Antique Teddy Bears
and Vintage Bears

Antique teddy bears are lovely items as they not only represent craftsmanship from an earlier period but also they carry with them a long history of love and affection. 

I can't help thinking to myself when I see an old bear, "who used to love that bear" and "What is his story"? 

I think that is why antiques bears hold such a fascination for so many of us and why they are so prized.

Definition of an Antique Teddy Bear

The word antique is applied to items which are generally over 100 years old and which have an element of craftsmanship and design which is not common today.

This differs from collectibles bears in that they may not necessarily be over a hundred years old but will in themselves one day be the antiques of tomorrow.

The term vintage bears are often used to talk about old bears in general and these bears can range from 100 to perhaps 10 years old

Popular Antique and Collectible Bears

There are many toy companies which produced bears in the early part of the last century and also many which continued throughout the 1900's to produce quality teddy bears which any also consider worth collecting.

However there are a few teddy companies whose bears seem to have grabbed most of the attention for desirability and which are often seen traded amongst collectors and lovers of teddy bears.

These are:


Founded in 1865 as a maker of kitchen ware and toys, Bing became one of the first companies to make teddies, with one of their first to be made around 1907.
Find Antique and vintage Bing bears for sale here.

Bing Teddy Bear 1920's


Probably the most well known and famous teddy company in the world and one of only a few who still produce quality bears today. Antique teddy bears from this company can bring very high values and so are most popular with serious collectors.
Find Steiff bears for sale here.

Antique Steiff  Bear

Chad Valley 

A British company which began making bears just before the First World War but which expanded during the golden era of teddy bears in the UK, the 1920's and 30's. The company survived until 1978 under its own name when it was then sold to Pallitoy.
Find Chad valley bears for sale here.



This company was one of the first to introduce teddy bears to the UK from Germany. There own teddy bear was produced in 1915 under the name ’Master Teddy’. Their Hugmee teddies are probably one of their most famous and successful.\Find Chiltern bears for sale here.



Making children's rag books from 1903 this is Britain's oldest surviving teddy bear company. Their first plush bear was produced in 1915 and was known as the ’Kuddlemee’ range.
Find vintage Deans bears for sale here.


J.K Farnell

It is believed that this company produced the first British teddy. The world famous children's character Winnie the Pooh was based on a Farnell bear which belonged to the author of the books son, Christopher Robin.
Find Antique and vintage Farnell bears here.



Still producing quality teddy bears today, Merrythought bears have a very distinct look with wide ears which sit wide a[art from each other. The company was founded in 1930 and so their bears cannot be officially called Antique teddy bears yet but there is certainly some very sort after old bears bearing the Merrythought name.
Find Vintage Merrythought bears here.



The first soft toys produced under the Pedigree name was in 1931 although the company had existed long before this. At one time the company owned the largest teddy bear factory in the world. Always of high quality pedigree bears were hand finished and checked for any small blemish before selling.
Find Old pedigree bears for sale here. 



A German company founded in 1912. One of the companies most well known and sort after bears is their Yes/No bear from the 1920's which moved its head when his tail was tweaked. The design of this bear was made right up to the 1970's.
Find vintage Schuco teddy bears here.


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