and I can't figure out how old he is personally. I was just curious when he was made. He is a one piece …
Very Old Teddy Bear, Please Help! Not rated yet
I found this guy at a garage sale for one or two US dollars, but I think he belonged in an antique shop because good gosh, he looks incredibly old! Well, …
Color block childrens teddy, childhood bear from my late father Not rated yet
Teddy's very old. As an infant, my dad gave him to me. He passed 8 years ago, and I just thought it would be cool to know where this was from, or how I …
Latest Addition... Not rated yet
Anyone able to ID this fellow?
Went to an antiques mall this weekend that I hadn't been to before, and stumbled onto a dealer's booth who is an antique …
Old Teddy Bear Not rated yet
My late wife's teddy bear is quite old but I have no idea of its maker, real age or value.
As I need to move home shortly I have been clearing out some …
French Bear Company Not rated yet
Good evening,
I was given this Bear 20 years ago from my mom. I know very little about this Bear. I was having a garage sale and vacillated on selling …
1980s European Bear -- possibly home made from kit Not rated yet
My Dutch grandmother gave me this bear on a trip to the Netherlands in 1985 or 86 (making Bear at least 32 years old). I believe she may have made him …
Trying to Identify where my Grandma's Bear came from Not rated yet
My Mother gave me a Teddy Bear that is believed to belong to my Grandmother handed down from my Great Grandmother. Ted is in rough shape, he no longer …
Merrythought Bear With Purple Feet Not rated yet
My bear is a very well kept brown bear. It had been in my possession for around a year now. I purchased it from a charity shop for around £50. …
My old teddy bear Not rated yet
I'd like to see if you could tell me about the old teddy bear I found in an abandoned house. I already filled this out and submitted it but it said the …
Searching for my childhood 1970s teddy bear! Not rated yet
I would sooo love to find a bear like my childhood bear from the 1970s. I named him George and loved him more than anything. I'm not sure where I lost …
French bear with amnesia Not rated yet
I'm trying to find out more about this gorgeous, no so little chap. I have no history with him as I have just rescued him from a charity shop in the south …
Lovely Old Teddy Bear Not rated yet
My bear is gold in color.
It is aprox 50cm or 20 inches tall.the eyes are ruby with black pupils.the head is constructed with a triangle formed between …
Possibly Vintage Winnie-the-Pooh Bear?? Not rated yet
His legs and arms are moveable because they are attached by a single piece of thread. Yet they are sturdily held and dont feel flimsy at all.
The …
Trying to identify this stuffed toy so I can see if it's possible to replace this missing soul... Not rated yet
Have had this 'bear' (I called it a tasmanian devil since I was 3 might be a chipmunk etc not sure at all) since I was 3 (1989) was previously owned. …
My First Bear Not rated yet
I have had this teddy bear since the day I was born, which was June 13th, 2000. I believe my dad got her at the hospital I was born in, which I can't remember …
Help is this American Aetna Bear.. Not rated yet
my bear was purchased at local estate sale..I fell in love with him...he is close to 21 inches tall,,,he is jointed ..his paws and feet are a pinkish color …
Bear From The Past Not rated yet
hello I'm just looking for some information on my bear,he has been in my family for years and when I was younger he was given to me he is a little tatty …
Black And White Family Teddy Bear. Not rated yet
The bear is about 18" long. He has black fur. He has white or tan (I cannot tell) on bottom of each paw, white squarely across the bottom of the belly, …
Small teddy bear I've always had. Not rated yet
My small teddy 8-9" has always been with me, but I don't know where he's from. He's got an "Original Teddy-Steiff" around the outside, then "Original …
Albert Bear - would like to know more Not rated yet
My bear was bought for me from a small antique/memorabilia shop in Pembrokeshire,Wales, UK. We had seen him over the years sitting in the window of the …
Miss paulovics Not rated yet
My teddy is about a ruler size, possibly longer. He has fluffy brown hair but worn as are the pads on his hands and feet which are darker brown and like …
The Three Bears Not rated yet
I recently purchased these three bears from an auction and I have been unable to find any information on them. They come sitting in their own captains …
Jazzy J's baby Not rated yet
Hi. This may seem weird but I have no where else to go. I'm Marian and I am looking for a replacement bear for my little neice. She received a bear when …
Pink stuffed bear Not rated yet
I was given a pink stuffed bear when I was about four or five years old 1988 to 1990. It had one yellow ear one blue ear in the bottom paws were yellow …
Mystery Musical bear Not rated yet
Hello, I wonder if anyone could tell me anything about my old bear friend. I bought him in an auction in UK in the 70's. He is about 17"-18" tall, quite …
At LEAST 25 Year Old Bear Not rated yet
I was gifted this bear when I was born by my (still currently living!) Grandma TWENTY FIVE (25) years ago. When I was old enough to speak I named him bear …
teddy Bear With Tartan Shirt Not rated yet
Hi iv had this bear since I was a child as long as I remember unsure to if he originally belonged to my big sister or was actually my Dad's childhood bear …
Inherited Teddy Bear Not rated yet
My mother recently passed away and found this little gem that I had never seen or heard about from mom (her parents deceased also).
