Your Teddy Bear Pictures

This Teddy Bear pictures page is where you can share your own bears with the world. Why?

  • To put a smile on other teddy bear lovers faces 
  • To share your own teddy story i.e. your first teddy bear, your bear collection, your favourite bear 
  • To help create the largest online pictorial resource of all Teddy Bears great and small 

Its easy to share your Teddy pictures with us. Just Choose Your Gallery below and share your teddy bear with us.


  • Always write at least 300 words to go with your photo. Tell us about your bear. This will help make your submission more enjoyable for other visitors.
  • You need to upload at least one photo but you can upload up to four photos if you wish per submission.
  • One bear per submission please, but you can of course make as many submissions as you like.

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Everyone has owned a teddy bear at one time or another in their lifetime and many of us continue to have these great soft plush bears in our homes. I am not a bear collector but even so I have at least 10 teddy bears which have all been given to me at important times in my life and so have lots of meaning for me. 

For instance I still have my first teddy bear, a white 1960's bear with a very girly face and large behind (see her here). I also have teddies which have been given to me by boyfriends and so represent love lost and found in my life.

I'm sure many of you are the same and would like to share your own teddy bear pictures and stories with us. It will also be a very interesting to see our library of photos grow and it will in time become a very large online resource for people looking for a particular bears and perhaps to find out more about them. I would love to know who made my first teddy bear, I've never seen another one like her before and I'm sure someone out there knows her origins. 

I hope you will enjoy contributing to this site and becoming a part of something that will not only bring pleasure to people but will also help to keep all our bear stories alive. Thank You.

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My Teddy and Best Friend in the Whole World.  
Hello, my name is Morgan and this is my Teddy. He's been with me all 26 years of my life and is very well loved. Though I feel as though I've not looked …

A Teddy my parents threw away 
Hello, sharing a photo of my childhood teddy as I would love to identify and search to replace him. This teddy was my best friend as a child, along with …

Who am I? 
I was given this bear in 1986. It was bought in the San Francisco Bay Area. It had a yellow/gold pacifier I’m told. I don’t remember that. He I think is …

Pink teddy bear 2002 (update) 
UPDATE: I can’t seem to re-access the original post to post updates pictures so I have copied the original description below. I have recently found a picture …

Very old and loved panda bear 
This was my godmothers teddy which i inherited. She died of old age 40 years ago. The condition is not great. Fully jointed bear, painted lips, felt palms, …

Anyone know who made this bear? 
I’ve had this bear since 2005, I was about three or so when someone won him in a claw machine for me and I’ve loved him ever since. I don’t remember if …

Do you know this bear? 
Hello! I am looking for the make of this bear. I was given it when I was a kid between the years 1998 and 2000. It has brown tartan ears and feet pads, …

Well Loved Bear 
This well-loved bear belonged to my brother. My grandparents gave it to him on his First Birthday in 1948. He is Cinnamon in Color, Approx. 20" Tall, Head, …

Shinko’s country store bear 
i found this bear at shinko’s country store in Avon, Ohio. i got him for $100, along with a schuco berlin “tut gut” mini bear from the 60s that they gave …

My first teddy 1978 
Received him at birth, he is well loved. Looking for another one just like him. My aunt thought she purchased it at Kmart or Shopko. He is about 20" from …

No idea the maker or year. 
Previous tag on ear missing and there is a open seam on the right side of its butt. It is jointed but only slightly heavy. The fur is super soft and cuddly. …

I have had Gizmo for 33-34 years. He used to have a hard black plastic nose and little red felt tongue and a squeaky thing in his left food which sadly …

Please please help me find this bear  
Hello, I’ve got this bear possibly late 1980s and early 1990s, it was the only childhood bit that I held onto for many years, unfortunately my daughter …

Boutique Bear 
I remember walking through downtown Sedalia Missouri with an old lady friend of my mom's when I was somewhere around 5 years old. I'm 42 now. I saw her …

Please help me identify my golden mohair bear 
I have a bear that was my mother's when she was a baby (she was born in 1949). It's a golden mohair center seam on the stomach and face, no markings for …

