Please help identify my childhood bear

by Greta
(New York)

This is my bear

This is my bear

He isn’t very large, probably a foot at most from the bottom of the foot to the top of his ears. He’s white, with short but kind of shaggy hair, which has been matted down somewhat over time, but some untouched parts show he was very fluffy at one point. He has dark reddish-brown irises around black pupils, with a triangle-shaped stitched nose. He doesn’t have separate fabric for his paw pads, and he has no stitching for toes or anything like that. I’ve had him since I was a baby, so he’s from at least 2003, but I think he’s probably from 2000 or the late 1990’s. He looks very very similar to some of the GUND bears from this era, but the noses don’t match.

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