The bear measures …
John Doe Bear Not rated yet
There was a tag on but it was ripped off. The bears fur I cant really tell which it is, I've looked through common types of bear's fur and not sure which …
Thirteen inch Teddy Bear From 50s or 60s Not rated yet
Please help me identify my bear. This was my childhood bear, given to me when I was a baby. I was born @ 1960. My bear is about 13 inches tall without …
My Cubby Not rated yet
This bear was given to my daughter by her grand father a few years ago. He has since passed and I can't get any real details about it. I was told it was …
Bearington or Boyds? Not rated yet
I purchased this bear today at a second hand store. I often get bears there and have found a few Bearington Bears. The other two that I have still have …
1950-1952 Tricky Schuco yes/no girl bear with dress, diaper and non-furry body, arms and legs Not rated yet
This bear is clearly from the 1950's post war. I can see it is a Schuco bear. The tag is still attached. It is red plastic and reads Schuco Tricky Patent …
Family Teddy Not rated yet
Hello. Just wondering if you can help me. I am in the possession of very old teddy bear which i believe could be a steiff. To give you some background …
Teddy Bear 55 Years Old Not rated yet
I am having my bear repaired but unsure of the make. He has a postage stamp(perhaps slightly bigger than UK stamp) on his left foot, it is worn ineligible …
Girlfriend's Childhood Bear Not rated yet
My girlfriend has had this bear since she was a child. Guessing the age would roughly be around late 90's to early 2000's. We are looking for a similar …
The mysterious Womble Not rated yet
So this is womble and as far as I know was given to my sister in the 70s in Manchester, England. I have tried to research any similar womble soft toys …
Poor Bear Has Had A Difficult Time Not rated yet
Hello Teddy Bear People,
this poor bear has had a difficult time but has retained his good looks and smile. I bought him as part of a job lot in a collectors …
Two Giant Brown and Grey Vintage Bears Australia Not rated yet
I can't seem to find out anything about these bears or find anything similar to compare too. I have reluctantly decided to part with my much loved bears …
Please Identify my white/grey bear and age. Not rated yet
I found My lovely Grey/ White bear in the garage, of the house i bought from an elderly person, 3 years ago. As soon as i picked him up, i heard him …
Mr lover bear ? Not rated yet
This bear was purchased over 15 years ago , have two others by the same maker, called something to do with types of coffee !, I think.
They were purchased …
Grandmas Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I've received a suitcase of teddybears from my late grandmother and besides Steiff and Heunec I have 3 teddys (and a rabbit) which are without any labels. …
We've been together now for 65 years! Not rated yet
This brown bear was given to me when I was a baby and although he has one eye and has lost his squeak, he still has an appeal. His little friend is also …
Learning More About Eric The Bear Not rated yet
Hello. I have just brought a lovely test. He was made by Deans Rag book company LTD and is called Eric of Pudsey. He is a limited edition and it says he …
Search For a Long Lost Friend Not rated yet
Greetings. This Bear was bought for my sister in Fort Walton Beach Florida when she was born in 1990. She unfortunately lost it when she was young and …
Help Me Identify These Two Old teddy Bears Not rated yet
I was renovating a house in Salem, Oregon from a month ago when we acquired this property. The owner passed away at 85 and the family lost the home. This …
Mr Big Not rated yet
I recently purchased a 29 inch growler bear. I think he's made from wool plush.
He has velvet paws and inner ears . He is five way jointed
He has four …
Golden German Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Germans Bear purchase about 3 yrs ago on ebay he has bright golden fur tan pads on feet with three black stiches the same on the pass long arms also black …
1975 Teddy Bear Help Identify Me Not rated yet
Hello, I was told I received this bear in 1975 at birth by my grandmother. I am trying to identify the bear and possibly find him again. I have found the …
Mr. Ted Not rated yet
Hi. When I was about 6 years old my Mom and Dad got divorced and I was devastated. We lived in Harare, Zimbabwe (which was then known as Salisbury, Rhodesia). …
Brothers Bear Not rated yet
My grandfather gave this bear to my brother on his first Christmas - Dec. 25, 1947 (In Oregon). He is jointed & his head rotates. He is all original …
Antique Teddy Bear - Unknown Age Not rated yet
The bear I am currently requiring about, is suspected to be pre world war 2 but, I’m not entirely sure about its age.
