White Teddy Bears Picture Gallery

White Teddy Bears Picture Gallery 

Welcome to our picture gallery of white bears from all over the world which have been kindly submitted by readers like yourself. 

Help us create the Web's biggest FREE teddy bear resource by submitting your own bear for inclusion. 

1960's white bear
White Steiff Hamish
McKinley Russ Berrie Bear
Issiaha white teddy bear

White bears have been with us for some time. In fact probably the most famous white bear is Rupert the bear who first appeared in 1920 in a story written Mary Tourtel for the Daily Express Newspaper in England. 

Many white bears are of course portraying Polar bears another favourite collecting area for some arctophiles. 

White bears however have not been the traditional colour for teddies, the earliest one I can find other than Rupert bear is a Steiff bear made in 1921 called Louise, who had white shaggy mohair. However since the 1960's and the introduction of synthetic materials and new modern dye techniques white bears have become more common place and indeed my first bear was a white one (she can be seen above in the gallery as 1960's White Bear).

Submit Your White Teddy Bear Picture Here

Please type at least 150 words to go with your submission. The more you can tell us about your bear, why you love him etc the better.


Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

This is my very long loved teddy I 
I got him for the Christmas of 2005/6 for my second Christmas :) He came white (shocking) and as a ‘stuff your own’ teddy I’ve been told. He had a velcro …

Whitish/Grey. Beads in legs/butt/hands rest is stuffing. Brown eyes. Brown nose. Made in China. Cute ribbon.  
Hey guys meet Teddy :) My childhood friend ☺️ She’s been given to me when I was born (2002) or perhaps older but not like 3 years old. Around a year?? …

Night Night Bear 
This is my teddy bear that I got for my 6 month birthday and I still have him. He used to be all fluffy and soft but most of his fur is matted down. The …

Issiaha Lord and Master Of The Bear Universe 
Hi this is my bear Issiaha. A rather unusual name I know but it does have great significance for me and my beliefs, which are not conventional. So …

Hamish Steiff Bear 
I always wanted a Steiff bear and decided that one day I would treat myself and get one. "Hamish" turned out to be that Steiff bear and was my first Steiff …

White Teddy Bear 1960s 
This is my white teddy bear which I have had since I was 2 years old. I am now 45 so this makes this teddy at least 43 years old. I have always had …

Mimi teddy bear Not rated yet
White teddy bear, cone head, wide eyes, black eyes, unknown nose, not a plush, very early 2000s aprx. 2000-2001. Got him for my 1st birthday in 2001, he …

Please help me find my childhood bear! Not rated yet
I got this bear when I was a baby from a teacher at my brothers school. Probably 1996-2000 sometime. I’m pretty sure it had a dark green tag on it that …

Have you seen me?? 2007 Blonde Bear, Brown ribbon and nose Not rated yet
I still have "lamby bear' but have always wanted to know the original brand/listing, and hopefully get one that hasn't been loved so much. Blonde teddy …

I Came Home With My Teddy Bear From Hospital Not rated yet
I believe I got this bear in 1984. I have no idea who made him. I've had him since before I can remember anything. The photo is me, in 1986, holding him. …

Ted the Red Not rated yet
This is my wonderful old teddy that I've had since I was born. He is called Ted the Red ( I don't know why as he's not red?) He certainly has been through …

Nanook the Polar Bear Not rated yet
This is Nanook He's My very first Polar Bear, he was made from a Beautiful white faux fur, He is a 6 Way cotter pin jointed bear , his neck is jointed, …

Icicle and Joni White Bears Not rated yet
I have been making bears for three years now & Icicle is the first polar bear I have made. He is made from a lovely, soft plush, synthetic fur. He stands …

McKinley My Polar Bear Not rated yet
I never really had a teddy bear when I was a child, I don't know why. So I have no early fond memories of playing with a bear or even really seeing one …

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