Burgundy Teddy Bear

by Grace Patterson
(Eastpoint FL)

Burgundy Teddy Bear

Burgundy Teddy Bear

I had gotten the teddy bear for christmas about 14 years ago. The thought of knowing where it came from never really occurred to me until now. The bear had a ribbon around its neck that had a gold colored trim. It was a thin small ribbon with a pattern that went all the way around its neck but the ribbon had been ripped off when i was younger. The bear is a burgundy color with beads in its feet and it's bottom. It has gold eyes along with a gold nose and mouth. The main reason why i'm trying to find out what kind of bear it is is because i want to know about it's history. I never knew much about the man who gave it to me. He passed away a few years after he had given me the bear. Him and my grandma were good friends. This bear means a lot to me and i was just hoping you could help me figure out where exactly it came from and if they make this bear anymore.

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Apr 09, 2024
Dan Dee, Collectors Choice
by: Cleo

I know this was posted years ago, so you might’ve forgotten about this. But, I figured maybe this could help someone else. I found this post over a year ago, when I was heartbroken that my "Teddy" had been lost in a move. I’d taken him to camp for years, Canada, and even Japan. He had gotten me through breakups and major moves. To say I was inconsolable would be an understatement. I remembered he was maroon and his nose was gold but I couldn’t remember any other specifics. Thanks to your post though, I learned that he’d come with a gold bow! Teddys bow had been shredded to pieces; and was more of a sad grey in his old age. I spent several late nights looking through vintage toys in hopes of finding him again. Every time I got discouraged, I looked at your post, since I didn’t have pictures of my own teddy. Finally last week, I’d found a star spangled version of teddy made by the Dan Dee company. I used that to search second hand sites until I found him. He is no longer being manufactured, however there are some people selling him on sites like Poshmark and EBay. Just search "burgundy Dan Dee Teddy bear collectors choice" the second hand versions I’ve found come with an "I love you" heart. I suppose it was a valentines special, because my original did not come holding anything. But the heart is easily removed. I type this happily holding my Teddy Jr, and it’s all thanks to this post, so thank you.

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