The bear has glass eyes, orange …
White Teddy Bear From Austria Can You Help Identify This Bear? Not rated yet
This is my childhood bear. It was purchased in Austria in 1958 or 59.
I Think the eyes are glass (I have the missing eye). The arms and legs are …
Scottish Rescue Bear Not rated yet
Our rescent rescue of jock as been quite intriguing as to his age and origin. He appears to be very old, made from mohair (very sparse), I think he has …
Childhood Teddy Not rated yet
I got this bear in the early 2000s from the nursery at my church when I lived in NJ. He is tan in color with a lighter tan muzzle of a similar material …
Sad Sacks - Please Tell Me Who I Am! Not rated yet
I found Sad Sacks in a charity shop recently and just had to give that sad face a home. He is roughly 13 inches tall and is fully jointed. You can feel …
Purple Teddy Bear Not rated yet
We the bear is purple or maroon in colour it is about 2 feet from ear to toe it has felt pads on feet and hands it's filed with straw padding and has disc …
Please help me identify this bear for my son! Not rated yet
My son found this bear at his great great grandma's house in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in 2015. She did not know where it came from but let him bring it …
Is This A Steiff Bear? Not rated yet
My dad found this teddy bear about 10 years ago in a second hand store outside of Philadelphia PA. He knew it was worth more than the 50 cents he paid. …
Maybe a schudo bear Not rated yet
Hello there, my name is Jess Gardner and I live in South Wales UK. I'm a bear addict. I recently purchased this bear -along with a similar slightly smaller …
Sundress Teddy Bear With Pink Bows On Ears Not rated yet
My bear has hand stitched parts and hand sewn dress. Bear is approximately 12” tall with jointed arms, legs and head. She is a light tan color. The fur …
Inherited Teddy Not rated yet
This bear is eighteen inches tall. Each arm and each leg is six and one-half inches long.
Its head is round and is six inches at the widest.
Its oval …
Retired 22" inch GUND Bear "Garnet" Not rated yet
Hello all,
I need all the help I can get and any information you might be able to provide about my GUND bear I have searched and searched and searched …
Mystery Bear from Somewhere! Not rated yet
Don't know much about this Bear's history: He is travelling without papers!
...Seeking permanent sanctuary!
It appears that there MAY have been a tag …
Teddy Bear With A Middle Seam and Growler Not rated yet
im sorry i dont really know much about this bear it just cried out to me in a second handshop. The head seems to be straw filled as do the body as its …
Threadbare Ted and Battered Dog Toys Not rated yet
I was given these 2 bears when I was about 10 days old, having flown from Bahrain to UK to meet my grandparents. These teddy bears were given to me by …
Old Inherited Bear Not rated yet
I have a lovely yellow blonde hair bear with most of his fur missing, not sure if its plastic or mohair, he has moveable limbs which are made from …
Curious About A Bear! Not rated yet
I have a rather gorgeous (well I think so!) bear that is puzzling me a lot...Help!!
-Overall height:43cm, sitting height:34cm, Leg length: 20cm, Foot …
Bing Golfer Bear Not rated yet
Hello, i purchased my bear from a toy shop near where I live. He is about 25-30cm. Short brown hair, shaved nose. He has a bing button under his arm and …
Need Help Identifying Old Lost Bear Not rated yet
I want to identify my bear so I could possibly find a replacement for it. I had my teddy bear for almost 10 years when I lost it during a trip to S.Korea …
Need Help Finding A Replacement Teddy Bear For My Wife Not rated yet
My wife shared with me that she had to give up her teddy bear when she was a child (due to extenuating circumstances) and that it was the only thing she …
17" mohair growler teddy bear Not rated yet
I have a Vintage 17" cream in color possibly originally white mohair growler teddy bear. With black button eyes, roundish ears, appears to have floss nose …
Very Old Plush Bear Not rated yet
Hello, I have a very old bear and she is made of mohair I took a sample and burned it and it turned to ash and smelled like burnt hair. Her Eyes are glass …
Swedish Bear? Not rated yet
I live in Sweden. I found my bear in my grandmothers closet when I was a girl. She said it once belonged to my uncle, who was born in 1920. My bear is …
Looks Like 1904 Gund Not rated yet
I found this bear at a thrift store for a dollar 50 and I looked and looked and looked annoying I could see that was close was a gund bear on eBay from …
Help Me Find An Exact Replacement teddy Bear! Not rated yet
The bear in the photo is my best friend, Jenkins. Jenkins came to me 6 years ago from my Great Grandmother from a thrift shop. I am a 19 year old Woman …
Adorable Blond Teddy Has Been My Buddy For Over 20 Years! Not rated yet
This teddy is approximately 13" long (not sure how to measure a Teddy!). His head, arms, and legs are all movable. His stuffing feels very firm but is …
Heirloom Bears Not rated yet
when clearing out a family house I found 2 bears, one of which has a handwritten note saying he was 'born' in about 1929 and has been passed down through …
Looking to identify this bear for my Mom's Xmas present Not rated yet
The bear in these photos is from around the late 1950's. That's my mom in the photos and she was born 1957. I cant tell what color is it because it's …
Schuco Bear - Compact Bear or Not? Not rated yet
Hello! Thank in advance for opinions. I have a Schuco bear. He is 3.5" tall, mohair, jointed - looks just like the perfume and compact bears. When I …
Bear from long time ago Not rated yet
