Care Bears

Care bears have been with us since the early 1980's and were originally created by a greetings card company in America to adorn a range of cards. 

They are aimed at babies and very young children and are designed to teach children about good and evil, kindness and caring and other early life lessons. 

There appearance is much stylised and not at all based on the traditional teddy bear look. They are brightly coloured and have different symbols on their tummies to signify their name and special power. 

Over the years the care bears have been extremely popular and have sold millions of dollars worth of goods ranging from soft toys to books and DVDs. They have also appeared on their own television shows and several big screen movies all of which has propelled the bears to celebrity status amongst the very young amongst them.

Collecting Care Bears

These happy characters have been with us for over thirty years and during that time not only have new bear characters been added, their design has changed and the range of products have grown. 

The bears have gone through several re-launches and so as a collector there are many areas to choose from for your collection.

Many of the bears can be found on Ebay for sale. Simply click on the name of the bear you are interested below to find them for sale.

Surprise Care Bear

Surprise Bear

Vintage Cheer Care Bear

Cheer Bear

Care Bear Characters

The original ten care bears to launch in 1982 were:


Tummy Badge

Bedtime Bear                aqua blue             sleeping crescent moon/ yellow star

Birthday Bear               golden yellow       cupcake with a candle

Cheer Bear                   light pink              a rainbow

Friend Bear                  peach                    two intertwined smiling flowers

Funshine Bear             yellow                    smiling sun.

Good Luck Bear          deep green            four leaf clover/ heart-shaped petals

Grumpy Bear              dusty blue              raincloud / raindrops and hearts

Love-a-Lot Bear                                       red heart and a pink heart    

Tenderheart Bear

Wish Bear                   light teal               smiling shooting star on a gold rainbow

A further fifteen care bears were added during the 80's and 90's

Baby Hugs Bear         baby pink              smiling Star / a pink heart-shaped box

Baby Tugs Bear         baby blue              smiling Star inside a baby blue diaper cloth

Champ Bear              royal blue              gold trophy / red star (formerly a red heart).
                           (originally chrome yellow)

Daydream Bear         blue-violet             pink heart-shaped planet, stars
                                (originally pink)            (originally two heart-shaped balloons)

Forest Friend Bear   brown                    bear and rabbit hugging 

Grams Bear               gray                        pink rose with a yellow bow.

Harmony Bear          violet                       colored notes, since 2004 smiling flower

I Love You Bear        yellow                     small heart  
                            also available in light pink.

Perfect Panda          black and white     gold star with a ribbon

Polite Panda            black and white     pink rose with a ribbon 

Sea Friend Bear      sea blue                 ocean wave with a sun smiling over it

Secret Bear             magenta                 red heart-shaped padlock
                           (originally tangerine)

Share Bear              purple                     pink heart-sprinkled ice cream soda
                                                                (later two heart-shaped lollipops)

Surprise Bear         deep purple            colorful heart stamped jack-in-the box  
                              (originally blue)    

Take Care Bear     pale pink                  purple smiling heart holding a smiling star

True Heart Bear    pastel yellow            multi-colored star from a central heart

Since then another twenty five care bears have appeared, although some only briefly within films and on TV.

America Cares Bear    white                 red, white, and blue shooting star

Bashful Heart Bear      turquoise          heart hiding behind a rainbow cloud

Best Friend Bear          violet                 smiling heart /a smiling star 

Do Your Best Bear       lime green        colorful kite

Laugh-a-Lot Bear       orange              laughing yellow star

Smart Heart Bear        watermelon      red apple with a heart twinkle

Thanks-a-Lot Bear    dark teal            shooting star /red heart to a rainbow tail

Hopeful Heart Bear     light fuscha       heart with rainbow

All My Heart Bear        red                     red and white heart

Amigo Bear                 red-orange       aztec-style spiral sun / hearts

Heartsong Bear          blue                    rainbow colored musical note / hearts

Play-a-Lot Bear          light blue           violet bouncing ball with a heart on it

Shine Bright Bear       fuchsia               sunrise inside a violet heart

Superstar Bear           lemon yellow     orange star with a heart inside

Work of Heart Bear   multi-colored    yellow heart-shaped artist's palette 

Sweet Dreams Bear   light purple        pink sleeping moon on a cloud 

Always There Bear    forest pink          two smiling pink and lavender hearts

Oopsy Bear                yellow-green     does not have a tummy symbol 

Pink Power Bear       baby pink           pink ribbon

Sweet Sakura Bear    light pink           pink cherry blossom /a red heart 

Wonderheart Bear

Great Giving Bear     red                     heart coming out of a present box

Me Bear                     lilac                    pink smiling heart-shaped hand mirror

Messy Bear                periwinkle         a silly-faced whirlwind 

Too Loud Bear          coral                  a yellow bullhorn (with a red heart)


First launched 1982

Care bear cousins launched in 1984

1985 first movie "The Care Bears Movie"

1986 second movie " A New Generation" 

During this early period the bears proved to be very popular with over 40 million soft toy Bears sold. 

1991 the bears were re-launched for the first time

2003 another re-launch to celebrate their 20th anniversary year. The design of the bears were changed slightly at this time

2005 the "Big Wish Movie" was released

2007 another re-launch with the movie "Oopsy Does It" and a new Tv series. also another bear redesign. 

2009 saw the bears take on a new direct and new powers with redesigned belly badges. 

The bears continue to be popular and new products are continually being produced. 

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