Pink Teddy Bear Picture Gallery

Welcome to our pink teddy bear photo gallery, with pink bears submitted from all over the world by readers like yourself. 

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Lady Lilac bear

The History of Pink Bears

Pink bears are fairly common now and I'm sure many of you will have one at home (don't forget to share it with us here). However this was not always the case and you may have noticed that there are not too many antique pink teddies around. 

Pink Chiltern Teddy Bear

The fashion for coloured teddy bears didn't really take off until the 1930's. This was mainly down to the fact that the First World War had resisted the production of traditional bear fabrics and so alternatives had to be found. Later of course, new synthetic materials made colouring plush much easier and easier to look after.

One of the problems with colouring fabric is that over time it can start to fade and indeed many of the early pink bears can look completely bleached with just a tiny hint of colour remaining. 

Teddy bears which were dressed fared better as the clothes protected the main body of the bear. If you come across old pink bears you will notice that most of the colour can still be seen on the body but not the head. This picture of a Chiltern Hugmee bear is a great example of just how much the color can vanish, pink being one of the worst colours to suffer this light fade.

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Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Long Lost Pink Teddy Bear 
I'm looking to find this long lost pink bear plush I had when I was around 3 years old. I'm 22 now. My mother believes we got her from a thrift store. …

Vintage Pink and White Bear with Jingle Bell in Ear Not rated yet
This cutie is a vintage pink and white bear with jingle bell in her left ear. She's in a seated position. I think those are glass eyes, but I'm not sure …

Edward bear 1930s Not rated yet
This is my mother’s bear called Edward, of course! She was born in 1931 and she and Edward were inseparable. They had many adventures together and he …

Pink Teddy Not rated yet
I have a Teddy bear that I've had since 2006, trying to find the brand that he came from so I could have a chance to see what he looked like new. My teddy …

Lady Lilac Bear Not rated yet
I'm not very imaginative with names so I simply named this bear "Lilac". She was given to me by my mum some time ago along with this very posh chair. …

No Name Pink Bear Not rated yet
Pink bear has no name, she is simply pink and soft and ever so slightly shiny and sits in the corner of my bedroom surrounded by hundreds of much more …

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