This bear was given to me when I was really little, neither my aunt nor grandma remember particularly where he was bought. He has a tan material that i …
Small Teddy Bear Who Made Him Not rated yet
I have this little teddy bear, he’s about four inches tall. I’ve had him for a long time, he doesn’t have any tags so I can’t find anything and it’s really …
Grandma's Teddy Not rated yet
This is my grandma's old teddy bear, I would guess from sometime in the 1930's. His hair is short and has glass (I think?) eyes, and a mouth …
Old Chad Valley Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I have this cute little teddy, he is about 9cm (3 inches) tall. He has glass eyes, black pupil and orange(amber) outer. His nose and lips look hand stitched. …
Beloved Teddy Bear Stolen - GIMO Not rated yet
In 2006 we purchased this bear in San Gimagnano, Italy for my daughter. This sweet little fellow became a part of our family and has traveled the world …
Favorite Mystery Bear Not rated yet
I've had this bear for about eighteen years. I love her to pieces, but to this day I have no idea what kind of bear she is. She has no tags or writing …
Straight from Germany in 1980 Not rated yet
Starting at the begining of the story, that includes all the parts my father loves to tell...My father was in the U.S. Army and stationed in Germany during …
Old Red... been in the wars but STILL PLAYS A TUNE Not rated yet
Recently found this Old fella, red and gold mohair.
Hes certainly been around for a long time.
Lost an eye or maybe two. Still has one little beady thing …
Please Help!! Can't Find A Thing About Mom's Bear! Not rated yet
I inherited a long lanky Teddy Bear from my mom's collection of glass cased memorabilia she collected. I know she didn't collect pieces for value, …
Possibly 1920's Teddy Bear? Not rated yet
Could anyone please help in identifying this bear?
He has been passed through the family, possibly of German origin. It has been handed down through …
Old Tan Teddy Bear Not rated yet
The bear is tan in color with a pink hue and the hair is wavy. Its hands and feet are tan. The head is stuffed with something hard but the body’s stuffing …
18 Year Old Bear Or Is It A Dog? Not rated yet
I received my best friend, Bear, when I was six months old. He apparently came with a book. When I was two I decided permanent marker was great and my …
Help With Identifying Two Well Loved Bears Not rated yet
Thank you in advance.
I can't find anything to help identify these two well loved bears online.
The Smaller orange one was passed down through the …
Musical Teddy Bear I received in 1984 Not rated yet
Hello! My dad gave me this bear when I was 5 years old. Originally it had a red felt heart that said press me in white paint if some kind. When pressed, …
36yr old teddy from birth Not rated yet
Hi there ive had my bear since i was 1 day old and its really the only thing i have from then i was wondering who it was made by as it has lasted so well, …
WHO R U, Mr. Kaolo Bear? Not rated yet
Coming in at 6" tall x 3" wide (not including "wingspan"), this brown and white bear needs your help! (And I do, too.) No tags present. Would appreciate …
Who Is This Guy, Could He Be A Comic Strip Character? Not rated yet
Hi. I've had this bear for ages but have no idea about his age or who he is. He has some age to him because his head, limbs and curly tail are all attached …
Lost Teddy bear that i'm trying to replace Not rated yet
Hi. I'm trying to find a replacement for a teddy bear that was recently lost. It is about 16" in length. It is obviously very worn in the picture so …
Daisy Bear Much Loved Well Travelled Bear Not rated yet
We have lost Daisy Bear somewhere in the Conwy/Penmaenmawr/Llandudno area of North Wales during the May half-term. I would like to try and replace her …
Salvation Teddy Not rated yet
Hi, First I would like to say I dont know much about vintage teddies. My Dad recieved this teddy bear from the salvation army when he was only 1years …
Help identifying my 1938 Teddy Bear Not rated yet
My bear has no markings so I'm unable to identify the maker, He was given at birth by my parents to me in 1938. The Bears name is Barwees given …
12.5" Mohair Posable Teddy Bear Not rated yet
My bear is 12.5" long and is posable and made from a lovely golden mohair. He has glass eyes and is filled with straw. Unfortunately some of his stitching …
Childhood Bear Falling To Pieces Not rated yet
I'll start off by saying that I know my bear isn't particularly old or anything, and he's really falling to pieces, but still, I'd like to find out what …
Are These Two Bears Steiff ? Not rated yet
Hello I have had these twin bears
For years I got them at an estate sale for $10.The lady said steiff
And handed them to my kids they Dont have buttons …
Please Help Me Identify My Beautiful Bears Not rated yet
I have recently been given these bears. I was not told very much about them other then they are old vintage bears. Sadly there are no tags on either bear. …
Identity Of This Unusual Bear Not rated yet
Can anybody identify this unusual bear? I bought him about twenty years ago at a boot sale in Lincoln and was told by the seller that he was an old bear. …
Pre WW1 Teddy Bear Not rated yet
My name is Don and I have a Teddy Bear in my possession that has been in my family for well before I was born, in fact before my father was born …
Teddy From Grandma Not rated yet
My Grandma gave me this teddy bear in the early to mid 70's. I don't remember her saying it was my dad's teddy bear or not. If it was, my dad was born …
Once Orange Fluffy Old Teddy Bear Not rated yet
HI everyone, I don’t know if you can help me with this.
