Brown Teddy Bear

by Charles HalHall
(Texas City, Texas)

I have a teddy with wooden button eyes, movable arms and legs with rattle inside. Nose and mouth are stitched. No tag or button in ear. 12 inches tall. I found it in an old house built around 1910. White palms and white soles. Nose is small and doesn't stick out far. Beside it was a toy rabbit with an ear missing . Same type of eyes and nose stitching. Not sure of maker. No identification on either toy.
The home belonged to an ancestor of mine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Not sure how to do this in 400 words. It's taking 30 seconds for each word to print up in this box.
Ancestor's home finally fell down. I gathered all the collectables I could before it fell to the ground.
I'm including a pic of Teddy. If you can give name of maker and value , I would greatly appreciate it.

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