Lost Bear

by John
(Smith's Station Alabama)

John and his brown Bear

John and his brown Bear

My father gave me a bear, he died when I was five, and the bear was my most cherished possession. I came home from school when I was about ten and it was gone, my mother had decided I was too old for a Teddy Bear and thrown it in the garbage, which had been picked up. How she could not understand what she had done is beyond me.

I recently got the only picture there is of it, if anyone can identify it so that I can try to find one I would greatly appreciate it, it wouldn't be the same, but it would be something.

All I can tell you about it, is it was brown, and I got it about 1970

Thanks for any help


Oh John what a sad story. Parents eh!
Unfortunately bears from this era are quite hard to identify as there were lots of cheap imports coming in from Asia and many bears simply didn't have a particular makers mark to them.

However I will post on my site and on facebook and fingers crossed that someone out there may be able to help you.

I am lucky I still have my childhood bear but no memories associated with it strangely. I guess I just wasn't that sort of kid sadly.

Good luck with your search, I hope you find him again.

Can anyone out there help John?

Best wishes Kate

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Jan 21, 2025
Not the same, but similar…
by: InternationalBearRescue

Came across a tartan teddy bear recently on eBay (search for Vintage Tartan Bodied Lefray 19 ins Plush Teddy Bear) and thought he might be of interest to you. The maker is Lefray, and judging by the position and nature of the label, I think your lost bear is very likely a Lefray creation too.

Jun 04, 2017
At least
by: Anonymous

Sorry for your loss !
At least you have a photo of him ! Who knows and maybe you find it !

Mar 25, 2015
Lost bear reply
by: Anonymous

I so sorry to hear that. I many not be an expert but your bear looks like my GUND however I believe mine was made sometime after 1980

Jan 19, 2015
Photo Memory
by: Sally

What a wonderful thing to have this photo to cherish! It is beautiful - thank you for sharing it, I hope someone can help. Good Luck!

Dec 27, 2014
Lost Bear help
by: Cari

So sorry to read about John's lost bear! I think he looks a little like a Dakin or Gund. There is a Dakin 1968 Benjy bear for sale on Ebay at the moment....still with original tags. He is not identical, but has a very similar face if that is of any help!
I will keep looking myself too....hope you find him.


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