“Bear” was my mothers bear and I am trying to find out how old she is. My Mother was born …
The Velveteen Bean Bear Company Not rated yet
I have two "The Velveteen Bean Bear company" bears I got when living in the UK in the 70's or 80's (sorry lived there on two occasions). One is a policeman …
Patriotic Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I have what I believe is a very special Red White Blue Teddy Bear. I have not an expert in bears, but I can tell you the following.
It length is 22". …
Dark Brown Bear Not rated yet
Hi There!
Just this past weekend, I picked up this cute little bear at a thrift store in Auburn NY. I don't really consider myself a bear collector, …
Teddy Bear From Bosnia Not rated yet
My name is Alen and I am from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I bought this teddy bear on local Sunday flea market
Teddy Bear has brown lips. On …
My Old White Long Haired Bear Not rated yet
I have bought numerous Teddy bear books trying to identify this old bear and can't find one like him anywhere. His fur is a very light cream mohair and …
HELP! Who Made This Teddy Bear? Not rated yet
Hello everyone, can you please help me identify this bear? I have no history about it. I am trying to identify who made it . . . what it is made of . …
Need Help Identifying My Bear Not rated yet
Hi, I picked this gal up at a thrift shop and am curious of her maker, age, value, etc. I have done quite a bit of research to no avail. She is about 15" …
Teddy Bear In Search Of Any Information Not rated yet
I received the bear from a friend who inherited the bear and many other items from a family member that adopted a little Russian girl in the 1920's. The …
Large teddy bear "Emma" found in a dutch farm in the 70ties Not rated yet
I've found this bear on an attic of an old refurbished farm in Putten (centre of Holland) provence Gelderland around 1977. The bear has been owned by an …
An affectionate teddy bear with its baby Not rated yet
This adorable (female?) teddy bear is 44 cm high the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, has movable joints (including the head) and its arms sewed …
Polar Bear Teddy Not rated yet
This dear little chap has been hiding out in my great aunt's loft space in Axminster Devon, carefully packaged up for many decades. My aunt doesn't recognize …
Miniature Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This bear was in the bottom of a mixed box I bought at auction recently. He is a tiny bear, only 2" tall when standing. He is dark red or burgundy in …
1930s Bear, "Palooka" Not rated yet
I have a bear that was my father's - and he has a great history! My father was born in 1930, and in 1934 (give or take) he and his mother prepared to …
Steiff Bear Identification Not rated yet
Hello, My grandmother recently passed away. She and my grandfather could both be considered 'hoarders' because it seems like they kept EVERYTHING. Fortunately …
Family Teddy Not rated yet
Hello, I live in Canada and am looking for some help to identify my families bear. I know it was my father's and grandfathers. It has been passed down …
Polar Bear Teddy Not rated yet
I need help. This is Bear my polar bear. He's been my best friend for about 28 years. He stands about 2 feet tall and used to have music playing out of …
Small sweet "FAMILIAR B" bear Not rated yet
Hi, I live in Florida and am the daughter of retired Air Force. I happened upon your site while trying to find information on a small bear I have. I have …
My Poor Little Teddy Bear Not rated yet
This poor little teddy bear was my Mom or Dad's Teddy Bear from the late 1920's or very early 1930's. This bear has many issues or been loved a whole …
old 24" bear Not rated yet
Hi there i wondered if anyone could help me on some information on this bear.
