Curly hair Bear in Blue Overalls & Red Shirt bought in Wales 1992

by Tammy
(St. Louis)

Lost 1990's soft bear in overalls and red plaid shirt

Lost 1990's soft bear in overalls and red plaid shirt

I lost my daughter's teddy bear when we moved from one house to another in 2018. I put him in a special box but somehow the box never made it to our new home. We purchased him in 1992 while traveling in England and in Wales at a gift shop. I believe we purchased him in a gift shop in the small town of New Quay, Wales. We a brought him home to St. Louis USA. He has blue, smooth cotton overalls and a plaid red shirt. He is soft, not jointed, has a smooth muzzle, does not have flat fleet nor any distinguishing lettering on his feet. He has a stitched nose and dark brown plastic eyes. His face is similar to the Harrods 1998 bear. I believe he was probably about 22- 24 inches which is about 56 to 61 cm when laid out flat. He is a floppy bear in that he can not stand. Any ideas of makers during that period are most welcome. His fur was a tan/brown, curly and soft as you can see in the photo. He seemed to be stuffed with a soft stuffing, and was not heavy (no weighted material like some bears have). His muzzle stitching appears to have a slight smile to it. His ears are set rather wide. His clothes were removable. In the photo you can see his approximate size in comparison to my daughter when she was about 3. I would like nothing more than to find the same bear and replace our lost one...although those of us that love teddy bears know you can never replace your own bear. I feel terrible that he got lost when so many other childhood toys did not. Please help me find him if you can. I do not recall a manufacturers name or tag of any sort but that's because it was likely stitched somewhere under where his clothes were.

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Mar 01, 2021
I found this bear
by: Tammy

I found a photo of the same bear online. The photo was taken years ago by professional photographer Ramon Portelli from Malta...he led me to the owner of a B&B in Scotland who owned the bear that he took the photo of when he was in Scotland. Eventually by learning from the woman that the bear was made by Russ and his name was Benjamin Sr. I was able to find a bear online and purchase it and give it to my daughter! It was such a relief to be able to replace her lost teddy bear.

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