by Sharon Bricks
Pair of teddy bears
So I have a set of vintage possibly even antique teddy bears. One is a male teddy bear which is paired up next to a female teddy bear. Both of their tags say that they were each manufactured by Novelty Inc. from Greenfield, IN 46140; however, they both also state on label below the Novelty Inc., made from all new materials, 100% polyester fibers, but its directly below that where the label says, “Ohio # 15978” & then below that, “PA # 4643 (RC).” I’m not sure what these two #s are to be indicating. I tried google and it feels like a million other web search engines to try to decode the purpose of these numbers but have been without any luck thus far. PLEASE HELP :). I would like to know how old these folks are if at all possible along with their estimated value. The male bear is plush and very furry. Accompanying his fuzzy fur are two glossy solid black circular plastic, I’m assuming, pieces for his eyes and then just like the eyes only this time a triangular shaped black piece is placed on as a nose. This hot stud is outfitted in a flannel blue and white vest-like top that are buttoned up by two plastic pearl buttons. The vest is then topped by 3 lace-like white flowers which then are topped off with a neatly tied yellow bowtie; which
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