I was kindly given this bear with no information as to where or when he …
Old Bear in pink pajamas Not rated yet
Recently purchased a lot of teddies at an auction. I realized some of them weren't what met the eye as a tiny little bear was vintage Schuco and just sold …
Antique German Teddy Bear Circa 1920s Not rated yet
Hello Dear Friend:
I have a very sturdy, handsome devil of a bear to show you. I will list all the information I know about him, and send pictures also. …
Light Brown Teddy Who Is He? Not rated yet
I purchased this teddy bear from an estate toy sale about ten years ago from Ontario, Canada. A gentleman there told me 'wow, you've got something special …
Teddy Rescued From Rubbish Dump Not rated yet
I found this bear at a local rubbish dump and rescued him. He is about 50cm from top of head to toes, his head, arms and legs fully articulate, his filling …
Teddy bear that was a white elephant surprise Not rated yet
I got this teddy bear as a kid at a grade school carnival in 1977 for $1.00 wrapped in newspaper at a white elephant booth. I lived out west then (don't …
Inherited Grandma's Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I am looking for information about a teddy bear that I inherited when my grandmother passed away. She was born in 1933 and died in 2005. I do not know …
Vintage Jointed Growling European or USA Bear Not rated yet
I have a vintage, jointed, growling teddy bear that we do not have enough information about. It has sewn eyes and a sewn nose, stitched pads as well (they …
I think my bear is very old and I have not seen him anywhere after searching many hours online Not rated yet
this is my mystery bear. hes in very good condition head to toe but has zero identifying tags or markings. he was left behind in a box , in a falling down …
Roosevelt Bear Not rated yet
I have two bears that were made by Joanie's dolls in Tennessee. The boy bear has a tag on him that reads Roosevelt had a pony but he ran away cause teddy …
Trying to find this bear Not rated yet
This was my little sister's favorite teddy bear all through her childhood and into high school. She left it behind in a motel when she was 16 and I've …
Old English (?) Bear Not rated yet
This old bear looks very much like the old bear pictured on a book named Old Bear. He is 22 inches tall and as you see has very short arms. He came with …
Four Found teddy Bears Not rated yet
I am hoping you can help me with these bears. We found the bears in a hidden compartment in an old chest, the chest belonged to my Grandfather and Grandmother …
Teddybear in the Wall Not rated yet
In 2012 I renovated the kitchen of an old home that I purchased. Inside the walls were many treasures including this Teddybear. There are no labels and …
Could this teddy be valueable for a collector? Not rated yet
Originally I intended to use this bear as a pattern because I really plan to make a bear with a lovely hunch like he has.. Having examined him thoroughly …
My Teddy Not rated yet
What can I say about Teddy? Where do I begin? Teddy and I go way back, roughly 61 years to be more exact. He was a child's first bear, my bear, and as …
Hermann Original Teddy Bear Not rated yet
I have a Hermann original teddy bear and im having trouble identifying it!
He is a greyish brown color with brown plastic eyes and two tags on him. …
Small, flat 1980s bear with apple on white bib Not rated yet
Thank you in advance for reading this posting!
My sister Emily was given multiple, identical little teddy bears when she was born in 1982. They were …
Help Me ID My Yellow Teddy Bear Not rated yet
The bear is about twelve to fourteen inches tall and about five to six inches wide. Had a dark hard nose brown or black nose with hard plastic black eyes …
Gund? Pink Cat toy Not rated yet
Hi there, when I was born in the 80s my parents gave a soft pink cat toy - it looks like a cat to me anyway, unfortunately the label has totally faded. …
Please Help Identify My Grandma's Estate Bear Not rated yet
Grandma & Grandpa's Estate was valued over 20 million dollars, with 95% of it going to Charity. Please help us identify and place a valuation on Grandma's …
Made in Austria for Sears Roebuck & Co. Not rated yet
My bear is dark brown with light brown on the inside of paws and bottom of feet. On the left ear is a tag and on the front of the tag is says, MADE IN …
Mammaw's Teddy Bear Collection Not rated yet
I'm hoping someone can tell me more about this collection. The bear collection was given to me years ago by my grandmother, recently I rediscovered the …
Need to know who made this excelsior stuffed small bear Not rated yet
This bear is 11 inches tall, is fully articulated with metal discs between the joints with a metal pin. He is mohair, although most of it has worn away. …
Weird looking bear Not rated yet
Hi there I hope you can identify this bear. I admit to being a novice in this field but after viewing various sites I will try to give all the relevant …
Jointed bear with button in ear Not rated yet
Hello. Very interested in your site. :)
Below is the information I know about my bear and I hope I have included enough info for you.