Looking for Help Identifying Mama's Bear 
Mom has had this bear for as long as I can remember. She doesn't remember how she acquired it but "he's been well loved" she says with a smile. He certainly …

Desperately seeking flat brown teddy 
Hi all Looking for this circa 2002-2001 flat brown teddy given to my daughter 20 years ago. Approximately 20cm high and NOT made from lambswool. There …

My mom received her teddy bear Jack she believes 1988. He’s a black bear with a brown nose, brown ears and brown feet and hands. he has two different coloured …

Can anyone please help in identifying these bears? 
These two lovely bears were purchased from a charity shop. I have no idea of their age but they are neither very old nor very new. They both wear a green …

little teddy bear 
I bought this little bear about 5 years ago at a flea market. Its fur is prickly to the touch, it has a pillow in its hands, and a bow bandage on its …

Do you know this plushes name or have one similar?  
I have been on the search for years now to find out where my dog plush is from. When I was only a few months old my Nan randomly brought me a plush dog …

Fluffy white flat faced “bear” with pink feet 
I got given this bear (new I think) in 1983 - she is called flopsy bear but I don’t know if this is just her name. She has a totally flat face. Felt eyes …

Hello, I have been trying to find this bear for my older brother. It was his first stuffed animal and this is the only photo we have of it. It's not …

Do you know this Rabbit? 
Two years ago, me and my girlfriend passed by this charity shop with a rabbit in the window. We knew we had to buy them when we saw them. Sadly the shop …

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My Blue Rattle Bear 
I would appreciate anyone's help in identifying my longest companion. This is my Blue Rattle Bear. The story goes from what my mother has told me, she …

My Very Own Teddy 
I was born in Holyhead ,North Wales ,U.K. in 1939 and was given this Teddy .The family were not well off financially so I can’t imagine it was expensive …

How old is my bear? 
Just trying to get a little more information about this bear. I picked it up in an antique shop in Dartmouth and he just stood out to me. The owner of …

Missing tag bear 
My bear Mr.Bear (I know I was soooo creative). My father gave him to me in either 1995 or 1996. I was born in 1994. The story I’ve been told is when my …

Original teddy? 1st Bear/Repair  
I've had this bear from birth by an aunt or someone, and it was attached to me for years. Can't imagine it's worth anything or that and it's been through …

My Snuggle Bears 
I got these Snuggle Bears for a month. They're the plush bears of the one used in the Snuggle Fabric Softener commercials back in the 1980s. I remember …

Brown Musical Bear (Chad Valley) England 
This is my lovely 'bed teddy' bear that my parents bought for my first birthday in 1969, so we share the same birthday! He is musical but unfortunately …

A beautiful little bear with a label  
I bought this beautiful bear from eBay for £39. The seller said they weren’t sure what make she is. I fell in love with her little smile and with her long …

Trying to Identify my teddy bear 
This bear was given to me by my Grandfather 40+ years ago and is in the same condition it was in when it was given to me as a little girl. I have kept …

German/Austrian Bear 
I have a 18cm tall bear, approximately 105 years old, mohair with felt pads, a squeak and glass eyes. He was given to my daughter on her first Christmas- …

Old Teddy 
This Teddy bear came from my father's "old stuff". He was born in 1920, but I don't know how long he had it. The bear is 38 cm tall & about 20 cm wide. …

A very confusing teddy 
Hello, for around 12 years now I've owned a bear given to me by a distant relative when I was 5, that I called teddy. I say given, when the bear was in …

45 inch Gund Bear 
Large 45 inch Gund bear, flexible joints and body. Grandkids had a great time playing with him but he’s still in excellent condition. He was used as …

Dad was born on 23rd January 1904 at Chiddingfold Surrey.On his 4th birthday (1908) he was given this Teddy Bear by a lady who lodged with his parents. …

French Bear with a Loose Head 
Am wondering if anyone has an idea of how to tighten down this guy's head at the neck joint? Love the smirk he has on his face. And his button eyes …

help find this 2000s teddy 
i’m from the uk and was born in nuneaton in june 2000 and this was my first ever bear it had mint green ears nose and legs and used to have either a …

