Blue Teddy Bears Gallery

Welcome to our blue teddy bears photo gallery, with blue bears submitted from all over the world by readers like yourself. 

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Just like many other vintage coloured teddy bears, blue bears of age do seem to suffer quite badly from colour fade. In fact coming across a vintage blue bear in good condition is quite difficult and so good quality ones do command a good price at auction.

Blue Teddy Bear 1940s

This bear has no labels and so it is impossible to attribute him to any particular maker, but he has retained a lot of his original blue colour even if it is a little faded. He sold on EBay for £386 in 2012 and is a good example of a 1940's blue teddy. 

Although Blue bears are more common now there are still not many around of quality. It is more likely that they will be produced for the baby market and so requires to be chewed and played with and so are usually not made using the best quality fabrics. 

If you do have a blue bear which means something to you or perhaps is a little unusual in design we would love it to be added to this teddy bear picture gallery.

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Please type at least 150 words to go with your submission. The more you can tell us about your bear, why you love him etc the better.


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Hello, I have just submitted my blue bear today on the "Identification Page", but after seeing that people are interested in pictures of old blue bears …

This is smokey Not rated yet
Here's a blue ish teddy bear I love a lot he has purple inner ears and bottoms on his foot paws I got him some time ago during a summer charity event 2018 …

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