Jointed - neck, …
Help to Identify a Berenguer bear please Not rated yet
I hope my bear is ok to be posted here. It isn't exactly vintage, but I can't find any information on it other than it's tag saying it was made in Spain …
1938 Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Hi. The bear I am trying to find information about was given to my dad in 1938. We believe it was purchased in England at the end of 1937 or beginning …
Grandma's Bear "Rupert" - unknown brand Pre-World War I bear, probably 1900-1915? Not rated yet
This was my Grandma's bear, passed down to my mum then to me. I do not know maker, if this could be identified by anyone that would be great! Also, what …
Old Bear Not rated yet
This bear was lent to me by an older lady many year ago to take a pattern from. He was found in a Cubby house which the lady was giving to us for our children …
Who made Marianne? Not rated yet
This is Marianne, my bear. I received her at my 4th birthday party from my friend in January of 1991 in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA. …
Please help identify this vintage teddy bear with red ribbon on bottom of left foot Not rated yet
This teddy bear belonged to my late wife. Since she is no longer living she cannot tell me where it came from. I think it may have been given to …
My Three Bears Not rated yet
I have three bears, that I wish to know more about please
1. This is my teddy that I have had since I was a small child and I was born 1951 so I assume …
Tan, Sweet Teddy Bear, Fully Jointed with Brown Nose Not rated yet
Hello! I recently purchased this teddy bear at a consignment shop and think she is simply adorable. I would love to know more about her, such as who the …
Old Orange Bear Not rated yet
I have an old teddy I found at the commercial hotel in Milthorpe New in 1988. I was an old hotel then and he was old when I found him. He is golden yellow …
Old Bear Needs To Know Who He Is Not rated yet
Was gifted this bear years ago. The bear is about 9 inches long and has jointed arms and legs.
It feels like it is stuffed with something crunchy like …
WWII Tommy Vintage Bear Not rated yet
This chap is 20 inches tall and has roundish ears perched high on his head. His head turns left and right on disc joints. Glass eyes and a stitched nose …
Happy Mr Bear Not rated yet
hi! i am from Venezuela and collect vintage toys and i have some bears, i really like their look and i think they are just beautiful. i have managed to …
Favorite Purple childhood bear Not rated yet
Since I have to come up with four hundred words for this to be accepted, I will tell you the story of Purple. I had been very sick with strep throat and …
24" Growler Not rated yet
Hi, I hope someone can identify my bear for me. I bought him with 2 JAKAS bears as a lot at an auction some years ago. He has no tags or identification …
Please can someone identify my bear Not rated yet
I bought this bear recently at an antiques fair because of the wonderful face.I already have a nice Dean's bear and the grandchildren love it.However,One …
Do you know who the maker was of my old bear? Not rated yet
I plan to get this bear restored but first want to know what it originally looked like when leaving the factory. All assistance greatly appreciated!
Duke The WWII Bear from Germany Not rated yet
Duke The WWII Bear from Germany
Duke is 26” long, his arms legs and head all move. His legs and arms are 10” long and the inside of his arm paws have …
Small white bear Not rated yet
Hello I was given this bear when I was less than one year old, 1977 London UK. I am currently 38. I do not know the original year that it was made. I still …
16" Wool Bear - Fully Jointed - Humpback Not rated yet
This humpback or hunchback wool bear is 16" tall and fully jointed. It has felt pads on hands and felt pads on its feet. There are no tags or labels …
My bear Corduroy was given to me 21 years ago, Need ID Not rated yet
My grandpa Berry gave me and my sister almost matching teddy bears when we were born nine months apart. Mine named Corduroy has slightly darker fur and …
Brown Teddy Bear who is he? Not rated yet
- Brown bear
- His name is Bear
- The tag has faded so much you can't even tell anything was ever writte on it
-I've been trying to figure out what …
Bear George Needs Help To Trace His Roots Not rated yet
I hope you can help me identify my (hopefully) vintage teddy, named Bear George.