Teddy Bear Identification Needed 
Hello, I was given this teddy bear about 40 years ago (late 1970s) and I have slept with him and cherished him ever since. He is my best friend and goes …

Teddy Bear from Czechoslovakia from 1920 ? 
Hello, I'd like to introduce you my Teddy Bear I found in my great- grand parent's house. It's probably my grand father's, but could be also his dad's. …

Bonkie Bear from 1965, UK 
Bonkie was around for as long as I could remember, and I'm not sure who bought him for me. There are only photos surviving which show him when he was …

Big Ted 
This is my mum’s teddy. She thinks he belonged to her sister first who was born in about 1935. She doesn’t think he arrived as a new teddy but was already …

My Goofball teddy bear 
I was given this beautiful 90.2 cm - 3 f tall antique/vintage bear with circular moving arms and legs plus his head moves to he has gorgeous brown eyes …

Mishka, my friend 
When I was four years old, I was visited by a man, a woman and a young red-headed boy at my orphanage. I knew that they were interested in checking me …

My Teddy Bunny 
I received my Bunny bear for my first birthday in 1979. He was purchased from Anderson and Mac Auleys which is a old department store in Belfast, N Ireland. …

Boo Boo Bear 
My bear is 16 inches tall with gray mohair. He has two toned glass eyes with a black sewed on nose. All his limbs and head articulate, i think he is a …

Big Boy 29" Teddy  
I found this beautiful giant golden brown bear in a thrift store. He is a whopping 29 inches tall from ear tips to paws. He is fully jointed and head …

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Autistic Boy Loses Best Friend a.k.a. Mr. Teddybones 
Hello, My 13 year old son had a very traumatic experience yesterday. One minute he was singing to VeggieTales in my backseat, bouncing his little …

Grandmas 'Edward' needs your help 
This bar was my grandmas and christened Edward and I remember being told not to play with him when I was a child in 1970s. There are gaps in his profile …

Around 1966 Yellow gold in colour with black are, nose, mouth, and pads Head is hard body soft. 1. No idea of stuffing 2. not mohair 3. pads (no …

Who is Little T 
Little T profile ( all measurements approximate) Bought in Margate (I think) around 1966 Grey in colour 1) Straw Stuffing 2) not mohair 3) think …

My Prince Charming - 30" Antique Bear 
I have always loved antique bears, always have, always will. They have so much character in them. Many years ago, I purchased a 30" antique bear from a …

Can Anyone Help Identifying Our Panda Which Was Stolen 
Can anyone help identify the panda shown in the attached photo. He was about 15 inches tall and was bought by my mother in England, probably either in …

Teddy Bear Found In Flea Market 
I found this teddy bear at the flea market and I can't find another one like it or even similar elsewhere . The bear is real fur I tested it to make sure …

Mary Meyer Souvenir Bears 
The bears in the first picture were all produced by the Mary Meyer company. I'm assuming they were originally sold to tourists as vacation souvenirs by …

Childhood Bear 
This is Teddy, He was given to me in 1967 by my uncle. We had many adventures during my childhood. He was my best and only friend in my early years. …

Brian (my Animal Fair yellow bear) 
As far as I know, my bear Brian is not a rare antique or a valuable collectable. His white fabric tag has become worn and faded over the years, but I can …

Who is this guy? 
Okay we give up. We have looked at many bear faces in books and on line but can’t seem to find this guy. In fact I am beginning to dream about bear faces. …

Brinkworth Bears: Bertie Bear by Nisbet 
HELP! This bear was donated to our charity shop a few months back. We have looked where ever we can for this bear but the only place we can find it is …

Meet Archibald "Buttons" Bearington 
This is Archibald "Buttons" Bearington, who is one of my latest editions to my hug and bless him the old boy is in a quite a state! I'd love to know a …

Mr Green My Bear 
I have many special bears in my collection, so it may seem strange that the most important one, shown here, actually would appear worthless to anyone but …

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