Teddy Bear Shoes For All Occasions

Looking for teddy bear shoes to fit your own bear?

I have spent quite some time looking for footwear for teddies and i have discovered that there really isn't a large availability. This is probably due to the fact that dressing bears and especially with footwear is not in high demand at the moment. However if you are one of the few who like to completely dress your teddy bear then there seems to be only two options open to you at the moment.  You can either buy them from the bear factory (as long as your bear is made by them or is a similar size and shape), or you can make them yourself.

The Build a Bear Factory

This company has become very successful over the years especially with our younger friends. Kids and adults alike love the idea of being able to create their own bear from scratch, including dressing them and buying accessories for them.

Bears come in a range of sizes but the most popular seems to range from 14" to 18", with 15" being the popular. As such finding teddy bear shoes to fit a bear between 14" and 15" is the easiest and as long as your bear has the same shape feet then shoes from the bear factory should fit.

You can of course buy your shoes direct from the Build A Bear Company icon or you could try and find your teds shoes second hand on ebay. I must admit I quite like second hand buying as I can often pick up a bargain and also find items which may no longer still be available from the company. Here are the current listings for build a bear shoes on ebay.

You can either buy shoes direct from Build a bear or to find shoes no longer available from Ebay. here are some of the current listings.

Types of Footwear Available For Mr Bear

If you are new to dressing your teddy bear you will be amazed as just how many different types of shoe there is to choose from. In fact I'm betting that our teddy bears could easily become better dressed than we are.

There are casual shoes like these trainers for the young at heart bears.

There are glitzy shoes for the fashion conscious bear, like these sparkly shoes.

There are even shoes with a heel for those special occasions. 

These are just a few of the many shoes available from the bear factory and I think you'll agree when i say our bears certainly have a great wardrobe to choose from.

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