Bear George was given to me by a dear friend of our family, …
Brown Jointed bear Not rated yet
This bear is jointed on both legs, both arms, and the head swivels. The fur is light brown/gold in color, made of a plastic or nylon based material. The …
Beginner collector would like brand and maybe a name to my newest teddy bear Not rated yet
i have a teddy bear that has stiff legs and arms. She's kind of an orangeish brown color .the pads are smooth and the length of limbs are about 4".there …
We purchased this very old bear in Italy we were told it was part of a large house clearance of a vey old person. The bear is mohair and filled with wood …
Searching for another bear like mine for daughter... Not rated yet
I am so glad I came across your site! I have been searching for my bear for a really long time. I received him sometime between 1984-1985. He has been …
Looking for the maker of a Sleepy Time/ Talking Teddy Bear about 20-30 years old Not rated yet
Me and my husband are looking for the maker of a teddy bear that's 20-30 years old that his grandmother gave me two Christmases ago and who just passed …
Mohair bear from Glenorchy, Hobart. Not rated yet
I really scored the jackpot when I bought this bear. I bought this bear for $10 from a Chinese lady at the Glenorchy Island Markets in Hobart, Tasmania. …
Unusual fully jointed koala bear Not rated yet
I purchased this koala bear from The Salvation Army Store in Geebung, Queensland, Australia, in 2014. I only paid $2 for him! He is certainly not very …
Hunchback Teddy Bear From Late 40'S Not rated yet
This teddy bear was in my grandmothers house all while I was growing up. She always said it was my uncle Don's and then when my mom came along she carried …
Bear With Googley Eyes Not rated yet
This is a bear that we purchased in the mountains outside of San Diego from a family that owned an antique store many years ago. That is all of the verbal …
Need help with identifying two old teddy bears- Steiff?? Not rated yet
I just bought these two teddy bears and would love to hear any info you may have on them. I bought them from a woman who collected many old things but …
Teddy Bear by a German Manufacturer in Sofia Bulgaria? Not rated yet
Hello and thank you in advance for any help in discovering the year and manufacture of this vintage teddy bear.
The back story is my grandmother now …
70 Year Old Teddy Not rated yet
Hi there
I was hoping you could give me some idea of the origins of this teddy bear. This bear was given to my daughter about 12 years ago by my Grandmother, …
Adorable bear and would love to know more about him Not rated yet
I picked this bear up on a flea market along with two rag doll friends. He is in a pitiful state and looks like he is long overdue for some fuss and …
Mysterious Bear made for Harrods by Merrythought Not rated yet
This bear would have be bought in 1991/1992 in England, as it was gifted to me the year I was born, 1992.
Label on foot reads "Made Exclusively For Harrods …
Mission impossible? Not rated yet
I bought this bear in The Netherlands and was as soon as I got the teddy bear into my house I understood he was someone special.
He has a 6mm button …
Large Bear with Farnell Label 28 inches long 16 high Possible Pull Along? Not rated yet
Please help identify this bear. It was recently found in a storage unit in California. It is a large bear, measuring 28 inches nose to "tail" and standing …
Teddy Bear with a crooked smile Not rated yet
Perhaps father's bear? He was born in 1921, in Washington DC. He spent some of his childhood in England and some on the East coast and some more in one …
Can you help with my fathers teddy I.D Not rated yet
Hello to you all I was wondering if somebody could help me with my fathers teddy , My dad is 75 years old and he has had this teddy since he was a little …
Daddy's childhood Brown Bear I'm Hoping to find a Matching one for my son Not rated yet
My husband was born in 1979. He cannot remember life without this bear. Naturally the brown bears name is Bear. No one in his family can remember where …
GUND Creature Help! Not rated yet
I know my GUND items are not teddy bears, but they are very interesting creatures and I will take any help I can get. I purchased these two …
Newer Bear, But I Love Him, and Want to Know Where he Came From! Not rated yet
My bear was a baby shower gift around 1997, and I've never seen another like him. I think he may have come with a red bow, but I'm not super sure, as it …
6" Yellow Plush Bear, lost 2006 Not rated yet
I have been trying to identify this cute bear for a few years now with a view to finding a replacement. My daughter and Yellow Ted were inseparable, especially …
Who am I? Not rated yet
He is about 10" tall, I don't know anything else about him! I actually had one almost the same (though a little bigger by a few inches,I think.) He was …
Early 1900s humpbacked bear Not rated yet
This stuffed teddy bear is likely well over a hundred years old. The bear first belonged to my grandmother who was born in 1896, then passed to my mother, …
Unknown Priscilla Bear Brand Henry Davis and Co Not rated yet
Unknown Priscilla Bear, Brand Henry Davis and Co. Made in Canada
I found this bear in the attic of the house we live in.
He seems to be very old and …
My Mom's Old Bear Not rated yet
My Mom's old bear appears to be Mohair two-toned, it has five joints and felt paws. It has eyes that move and is hand stitched in the front. It has an …
Who's My Maker- What is my story Not rated yet
My bear was given to me as a gift and is cute but I want to know some history like who his maker is, era he came from, possibly what he originally was …
Please Help I.D. Me, I need TLC Not rated yet
About 3 months ago my neighbor who was just turning 87 yrs. old had passed on. His apartment was cleaned out with a lot of
stuff thrown in a …
Who can identify this French or German Teddy Bear that stole my heart? Not rated yet
I came across this neglected bear on a flee market in the eastern part of France against the border with Germany, the Elzas region or Alsace. As you can …
1930's? Stand up Bear Jointed head only Not rated yet
The following questions are just a guide as to the sort of thing you can tell us abut your bear. Submissions of less than 300 words will not be accepted. …
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